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    I have been researching and reading everyone's post on Star's thread. I have been having a HARD time recently with cravings. It seemed odd to me that I went 7 months AF and it really wasn't to hard and all of a sudden I have intense cravings. I thought it was due to stress. The holidays were here and my Mama is dying. BUT, I really think the intense cravings are coming from me taking anti-depressants. I have had a rough time finding one that works. I started thinking, the cravings started with I started taking Prozac. So, back to square one.......I am glad the light came on before I started drinking like I was this time last year.


    It's hard for a lot of people to find the right anti-depressant, although I've never heard of them causing the craving to drink. But keep trying. I take Cymbalta which is relatively new (3 years or so). My thought is the holidays and the what must be horrible stress because of your Mom's illness is causing the craving.

    Over the years I taken just about every anti-depressant there is. Some have been ok, a few were just not for me at all. Unfortunately these drugs seem to be so specific for each person. Keep trying different ones, you WILL find one that works for you.

    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."



      a lot of resarch has been done that people taking prozac ,celexa (which im on ) somehow increases the desire for drinking . and serotonin when its overloaded by ssris increases addictive behavoiur



        That is what I am finding out. i did SO well for a long time. i am calling monday to get off prozac and get on wellbutrin



          You might try SAMe in a baby dose and slowly increase the amount until you feel good. SAMe really works! It can cause stomach upset so take it with food. I have a super delicate stomach or I would be on that stuff.

          St John's Wort did nothing for me.

          Tryptophan is awesome for anxiety, depression, and is considered a treatment for alcoholism! Tryptohan should be taken 5 days on 2 days is awesome.
          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson



            Antidepressants made me drink out of control. I am now taking SAMe in the morning and 5htp at night and I really think they are working.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



              MyHeart and Lushy,

              I am taking SamE in the a.m. and L-Trytophan with dinner. (Melatonin at bedtime.)

              I sleep great, atlho poor Greg is wondering where the "sex" window is now... :H

              I have also just started back on the topa because I am still struggling hugely with the drinking. HUGELY.

              So. Like I've said elsewhere. If I keep buying all these supps and drugs, I simply won't be able to afford to drink...

              Hoping the SamE, Trypto and topa help. I need it big time, guys.


              Oooh, sounding like a downer. Doing okay this week but have had SOOO many binges and I keep "feeling" like one is right around the corner. Yes, I know, Chief, just don't drink the next f@ng drink. I must be one really weak person, because when I want to cave I want to cave in a huge way. Still have a broken window right next to me with tape and stuff on it.... Sorry guys.
              AF April 9, 2016



                Jay, I did say "JMHO." Sorry......
                Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."



                  I know several people (not alcoholics) whose drinking changed dramatically when they started on an SSRI. Because they weren't alcoholics, they decided to stop drinking while taking the medication. It was a good move for them.

                  I always liked to drink, and while I think there were a number of factors that contributed to my drinking getting out of control in 1990, I also started taking prozac in 1990, too. Who knows?? We didn't know about the possible link back then, or if anyone knew, they weren't telling.

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012



                    All I know is I had 7 months AF and when I started Prozac, I fell off the wagon and I have been struggling everyday. Each day is a huge fight with myself and I wasn't feeling this way before. I am weaning myself off of them this next week.



                      Paxil increased my drinking from 'social' (once a weekend - and moderate at that) to full blown alcoholism......



                        ok here is a stupid question . . . .where has everyone gotten these great pics for the upper left hand corner of their posts?

                        very creative . . . .



                          no questions are stupid. go to blue strip at top of page. click on user cp. go to contol panel. got to edit avatar. bang, you're there. I hope. If not others will guide.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

