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up all night

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    up all night

    This sucks! two days into af and i can't fall asleep - I need to get up a few hrs and have not slept at all yet. My mind is comming up with all kinds of shit to think about and I wish I had my merlot sorry for venting tom:new:

    up all night

    you up for chat?

    Welcome fellow insomniac am in chat if you have time join me.


      up all night

      Hi Frogger, sorry to hear you are not sleeping, use the time to write your thoughts and feelings in a notebook, your plans, lists, lists and lists???? Well MY lists were so boring I bored myself to sleep in my first few days af. Yes it is hard but so worth it, this will pass, honest!!

      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        up all night

        Welcome Frogger. Your body is going to go through a lot of changes right away. Hang in there. it will get better and easier. Believe it or not, when you begin to sleep without alcohol in your system have a much better experience. You will begin to feel better. It's just going to take a little time.


          up all night

          Good morning Frogger.... even though it was hard to get to sleep, didn't it feel wonderful to wake up without a fog?

          My best advice is to drink water at every opportunity.... it gives your body a chance to start flushing all of the toxins away... some people swear by the sleepy time teas, but I just read at night until I crash.


          Tampa, FL


            up all night

            Hi - Frogger.

            Agree with NHHHL - read, journal, make lists, anyting to get you through the time without stayiung stimulated. No tv or music (unles very low and soothing). I usually read till I crash.
            This too will pass.....


              up all night

              I have terrible insomnia, always have. I feel your pain. Just hang in there!!!! Try Unisom, it helps me.


                up all night

                hi there...frogger...if reading and writing doesnt workout. try sleep aid..advil pm works for me . take two pills i hour before bed time . good luck
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  up all night

                  When I started listening to the CDs, i began to sleep. To the point of having to drag myself up to tee-tee in the middile of the night. And I'm still drinking (unfortunately) but I swear, those CDs knock me out. Once in a while I am up for a bit in the middle of the night but I go back down. Before, when I was up it was over. And I sleep better when I take my supplements.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    up all night

                    to tee-tee

                    LOL.......that just struck me as so funny! Thanks, you made me laugh!
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                      up all night

                      Thanks All for your comments! This is going to quite a jpurney - I wish I knew how my body is going to respond - it has been sleeping with merlot and scotch for twenty some years - now i'm sleeping (I wish I was sleeping) alone. This will be day 3 and I have an awful headache. I did not bring anything home with me to drink tonight so I hope all goes well. Can't stop thinking about it . I took Tuesday off of work! Thats different ! Calling in to work becuse I diddn't drink! LOL I am just soo tired with this headache and thought I would prepare for the worst - just incase I have another sleepless night. oh - I suck at typing , tom


                        up all night


                        this has been my experience. Upon stopping drinking, even cutting down, I have always had (OK, I have tried this alot) a few days of really lousy sleep. Just couldn't fall asleep without alcohol in my system, got sweaty, saw every hour on the clock...bleh

                        After about 4 days, I was able to fall asleep without too much of a problem. After that, sleep became my wonderful friend. Warm and cozy, no issues, and I would wake up feeling wonderful.

                        I hope that is what your path will be. Hang on.

                        formerly known as bak310


                          up all night

                          Well it is now day 4 and lastnight was not so bad. it is crazy to think that 4 days af would be such a big deal but for me it is groundbreaking. I have not sharred this with any outside of this web site - everyone knows that i like my wine but Verry few know just how much!
                          I'm glad I took today off work - I have so much I need to do - waking up sober is like being on vacation - I feel great ( actually hungry) and I am never hungry in the morning.

                          Thanks for being there for me and wish me luck - tom


                            up all night

                            Congratulations on day 4...and yes, it is a big deal......Isn't it wonderful to wake up with a clear head, full of energy, and hungry?????.....Now start checking things off that "to do" list!!!.....By days end I am sure you will have such a feeling of accomplishment!!!
                            sobriety date 11-04-07


                              up all night

                              Yup-in the beginning the body needs to get into a regular rythym. So many nights of alcohol induced sleep (which is really not sleep at all) the body gets into this "shock" mode & needs to learn to fall asleep on its own. Have patience. In the past it took me about 3-4 days before I got a real good nights sleep.
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

