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Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

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    Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

    Just wondering how any of you have fared when trying to quit smoking with the nicorette inhalator or any other brand of inhalator???

    See AFM, thus far (about an hr. and half now lol) I have kept my part of the bargain (almost :H ) and "embraced" my inhalator on this, our joint quit date.

    Am off to a slippery start........had intended to bin any fags I had left when I went to bed last night, only........I kept the single fag I had left for this morning.........just in case, you understand..........LMAO.........I "happily" puffed away on it with my first cuppa.

    But, am still at home and haven`t made my usual mad dash to the shop when out of fags. With my second cuppa of the morning, (the quitting caffeine will have to go onto hold temporarily......I`m no Superwoman lol) I dared to try puffing on the inhalator.

    Well, what an experience the inhalator has been. First off, it has shown me just how strongly addicted I am to the actual physical act of smoking........I was a little annoyed that I did not find a rush of smoke as I inhaled........inhaling from the inhalator is nothing like inhaling from a full-blown`s kinda like "suck it and see" and..........I`m still waiting. lol Wait.........there`s worse to come........when I exhaled, I automatically did so with the force I would use when smoking a was like I was expecting to see the smoke belching from my mouth, which didn`t happen of course.

    So my brain is certainly aware that the inhalator is indeed an inhalator and not a fag. However, whilst I am fully aware it`s not a "real fag", I do think it took the edge off the craving, which the patch just didn`t do for me..........I remain open minded at this early stage.

    I can`t predict how I`ll fare with this as the day progresses. I only know that I really do want to quit smoking, yet I`m not overly confident in my ability to do so. I have to hang tight........I want to beat this filthy habit. For me personally, quitting smoking is going to be 10 times as difficult as I found quitting drinking.........I am the most crabbit person in the entire Universe if out of fags, yet here I sit..........DELIBERATELY out of fags.

    Please, please, please, please,please..........someone tell me that the inhalator is a godsend and that I can indeed get through this day without a cigarette. I affectionately call my fags my "little bit of sanity". Am wondering.........will they lock me up now that I don`t have any??? :H

    Why oh why did I ever think it looked cool to smoke?..........stupid or what???!!!

    Oh well.........on to cuppa no. 3 and another nicotine hit. "Hit"`s more like a slap in the face ha ha ha ha ha

    Hmmmm..........have hint of a sense of humour this morning........perhaps this won`t be too insufferable after all..............

    Starlight Impress x

    P.S.........the inhalator does look rather like a mini tampon applicator........sooooooooo not cool to be sticking in my face in public ha ha ha ha ha

    Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

    WTF???..........seriously.........I just looked for the ashtray to rest my fag in, only it ain`t a ain`t even`s an inhalator for crying out loud. Boy is my brain confused. :H


      Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

      Mwo,s worst speller....


        Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

        Star and AFM both of you can do this!

        Great job for giving quitting a go!

        Tomorrow I will be 7 weeks smoke free!


          Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

          A very amusing yet serious post Star!

          Although I haven't tried the inhalers, I was shown them when I first went to see the Nurse at my local GP's when I first decided to try giving up, around the same time as yourself I believe.
          I somehow couldn't see myself sticking one of those things in my gob, not because as you suggested they look like mini tampon applicators, that doesn't bother me!!! I feel I would have the inclination to keep blowing into the damn thing under the illusion it was a kazoo.
          I'd probably get so frustrated at not being able to get a tune out of it, me being a musician and all, that I'd probably smash the damn thing into a million little pieces (pun intended ha ha!!!). I've only myself decided to start up on the patches again tomorrow or rather tonight and I'm intending to use lollipops during the day and copious amounts of will power which is the only thing I think that is going to do the trick. I found stopping drinking easy but I know it was my thinking that had to be changed in order for me to stay stopped although I'm not so sure the same can be said with nicotine as I believe it a lot harder to quit smoking than it is drinking, for me anyway. I smoke rollies as well so I get enjoyment out of rolling as well and that is deep rooted as I used to smoke cannabis quite a lot and the rolling experience was all a part of it. We used to even have competitions at rolling the perfect joint and marks awarded etc. So I have a big mental barrier to overcome as well as far as this goes.

          Anyway hun may I suggest you rid yourself of ashtrays and lighters etc. I'd hate to hear of you lighting up the damn thing and smoking plastic fumes,!! although they'd probably do you less harm in the long run!!!! I have faith in you that you'll do this just have a little more in yourself and you'll beat this thing.

          I've joined Myspace recently and you wouldn't believe the amount of non-smokers there are. I do think we smokers are a minority, in fact I feel completely like a leper TBH which is why I decided to have another go.

          Best of luck star and keep us informed how you're getting on.

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

            Wow, I didn't even know they had inhalers!!! Maybe this in the UK only? I'd like to try this. Goes with the inhaler I already use for COPD/emphysema, well the very beginnings of it. But I'm on day 15 AF and don't want to stop smoking at the same time......too much for the poor bod and brain.
            Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


              Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

              I've heard of inhalers in the US as well. Google it, I'm sure you'll find info.


                Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

                Hi Star, I laughed out loud with you on this one. Yes I have tried the inhaler, no good for me but I do know three people who have stopped using this, they walk about with them hanging out of their mouths but they have not smoked a ciggie - Mine got all chewed at the inhaler end (hmm). Wishing you all the best with it, be sure to let us know how you get on. It really is a dirty smelly habit eh, maybe you will inspire me?

                Lorna minging breath - xxx
                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

                  You can do it, Star.....

                  The inhalator is a Godsend, and yes, you CAN get through today without a cigarette..

                  Stay strong and determined....make it your own personal challenge to not smoke today...

                  You can do it, Star...we're all rooting for you!!



                    Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

                    Oh Chief, you are just so.....................Chief
                    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                      Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

                      (((Star))) With my addictive personality I am soooo glad I don't smoke. Babe you can do it!!!!! I am rooting for ya!!!!:yougo:


                        Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

                        Hey Star-

                        I can not attest to the inhaler. However, I will tell you that Chantix medication (think the name may be a little different where you live) worked for me. Within a couple of days, when I smoked, I just didn't enjoy it!! (how weird is that). I kept trying to smoke, because I thought I wanted to, but it just didn't cut it, so to speak. You stay on the meds for a couple of months, and by then the "habit" of it is basically broken.

                        Just my two cents. Also, when I first quit, I cut plastic straws into cigarette size units and would "smoke" through them. It really helped me. So did very deep breaths.

                        Rooting for both of you!!!!

                        With love,

                        formerly known as bak310


                          Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

                          Oh, I might have to try this. I only smoke outside, not allowed in the house, so I might feel funny smoking a straw out there. But it's worth a shot.
                          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                            Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

                            Hey ya Starlight! I hope you are fairing well.... !

                            I have a friend who is using the nicorette inhaler and she was a heavy smoker - super heavy. She said she get's quite the rush from it.... Not sure how long she has not smoked for now tho... but it has been a while.

                            Me - well this morning, WTF! Got up and I was 'about' to have one of my hubby's cigarettes, but refrained. Especially since I enjoy it more than ever with my first cup of coffee.

                            I have managed to chew almost a whole sleeve of nicorette gum pieces (12) since 4:30am and it is now noon - my time.

                            It will be worth the struggle.... hang in there!!!! It is one of the most difficult things to quit.


                              Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

                              Thanks everyone for supporting struggling, would you believe?, and not quite doing as well as I would like, BUT!!!!, I am still trying and that has to be what counts and what will get me there in the end, right ?

                              AFM..........I have to hold myself "accountable" to have a fighting chance of success in this :H , so..........time for an update.

                              First though, I would like to recap, `cos you`re undoubtedly faring better than I am thus far, although I don`t consider this is any easier for you than it is for myself. You successfully quit in the recent past, I believe???..........did you use the gum to help you quit then and how long did you manage to stay quit??? For some reason, the gum doesn`t appeal to me, probably `cos I imagine it tastes appalling.........dunno??

                              Lucy, chantix is available here, but not an option for me, as doc refused to prescribe it for me as it supposedly exacerbates anxiety and depression, from which I suffer.

                              It is now 11.20 pm here, by which time I would normally have smoked about 15/16 fags.......I smoke 20 a day. So far today, I have smoked 4 aim is to smoke no more than a further 1-2 before bed, which means I will have had 5-6 fags today........not good, but certainly a far cry from smoking my usual 20, so I consider today a success.

                              The thing is.........if I could manage through today on 5-6 fags, this assures me that I do have the required strength to quit and I am simply not trying hard enough. Like........I have only used the inhalator twice cartridge is equivalent to about 20 mins of smoking and I`ve only used half a cartridge, so I need to find the strength to turn to the inhalator every time I feel the urge, rather than choosing to ignore it and allow myself "rationed" fags.

                              Am sorry this post is something of an epic (lol), but I think it important for me to log my progress and hopefully this will help others who also want to quit. Anyone else care to join us???....................................didn`t think so!!!!! LMAO

                              Basically, what I`ve learned today is that I seriously do need to try all the harder. The fact that I have managed to drastically cut down on the fags today tells me that I CAN DO THIS and I will, but only if I am prepared to put in more of a determined effort. I do think tomorrow will be even better. I am not disappointed in myself.........I wholeheartedly want to quit and am confident I shall achieve that goal provided I persevere.

                              All further tips greatly appreciated..........

                              Starlight Impress xxx

