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    Hi all

    Its late.

    I'm supposed to be sober.

    I must rub away at my tongue so my husband does not see the red.

    i must hush my dog who dosen't know any better.

    I must go to bed.....but i can't

    i must be someone who knows better

    Shit Crickey, i will lose it all

    Why can't i be a person who cares.?

    I have a big problem

    I thought i was okay

    Hey...i/m trying to be poetic...its not working

    Oh well what the HECK! I lkke the work heck

    Love Bella xxxx


    Bella, sweetie STOP drinking now and please go to bed. Don't get to far gone. Stop now!!! I love you.



      "Shit Crickey, i will lose it all "

      Yea, will.

      It does happen.

      Don't let it be to you.



      Love FMS xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."



        Please do the right thing for the sake of your you but, don't f#&^ this one up. Sometimes you don't get another chance and you already have a history of hospitalization. Get it together and BE STRONG!!
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.



          Bella...YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!



            Bella is it worth losing your children over? I don't think so. please stop drinking.



              Hi Sweetheart,

              You need more help than you are getting, obviously. You're NOT OK.

              You just can't do this. It is no longer an option for you.

              Where is your husband for God's sake?

              Call someone and ask for help, preferably your doctor.

              I wish you strength and courage Bella.

              magic xx
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir



                Bella, are you OK?
                What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?



                  Bella, what took place last week with you was beyond serious. I know it is so hard but you HAVE to stop drinking. You are at risk of losing your children and are under a lot of scrutiny. Please have a honest conversation with your husband about how he can help you through this as well. It sounds like he needs to scale back on the drinking as well and maybe you could be a great support system for each other. I know it is so hard to not drink, but ply yourself with supplements, CDs, whatever it takes. You do not want to lose your kids all because of wine. I am praying hard for you and wishing you the best.
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                    No joke, you have to quit. Get Antabuse if necessary, if you drink you'll get so sick from the drug you'll end up in the hospital. It is a last ditch deterrent. Please you have a new baby. I'm not sure what happened last week because I missed it but it must have been bad. You have to do something and get your husband on board with you, or else, your kids are better off without you.
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL




                      I know you are a wonderful mom...

                      but if you don't get it will not be able to be the wonderful mom I know you are...

                      Please sweetie...

                      Do what you need to do to get sober..For yourself...for your child

                      You did it when you were it now...

                      with love,

                      formerly known as bak310



                        All I can add is do it now before it's too late. Your children are not old enough to take care of themselves - this you know - but sometimes you need to take some time taking care of yourself first. If you have to go away for awhile to do this - your children will be better off in the long run, as you will be able to be a much better mommy when you return. My prayers are going out for you right now

                        when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most



                          OK Bella,

                          We are mates now so here have got to go and get some help, not tomorrow but today......make the know that you have to.......

                          Thinking about you......please make the call.....

                          Sun-light x



                            Hi Bella,
                            If I can help in any way please ask but your friends are right seeK professional help and think of the kids and yourself you come across as such a sensitive loving and wonderful soul. If its any help I had to seek counselling after we had our little one and I am the dad apparently post natal depression isnt just a mum thing I went off the rails happy to chat about the feelings that where raging through my brain that I tried to deaden with alcohol. But I sought help and it was so good please do the same it works

                            Love Danny



                              Bella, you see how many people here love you and genuinely care about what happens to you?

                              Now c`mon........did you really bring 2 children into the world to allow the authorities to come along and remove them? Of course you didn` wanted those children and I know you love them dearly. Many childless couples would give their right arm for a new baby.........your Ewan would be perfect for them, only.........they can`t have him, `cos he already has a wonderful mummy.

                              Please, do as magic can`t do this on your own. You`re vulnerable post - pregnancy and you do need outside help.........get yourself that help bella........the kind of help that will allow you to keep your family together and strengthen your morale.

                              Sounds like camper has a good point........if all else fails, please arm yourself with the antabuse a.s.a.p........this may well seem a drastic measure to you bella, but antabuse is anything but drastic when you consider just all you have to lose........the stakes are too high. You have only came under threat of this happening...........please, please, please........act NOW, before it`s too late, `cos rivers of tears would not get you your children back.

                              I love you........I want to help you any way I can.:l

                              Starlight Impress xxx

