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Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

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    Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

    I think you are doing really great! I will check in a bit later as I am about to leave work - it is almost 3:30pm here.

    The gum is pretty good. They have the 4mg fruit flavoured one that comes with a refreshing coating and I really like it. I have chewed 15 today - which for me is REALLY bad.

    I have had 'quits' if you want to call them that in the past where my longest was probably around the 4 month mark. When I drink I smoke. I am not drinking, so I am hoping to stick to this.

    My appetite is ferocious too............ another downfall from not smoking. ACK!

    Hang in there. You are doing so well!


      Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

      My oldest son went through Hypnosiss. Seems to be doing good. Give it a shot....IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

        I had been smoking occasionally, but the amount was creeping up alarmingly recently, back to 3/4 pack a day. Ugh! I stopped when Lent began, and I haven't had one since. I am using the Commit lozenges. I usually use about 9/day. When I use these up, I am going to start on the 21 mg. patch, and use a lot of sugar-free candy. That has been what has worked in the past. Even with the lozenges, the first 5 days were hard, but it better now.

        I am wishing you both the best, and Ihope you will wish me the same.

        :l :l
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

          Thanks Kathy and the best of luck to yourself. Yes, am also trying to lose weight, so usng sugar free gum to help me.........another scary thing is that I really enjoyed my dinner tonight, probably because I`ve smoked less today, so could taste my food weight can`t afford for me to suddenly become a food lover. :H

          Starlight Impress xxx


            Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

            Hi Star
            I have some good news! I stopped 3 years ago using the inhaler.
            Previously I had tried patches and gum neither of which worked
            for me. I was mainly a morning and evening smoker my job
            preventing me from smoking during the day, though like many
            people my consumption increased whilst drinking!
            It did take me 7 months altogether to give up the inhaler
            completely - think it became a security blanket! LOL
            BUT it worked for me! Give them a go you might find
            they are the right thing for you. Different things work
            for different people. I hope these work for you!
            Good luck Pan


              Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

              Checking in with you Star and seeing how you are fairing today? Me, I awoke with a massive headache - lack of chemicals! :H

              I am going to be conscience of how many gums I chew today. My face was on fire from nicotine over load when I left work yesterday. Pounded the water - felt better.

              I find the first day the hardest.

              Hope you are hanging in there! Even if you manage to cut back and wean yourself off - it is helping your body and mind tremendously!


                Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

                F*** it, AFM.........shit is getting to me........"victim" of teenage tantrum tonight, so am STURRRRRRRESSED!!!!!!!! Smoked 6 yesterday and hoped to stick at 6 max today too, but is only 9.15 pm, so daresay I will succumb to another couple. Oh the joys of motherhood........NOT!!!!!! Sorry, can`t muster a laughing smiley tonight.

                Glad to hear you are doing so delighted for you.

                Starlight Impress x


                  Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

                  Starlight, you are doing great. I have a wicked headache and feeling flushed.

                  You just hang in there. Do what you can. This is pretty tough.

                  Teenagers are enough to drive one mental.


                    Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

                    I quit with laser therapy. My last day of smoking was on September 19th. I don't know if it was 100% due to the laser but it definitely helped. I shelled out $350 for it and I was ready to NOT smell smoke in my house and on my clothes and hair. The thing that kept me from relapsing was the education I got at the laser center. There is some phenomenon where if you have smoked, then stop, and then start again, your risk of getting cancer goes way up. Plus, you get to an age where you're like "i know better" and it just makes more sense to stop.


                      Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

                      Hi 1234,
                      I do seem to recall that there was a big furore here several yrs. back when laser therapy became popular for quitting smoking........I had forgotten all about laser until I read your post. Can you please tell us a little more of what it actually entails and do you know anyone else who has enjoyed similar success with this method. I sooooooooooooooo stink and so does my home..........revolting!!!!

                      Am really trying here, but I don`t feel as if I am actually getting any nicotine out of the`s doing very little, if anything, for me.

                      Starlight Impress x


                        Nicorette inhalator for quitting did you fare with it?

               long since you last smoked?

