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OH SHIT.....

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    OH SHIT.....

    Thats it no more kisses from me....sent a very important document to a buiness client and through habit signed off Love Jacqui xxx...out of habit as thats how i sign off here....didnt think...or more hoped he wouldnt notice...but he did!!!...and worst still emailed me back and signed off love Tom xxx...OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!! ...I might add this guy is 62 years old fat and wears a wig:upset:
    Time for hubby and wifey talk:H just hope he finds it funny as well....
    Love Jacqui xxx
    Mwo,s worst speller....

    OH SHIT.....

    I have accidently told my ex-husband I love him when hanging up the phone..just habit. SHIT!!! I could have kicked myself.


      OH SHIT.....

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        OH SHIT.....

        hi all..
        I always make spelling mistakes on email despite the fact I can spell..just dont check my typing errors...sent my female boss an email the other day saying "you are so busty instead of busy" thankfully she saw the funny side of it!!!


          OH SHIT.....

          hie jac, thats really funny to me, but might not be to him i believe you know how to handle him better than anyone. be careful ok, and pray next post will be you got your kiss back


            OH SHIT.....

            ha ha ha ha ha........thanks for the laugh jacqui.......hilarious!!!! :H

            Starlight Impress x

            Next time..........pick a 50 yr old "looker"........would you??!!.......... I know.........I like the oldaaaa gentlemen, but 62, fat n baldy was stretching it just a little!!!! LMAO


              OH SHIT.....

     silly woman!!!!! :H :H :H


                OH SHIT.....

                LOL Jacqui!

                We had a new girl added to our team, and our group leader sent out an announcement,

                "Please give a warm welcome to Cunthyia"........ :H

                Tampa, FL


                  OH SHIT.....

                  OMG that is SO funny!!!
                  And Luv - many times I've almost said "Love you" on the phone to just about anybody, even got off the phone not sure if I did or not then worried OMG what they must think!! (like hte 65 yo graphic artist married man I work with).

                  I once got an email I wasn't supposed to get in which I was referred to as a "tree hugging bitch" by an upper-management guy in a big company.
                  FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                    OH SHIT.....

                    Haaa !!! Haaa !!! This puts me in mind of our son that had the same teacher for 3 years straight.. (no he wasn't failing, she just changed grades that she taught) anyhow, he on more than one occasion called her "Mom"... LMAO !!!

                    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                      OH SHIT.....

                      MOW, one time I sent an inappropriate email to the worng embarrassing. I wanted to kick myself.


                        OH SHIT.....

                        Hilarrious! Sounds like something I would do.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          OH SHIT.....

                          Hey Happy, I hope the new employee has a sence of humour! LOL.

                          At least you've been noticed for your efforts to save the environment, MOW. And yes, sometimes we have to get b_ _ _ _ _ y about it. Congratulations on the recognition even if you weren't supposed to know.


                            OH SHIT.....

                            This is so funny!!!!!


                              OH SHIT.....

                              Funny Luv...I have a old man after my body....Lol...
                              I love you more x
                              Love Jacqui xxx
                              Mwo,s worst speller....

