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Why my way out is AF

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    Why my way out is AF

    Hi all, this is mostly personal journaling I want to document so I don't expect a response. I also don't mean to put down anyone that intends to mod...if I could mod I'd be doing that right now.

    I'll try to be brief.

    I've always had a tendency to overdrink since my first drunk episode at age 10. Many folks here fall into the category of 'problem drinker' etc. I am only in my 30's but have had abdominal swelling/pain, multiple-day blackouts, said horrid things to loved ones etc. So I think I'm more in the category of "over achiever super Olympic-class power drinker". I expect to see that term in AMA literatures soon. LOL

    I struggled for so long to mod because I didn't know why it was out of my grasp. it was like chasing a hat down the street and accidentally kicking it further away just as you reached down for it. I knew I was killing myself but my left-brain super logical hard head had to know "why" and now I'm sure that is has to do with an article RJ posted here some time ago about a "hyper memory" disorder that our middle (primitive brain) can suffer from. that same middle brain that kept us alive during the time of dinosaurs is having trouble keeping up with todays stimulants. This part of my brain gets the endorphin kick from alcohol and then wants to repeat the function regardless of the consequences. Like an overeater in that regard. I become withdrawn, quiet, depressed and only interested in repeating that primitive function. I'ts as though my middle brain has a short circuit that places alcohol above other survival mechanisms and it totally takes over.
    I don't know if this is curable or not.
    I do know that I'm mostly happy being AF (nothing is perfect) and that when I drink I'm like a car driving too fast....maybe I'll make it and maybe I won't. A big gamble every time. I have decided to steer my life with my frontal-cortex and disallow myself to be hijacked by a defective portion of my middle brain. Therefore I am a non-drinker. It is very relaxing now to having climbed to the top of this enigma in my life and just get on without the constant anticipation and thought of this toxic alkaloid. Just thinking about it has taxed my mental serenity for decades. I must continue to think about it, just in a different way.

    that's it in a nutshell. Hi, I'm Determinator and I don't drink.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Why my way out is AF


    * * I love Determinator * *


      Why my way out is AF

      You're Determinator and you are One BRAVE man! I only know part of the struggle you have gone through recently, i wish you strength and good luck!
      Be Strong and post often!
      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


        Why my way out is AF

        I will BHOG!

        I was remiss in giving thanks where it's due. all of MWO as a collective consciousness is to be thanked for helping to save my life. Thank you my friends.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Why my way out is AF

          Sounds like you are getting good at thinking about your thinking....

          I think you're right on the money, Det. We have to understand that we are different from "normal" people. We must accept the fact that we can't take that first drink.....we just can't. Our body and mind do not accept and process alcohol the same way social drinkers do, so the only way to stay out of trouble is to never take that first drink. If we don't have 1, we can't have 20....

          The only way to beat The Beast is to never get into the ring with him.....took me a long time to really accept that....

          Wish you continued success, Mr. Determinator...



            Why my way out is AF

            Great insight Det! I know you will do this.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Why my way out is AF

              Congratulations Det, for finding the place where you know you need to be.
              And thanks for posting this, giving us all food for thought.
              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                Why my way out is AF

                I'm happy for you Det that you have found an answer for yourself to the mods or abs question. You sound great!


                  Why my way out is AF

                  Good for you

                  Good for you Determinator.

                  I think I remember reading somewhere that moderation is the nirvana for alcholics. We keep believing it's possible. It seems to me that for most it doesnt work unless it is aided by drugs like topamax or naltrexone. It does seem possible to reduce harm, to rein it in somewhat but as you say, with such unpredictable results.

                  I also remember reading in How To Quit Drinking without AA about a theory that alcoholics metabolize alcohol differently, so there is a stronger sedative effect than in other people. I those of us who have anxiety are probably strongly attracted to this effect.

                  I think alcohol is really glorified in society and that also makes it hard to give up, despite the horrible results. Everyone wants to feel "normal" or part of the crowd, even as we get older.

                  I hope this AF focus works for you and you accept not drinking. I think that is what most of us should be doing, if we can achieve it.

                  Take care!


                    Why my way out is AF

                    Right on Det! Wishing you continued strength and success!! j
                    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                      Why my way out is AF

                      Det, thanks for sharing.

                      Congrats on your decision to abstain. I am right along with you, friend.


                        Why my way out is AF

                        D - good for you. I love the analogy of the "car driving too fast". Boy that is so true.

                        Best of luck. Stay the course.

                        Love, Me
                        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                          Why my way out is AF

                          Ahh, that was a good read. And it sure does makes sense!
                          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                            Why my way out is AF

                            Hi D, My name is MDBiker, Bear, . . . Hell neither one of those is my name!!

                            At any rate, I'm on this AF train with you brother, and I have to say I have had many excursions into mods with the same results as you. I had my first drink (I remember) at 5, and I thought for something that tasted so bad it sure was fun. It took me almost 50 more years to put the cork back into the bottle, but I am sure glad I was finally able to do that. I bet you remember the last time you were drunk don't you. I hear if you can't remember your last drunk you haven't had it yet. I say lets never forget.

                            I am proud of you for what you have done and what you have analyzed about us all.

                            Luv ya,
                            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                              Why my way out is AF

                              I'm soooooooo very proud of you.
                              :goodjob: You and Mrs. D inspire me.
                              :h Nancy "Belle"
                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10

