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Cindi please stay with us!!!

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    Cindi please stay with us!!!

    I understand you are having a rough time, but that is what we all are here for. Helping each other through the rough times. Please lean on us!!! Don't stop figting the fight girl! We can do this, one day at a time, even one hour at a time.

    Cindi please stay with us!!!

    Yes, Cindi...don't just disappear on us. We want to help any way we can....and we will worry about you if we don't hear from you.

    Let us know you are o.k....



      Cindi please stay with us!!!

      yes are an important part of this place and have helped me so much...please post and we can help you...i know it is so hard and seems endless...but try to pull yourself up and we can help...we have all been there.. you know i have....praying for you...big hugs and blessings...buckle


        Cindi please stay with us!!!

        Absolutely stay! I know w/absolute certainty that if I left MWO, I would start drinking big time. Remember all the AF days you've had that you wouldn't have had if you hadn't come here. Stop drinking for yourself: not Adrienne, your Mom, your hubby, your friends that are bent out of shape...stop for Cindi. Take whatever you have to take. Go to meetings...even when you're away. Stay! Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Cindi please stay with us!!!

          Yes Db2 ... please stay! For our sakes as well as your own. We appreciate and adore you and oly want to help and listen and whatever, j
          Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


            Cindi please stay with us!!!

            yes .. we are all here for you .. hang in there girl. you can do this
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              Cindi please stay with us!!!

              Cindi i also want you to just getting to know you and think you are great
              Love Jacqui xxx
              Mwo,s worst speller....


                Cindi please stay with us!!!

                DAMNIT CINDI......I cant get you to answer your phone and your havent signed on today. Come home, we need each other!!!!!! Don't leave! We can do this, together....


                  Cindi please stay with us!!!

                  Please, Please understand, guys..

                  First, my cell phone is currently down at my son's house in his car. It is raining and cold. Sorry.

                  Second, NONE OF MY FRIENDS DID OR SAID ANYTHING UNTOWARD OR MEAN, only the very best intentions were given. Only the very best.

                  Third, I have not been drinking.

                  However, I realized yesterday how INCREDIBLY depressed I got from what my mom said and then when my friend said that to me I realized how badly I have been doing this.


                  Very badly.

                  I love all of you so much but I feel like a time bomb ticking. My state of mind is very very poor right now, not even thoughts of drinking, just incredibly depressed.

                  I am sorry but I just thought perhaps if I left for a while and could prove to myself I can maintain sobriety and get some dignity back, perhaps I would be more worthwhile as a friend and a daughter.

                  I know, it seems weird, since MWO is for people like me, but it is also for people who work hard at it and stick it out. I've been doing this for almost a year now and failing pretty miserably.

                  I guess I am just depressed.

                  You know, gotta get thick skin, innards, buck up and just do it.

                  I love you guys. I really do. I just think perhaps I am a bit muddled right now and trying to figure out how to get where I need to be.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Cindi please stay with us!!!

                    I understand depression! I honestly think stopping drinking is part of it. My God, we are losing our best friend, BUT that friend treated us really bad. I really hope you will stay, I love you!!!!!! With all my heart. Stick around, we are in this...good and bad.


                      Cindi please stay with us!!!

                      Awww Cindi Hon, If only I could give you a hug I would... You have such a huge heart... You are so full of wisdom , compassion and sheer appreciation for all of us here. I do hope that you stay so that we can all continue to help on another.. This is going to be a rough road and I know in my heart that this road will be much easier to go down with you holding my hand... Take my hand, feel my hug and know that we all love you so very much... You are going through so much right now, so allow us to take hold of your hand and share your world with you... XXX Hugs to you,

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        Cindi please stay with us!!!

                        Cindi...:l :l :l
                        "Be still and know that I am God"

                        Psalm 46:10


                          Cindi please stay with us!!!

                          You know and I'm sure many have guessed that I am your friend who hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to. I told you that you needed a thick skin and tough innards. I knew that you were about to have to leave town again and that you are under tremendous stress and I only meant it as a way of preparing you and giving you a kick in the butt to make sure you didn't drink on the road. I never meant it to mean you are a failure or that I lack confidence in you. I'm sorry if I worded it in a way that made you made you feel that way. My mistake.

                          I also pm'ed you last night to say that you are not at the bottom yet and still are strong and can pull out of this. I also tried to tell you that Adrienne's condition is probably totally reversible. And I tried to say how much I cared for you. I guess this came out wrong also since it upset you also. I admit that I put the responsibility on you to deal with the drinking problem on the road, but I said for you to call me anytime you felt like drinking, that I was always there for you. I still am.

                          I guess I played the tough love hand too strongly. Remember the love part of it. I didn't mean to hurt you. Everyone here knows how close we are and that I would do anything for you and that still stands.

                          You know you cannot leave this site now and if you leave it because of something stupid that I said, I could not forgive myself. You need your friends here. You may not need me now, but you certainly need the other wonderful friends you have here. And I think an awful lot of them need you also.

                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                            Cindi please stay with us!!!


                            Mags......... :l

                            You are both at the very heart of M.W.O.

                            Starlight Impress xxx


                              Cindi please stay with us!!!

                              Cindi - I am so concerned about you. Please know that we care about you.

                              Mags - that was beautiful. It is obvious that you love Cindi so much.

                              * * I love Determinator * *

