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Feel in danger of slipping

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    Feel in danger of slipping

    I know, I know, I gave it up for Lent at least...

    But I can tell I'm 'talking' myself into slipping. I know I can get away with it.

    Please I need strength today! I don't know what to do. Like how big of a deal is it, really?


    Listen, I KNOW how big of a deal it is. But I've had this f'ing headache for like a week. I so want to go get a 12 pack of Mike's Lemonade right now.

    I'm not doing anything right this second. Someone talk me out of it. Right? Or isn't it a big deal? :upset:
    Windsor, CT

    Feel in danger of slipping

    Hi Laura, I'm sure you already know drinking will make your headache even worse. Please distract yourself, don't glorify the idea of drinking because it is a lie. The headache, the guilt, beating yourself up after --- all are not worth it at all. Not at all. Wishing you strength ... take good care .... you will feel better if you overcome this urge for sure! j
    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


      Feel in danger of slipping


      Don't do it!!!! Hold on! I'm in CT too, and would have hit hte hard lemonade a few weeks ago too. You will only regret it tomorrow, I promise. And this craving WILL pass. Eat and/ or drink something, take extra kudzu and l glut RIGHT NOW if you have it, and keep posting!!!!!!!!!!!!! Physical cravings pass in 10 minutes. RIDE IT OUT!!!!

      Can you make a plan to do something esle today to take your mind off it? Or just stay here!!!

      Hang in there LauraAnn - we are here for you :l

      Wonder xx


        Feel in danger of slipping

        Thanks for the replies. Still holding on so far. Taking one minute at a time. :upset:
        Windsor, CT


          Feel in danger of slipping

          As far as it being a "big deal" - it is. The voice in your head that's telling you it's not, is the voice that's trying to con you into taking a drink. Don't buy into those lies. Could you "get away" with drinking today? Sure. But the big deal is that you made this commitment to yourself, and letting AL destroy that commitment feels horrible.

          The fact that you came here to get support and fight back is HUGE!!!!!!!
          So, on behalf of LauraAnn, I say:



          :moon: :moon: :moon:

          Stay close!
          Love, wonder xx


            Feel in danger of slipping

            Yes, it is a big deal....

            Don't allow The Beast to take control of your thoughts. Say NO to him right now. Drinking is not an option, so don't allow The Beast to say that it is. All he wants to do is get you to think that taking a drink is an option....he just wants you to think maybe you COULD take a drink....

            Stop right now and take back the power. YOU are in charge of what happens next. YOU, not The Beast. If you drink it will solve nothing. It will only add to your problems. Stay strong and focused. You can do this.....stop with the self doubt. You CAN do ARE doing this.

            Promise yourself you won't drink today. You will feel so much better tomorrow knowing you have succeeded. The days just add up, don't allow The Beast to trick you...

            You are doing this...



              Feel in danger of slipping

              hi there..lauraann. you really dont want to drink do you . so keep yourself busy .drink coffee,lots of water and enjoy the day. stay close ..good luck. you are not alone..
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                Feel in danger of slipping

                HANG IN THERE! You are stronger than AL! He is a creepy dirty little guy, one that you don't need!
                You have many days AF, you can have many more! Can you go out for a walk? or read a good book...or even read some of the older posts on here?
                Stay Strong!
                War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                  Feel in danger of slipping

                  I don't have any sage words of advice just encouragement. I KNOW how hard it is to just say NO to this damndable thing called alcohol. Once you get it into your mind its sooooooo very hard to get out. Like others have said take the idea of drinking out of your mind, put it in a box and bury it in your backyard. Now put this idea into your mind, I am better than this, I don't need this, I will FEEL much better if I don't do this, I will not have a hangover, I will not feel bad the next day, I will not feel remorseful, you know whatever you need to put in there that will convince you that drinking is simply NOT an option right now, but most of all put into your mind that you are worth your sobriety. Now take that idea and wrap a great big bow of your favorite color around it and then go about your day. You will be fine just need to get over this particular hump. Good luck and please let us know how it went for you - good or bad we are here either way


                  when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                    Feel in danger of slipping

                    How you doing, Laura?....

                    Hope you are doing o.k......just thinking about you...



                      Feel in danger of slipping

                      Jeesh, I wish AL would just shut the hell up in our heads! Give it a rest jerk. We're on to you!!!!

                      LauraAnn, you're probably going to have to minute by minute this for a little while. Then you can 5 minute it, 10 minute it, etc. Don't listen to AL yapping at you in your head. He only wants to hurt you. You will feel so guilty tomorrow. Don't let him succeed!
                      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                        Feel in danger of slipping

                        Thank you guys sooo much!

                        I'm OK! I can honestly HONESTLY say that. I went out, did some grocery shopping, looked in my wallet and got a large coffee at D'n Donuts instead. Then went shoe shopping, which I can't stand but was in dire need of doing.

                        I resisted. I feel much better. This was a very close call, and it scared me. :l Thank you all. I have tears in my eyes and I don't know why. It was a very tough time awhile there.

                        Going back to my large hazelnut coffee...

                        Thank you all so very much.
                        Windsor, CT


                          Feel in danger of slipping

                          Well done, Laura...

                          Keep your guard up and stay strong. You don't really want to was The Beast trying to trick you, and you beat him!!!!

                          Good job....



                            Feel in danger of slipping

                            Take deep breaths, drink something else with a little sugar in it, bleach your teeth (yes those trays in your mouth jeep you from drinking, LOL!).....hang in there!
                            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                            - George Jackson


                              Feel in danger of slipping

                              I'm proud of you, Laura! :yougo:

                              That was a great FIRE DRILL....
                              You know how to beat this motherf-er the next time:b&d:.... we can help if we need to,:groupluv: but YOU are the one that stayed away from alcohol. Awesome accomplishment.

                              Much love,:huggy:

                              Tampa, FL

