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Grateful To Be Sober.....

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    Grateful To Be Sober.....

    As I pass my 8th month of sobriety, I had an experience yesterday that made me truly grateful that I have have a new outlook on life and a new way of living.

    I stopped drinking in the Spring, and did so through both MWO and AA. I learned that it wasn't necessarily drinking that was my problem - I had to undergo a fundamental change in the person that I was, and that meant letting go of all the anger, resentments, and problems in my life that I had no control over.

    I grew up heavily involved in sports, and to this day still do a lot of cycling, running and weight lifting. I've always wanted my son to be involved in sports as well, and in the past pushed him to do baseball, soccer, etc. He was been more than willing to try, but especially this year was never really good at catching a baseball, or kicking a soccer ball - but he always gave it his best.

    Now, if this had been several years ago, I'm sure that I would have been resentful that he wasn't trying hard enough or wasn't as good as I thought he should be in sports. This year, I was able to accept that he is the way he is, and I practiced with him when he wanted to and let it go when he didn't. It was at times difficult because he would get frustrated, but I didn't push it as I wanted it to be on his own terms.

    Yesterday, we received a letter from his school saying that he had failed a vision screening test and that we should get his eyes checked.....

    All of a sudden everything clicked as to why he was having trouble catching, batting, kicking , etc. - and I got on my knees and thanked God that I hadn't told him I was disappointed in him for the way he performed, and I know that if I wasn't working my program that I would be drunk now over the shame I felt.

    Thank you to all of my friends that I have on this site - I doubt that I could have done it without you. I would also say that there is a better life out there without alcohol. It's not easy to do, but the rewards are truly incredible.

    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

    Grateful To Be Sober.....

    Well done and thanks for sharing....lovely to hear great storys like this
    Jacqui xxx
    Mwo,s worst speller....


      Grateful To Be Sober.....

      This brings tears to my eyes. I have been wondering where you were. Thanks for sharing.


        Grateful To Be Sober.....

        Great to hear from you AA.

        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          Grateful To Be Sober.....

          hi there... aathlete..awesome job. and i can relate i was the same way with my two boys.and now being AF for 116days I THINK before i act now. but anyway keep it up and thankx for sharing
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            Grateful To Be Sober.....

            So great to hear from you AA. You have been really missed around here. I too am very glad you did not say anything to your son you would have regretted. Congratulations on your eight months. You are 'da man!!!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Grateful To Be Sober.....

              Thank you for that meaningful story, Athlete. It could have been so sad, but now your son will get the help he needs, and you are spared the remorse you would have felt. Well done on your sober time, too. We can all do this.

              :l :l
              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Grateful To Be Sober.....

                What a beautiful story AAthlete. And such a positive message - thank you!
                Congratulations on your 8 months ! :goodjob:
                wonder xx


                  Grateful To Be Sober.....

                  Fantastic post, AAthlete. Thank you.


                    Grateful To Be Sober.....

                    AAthlete, that was absolutely wonderful.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      Grateful To Be Sober.....

             so happy for you. I remember when I first came to MWO and saw you doing so well.........I then never believed that I had it in me to do it too. You were such an inspiration for me..........your strength was infectious.

                      I really think that there`s something in that........that the strength and determination to quit drinking can be infectious........we all learn from each other.........yesterday`s despondent is today`s success.

                      I commend you on your 8 mths and wish you continued success.

                      Starlight Impress x


                        Grateful To Be Sober.....

                        Nice to see you AA!! congratulations on both counts - staying sober, and being a GREAT parent!
                        It always seems impossible until it's done....


                          Grateful To Be Sober.....

                          AA, You are truely an inspiration !!!! Congratulations on 8 months AF !!!

                          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                            Grateful To Be Sober.....

                            AA, buddy glad to hear from you and am so proud of you.



                              Grateful To Be Sober.....


                              Your post is so inspiring, and I love the wonderful example you shared about your son. What an awesome father you are. Your son is one lucky kid! I totally agree with you that in order to maintain sobriety, it takes a lot of soul searching and dealing with the anger and whatever else that has been lying beneath the surface buried and numbed by alcohol. You have my utmost admiration.

                              If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.

