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    Hi all been reading so much the last few days not much time for posting or chat...sorry...
    All the time i read posts that could have been written by me,you love your family hubbys and grandkids as we all do so i thought i would share a conversation I had with a little old lady,i didnt know her very well but she saw me drunk and sad one day out walking the dogs,I said what most post a lot ,im frightened going to loss my grandaughter my hubby my home my job...and in the end my this she replyed "and why does that bother you"...hell cause I love them I said....she tutted like the elderley do and said"my dear child you can not love anybody and fight this demon till you truely love yourself"..ok I said and home I went 4 weeks later I joined mwo and about 4 weeks after that her words come back to me all the rid AL and start living with the ones I love first I had to love myself.
    And I do Im worth more than that all are too
    Love to all
    Jacqui xxx
    Mwo,s worst speller....


    thanks Jacqui. i'm crying. that's beautiful . thank you .:h :l you will help some people who are struggling here today , including me.
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



      Dex I hope sad.. always i dont want to drink because of...or...and....but why not because of ourselfs.........wishing everyone the strengh to be what they want to be...
      Love to all
      Jacqui xxx
      Mwo,s worst speller....



        How true, Jacqui. It sounds like you met a little angel on your walk that day. Keep up the good work.

        :l :l
        AF as of August 5th, 2012



          Hi Beets, I mean Jacqui, thanks for that tonight, I agree you met an angel, a wise, wise angel on your walk. They are all around us.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            LOVE YOURSELF

            Jacqui thanks for sharing that, im crying now too (dex your not the only one).. I think i need to be my own angel and start loving myself


              LOVE YOURSELF

              that is so awesome! I'm telling you.... something is is in the air for miraculous change!
              If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                LOVE YOURSELF

                jacqui - I totally believe what you are saying - it is easier said than done because I think some of us (well can only speak for myself) have spent so much time disliking myself I wonder wow how do I start liking myself let alone the love part? Your also right on another part I am a firm believer in that if we don't get sober for ourselves it will never work - we can do it for other people for only so long then we start to resent those people for not letting us drink - whether its a spouse or a child - sad but true in my case. So it's kind of like a three part process, first start liking yourself, then start loving yourself, then get sober for yourself and not necessarily in that particular order. Then and only then can we be the best, mom,grandmom,wife,husband,son,daughter - that we can possible be - just my opinion anyway.

                Man being sober is sure making my brain work overboard - way too much thinking going on in this brain of mine - take care

                when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                  LOVE YOURSELF

                  Hi Jacqui
                  i believe we have to love and respect ourselves in a health way too.god loves uo and offer non conditional love..thats good enough for me.

                  have a lovely day and keep positive.

                  Regards Cassy


                    LOVE YOURSELF

                    poohbear;273776 wrote: jacqui - I totally believe what you are saying - it is easier said than done because I think some of us (well can only speak for myself) have spent so much time disliking myself I wonder wow how do I start liking myself let alone the love part? Your also right on another part I am a firm believer in that if we don't get sober for ourselves it will never work - we can do it for other people for only so long then we start to resent those people for not letting us drink - whether its a spouse or a child - sad but true in my case. So it's kind of like a three part process, first start liking yourself, then start loving yourself, then get sober for yourself and not necessarily in that particular order. Then and only then can we be the best, mom,grandmom,wife,husband,son,daughter - that we can possible be - just my opinion anyway.

                    Man being sober is sure making my brain work overboard - way too much thinking going on in this brain of mine - take care

                    Pooh...for me to like myself and then to move on I had to go AF...AL loves for you to feel bad about yourself,it makes his work a lot easier....oh and i know its easier said than done believe me my daily battle has me crying screaming and pulling my hair out sometimes...although im happy to say im getting more good days at the moment...Think positive and always see the good in you...dont let him blind you from that...
                    Love to all
                    Jacqui xxx
                    Mwo,s worst speller....


                      LOVE YOURSELF

                      So the root of our problem is we don't love ourselves.....WHY???? Because we have been told we're not worthy? Just an interesting thing to ponder.

                      Was that an elderly lady you bumped into or an angel???

                      Thanks for sharing :h
                      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                      - George Jackson


                        LOVE YOURSELF

                        Jacqui, Pbear,
                        You two been inside my head I swear. This is the very subject that has been going around in me for the past few days. I need to learn to love me for me. And that is a very hard thing for me to do. I have many years of ..negative conditioning....I need to overcome. most of it is very old, childhood based. So why do I let it keep bothering me? That is the $50 question. I should look at what I have, today, and be much happier than I am.
                        Still working on it all!
                        War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                          LOVE YOURSELF

                          So true Jacqui. Oh so very very true. We must love ourselves to overcome this. But which comes first? The problem is always how to we love ourselves while we are drinking? And how do we stop drinking if we don't love ourselves? I think that is always the really hard thing. AL will never let us love ourselves - or at least he tries very hard. That truly does seem to be his nastiest weapon.

                          Great words of wisdom from your elderly angel.
                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                            LOVE YOURSELF

                            thanks for sharing.cant tell you how many times that ha happen to me . and these strangers come out of nowhere. and just start talking its like they know you need help.
                            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                              LOVE YOURSELF

                              What a positive post. And so true. I'm not there yet. I'm still looking for that girl I used to like and respect so much. I haven't found her yet, but I won't give up looking. Thanks for the reminder that we all need to do this. We truly are no good to the ones we love until we do.

                              BHOG - I thought of you and your troubles this week as I read this. I was happy when I kept reading and saw that you found this post. :h

                              Thank you for putting this out there, Jacqui!

                              Love, Me
                              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

