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Over a major hurdle . . . with a new sense of mental clarity

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    Over a major hurdle . . . with a new sense of mental clarity

    As I'm writing this I'm happy to report that I've just beat my previous record of AF days; I have now been AF for 19 days. In the past 11 years, my 3 best strings of AF days consisted of 16, 17 and 18 days, so naturally as I was logging on the days this time, I was experiencing some anxiety that it would all come to a crash. Since it didn't, I feel as if I've crossed a serious divide and certainly have more confidence that I can keep this up!

    One reason I wanted to write this post is because some of the best inspiration I've taken from this site has been the positive stories people have recounted about the noticeable health effects of going AF. Although it's only been 19 days, I would like to point out that:

    - I sleep like a baby
    - My mind is very clear (eg, I can read things fast and accurately, and actually remember what I've read)
    - My appetite has improved
    - I've lost weight
    - I feel calm and relaxed all the time
    - My short term memory has vastly improved
    - I feel a renewed sense of self esteem for taking control of my life

    The key thing to bear in mind is, all this has occurred in less than 3 weeks AF after 14 years of abuse! A stern reminder that our bodies have incredible capacities to repair after the hell we put them through!

    Over a major hurdle . . . with a new sense of mental clarity

    I am so happy for you! It's such a great feeling when everything "clicks", isn't it? Congrats on your 19 days. You sound like you are in a great place.

    Stay positive and focused! You are an inspiration.

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      Over a major hurdle . . . with a new sense of mental clarity

      Hold onto this feeling, record it, capture the moment for if the urge strikes later. It can be part of your armour.

      :goodjob: on your 19 days.
      Enough is enough


        Over a major hurdle . . . with a new sense of mental clarity

        Great post and thanks for the inspiration!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Over a major hurdle . . . with a new sense of mental clarity

          Hey 5th!

          Well done - certainly about three weeks AF I too was beginning to see the many benefits of being AF.

          The further you go down the AF path - the easier it gets - and the better it feels.

          Now is the time to reinforce the NEW life - start looking for new things to do to change your routines.
          Chose to spend some of the money you are saving by not drinking on some other, healthy, enjoyable (new?) activity.

          I am having a great time doing all the things I couldn't easily do because I was either drinking or hungover for much of the last 20 plus years.

          Take care

          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            Over a major hurdle . . . with a new sense of mental clarity

            5thaday, I'm a day behind you and also feeling so much much clearer and calmer. Keep blazing the trail! :thumbs:


              Over a major hurdle . . . with a new sense of mental clarity

              5th.........well done. I wish you continued success.

              Starlight Impress x


                Over a major hurdle . . . with a new sense of mental clarity

                Thanks 5th, you sound great. Write down how you are feeling as it is good to look back on it at times when we are feeling weak. I personally wish I could 'bottle' the feeling of waking up feeling a gurgle of happiness (a gurgle ??) well that is how I describe it lol. You are inspiring.

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

