Last crisis I had with drinking (early 2005) was when my then fiance (now husband) walked out on me and gave me an ultamatum....get sorted or I go!
I started a...diary of sorts to try and get me to see what damage drinking had done to me. It petered out a bit but certainly made me think hard about what I was doing.
I did 18 months AF until I thought I could handle Mods...which I couldn't!! :upset:
Anyway, since starting anew I dug it out and thought it'd be interesting to share it with you lot.
hovercat/drinky - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Of particular interest (to me anyway) is this affirmation my SO tried to get me to sign- I was too pissed to write my own name. :egad:
I think some of the stuff in there is quite shocking, especially the money I spent and the calories I consumed, and that was just vodka!!
I like to hear your thoughts