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i'm such a loser...

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    i'm such a loser...

    Hi guys,

    I was doing so well, i had nearly two month AF, and then....
    It was like oh my god i can do this stage. So i would have the odd beer, ( not wine that would be going back) then the odd wine. I would drive past a bottle shop and every part of my being had to control the urge to just drive in and get a wine.
    I spoke to my councillor about it, he said it takes a long long time to get over an addiction. That i should not have the urge to go to bottle shop, i should keep strong......
    But i am not strong and tonight i had a couple of wines. I dont understand why i cant do this.....
    I am a loser .

    sorry for the negativity

    Choice xxx

    i'm such a loser...


    "I spoke to my councillor about it, he said it takes a long long time to get over an addiction. That i should not have the urge to go to bottle shop, i should keep strong......
    But i am not strong and tonight i had a couple of wines. I dont understand why i cant do this....."

    Hmmm, your counselor said IT TAKES A LONG LONG TIME to get over an addiction.

    You should keep trying... You are not a loser!!

    Just don't let one slip derail you. Okay? Get right back on the horse. Right now!!

    (Otherwise, give up and you do lose...)

    AF April 9, 2016


      i'm such a loser...

      don,t give up it happenes to us all some time are later
      just get back on the wagen
      there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


        i'm such a loser...

        Hi choice..........first are not a loser. However, if you tell yourself you`re a loser.........that`s just what you`ll be..........negative thoughts produce negative actions.

        I thoroughly disagree with your counsellor..........we`re addicted to alcohol, therefore it`s only natural that we`ll have "the urge", and must remain strong............ about resisting that urge, that`s "all".

        If you find you can stop after a couple of drinks now that you`ve got almost 2 mths AF under your belt.........great. But if you find it`s creeping up on you and you`re beginning to slip back into your former drinking pattern, then perhaps mods just isn`t for you.

        You can indeed do`ve been doing it for almost 2 mths.........keep thinking positively and you`ll find your strength once more.

        Starlight Impress x


          i'm such a loser...

          You are no loser.....its hard to stop. But, keep going and you will get there....Never give up. Bella xxx


            i'm such a loser...

            The Hell if you are a looser - You are my Hero for the two months - that was awsome - so you had a day off - you will get right back - don't be hard on yourself - be proud!!!!! you are a winner! tom


              i'm such a loser...

              YOU ARE NOT A LOSER!

              You will get back on the wagon now, you Winner you! ((hugs))
              Windsor, CT


                i'm such a loser...

                you are not a can do it . just keep on trying .do your best thats all it takes . good luck .and keep on posting
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  i'm such a loser...

                  No One on this site is a loser...we may slip but we bounce back and you will too......
                  Love Jacqui xxx
                  Mwo,s worst speller....


                    i'm such a loser...

                    You are NOT a loser!!! It is HARD and does take a lot of time to overcome addiction. Especially when it is so readily available!! How easy is it for us to pull into a liquor store on our way home from wherever - passing about 30 of them?

                    You can do this. You just have to keep on trying. Keep telling yourself you are worth it!


                      i'm such a loser...


                      You are NOT a loser choice, this is one of the hardest things to overcome....................

                      on here is a loser either, we all have to keep trying...........I just gave up trying to drink moderately, I hope that when the temptation comes up I can make it, BUT I know if I don't, you will all be here to support me!!!!

                      That is what is sooooooooo cool about MWO!!!

                      You are loved here, we all care about you here!!:h :l

                      Love and hugs!!:l

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        i'm such a loser...

                        Choice ~ so sorry you are having such a bad day. If someone else on this site admitted a slip would you call them a loser? I doubt it, so why do you think your one? You know you aren't and thats that!

                        Remember, how good it felt being sober? Take some motivation from that. Get back on the wagon and learn to enjoy the ride.

                        The good thing is you've learned that perhaps mods isn't for you. It's better than being obsessed with thinking "I wonder if I can have a drink". Well, now you know. You didn't do anything wrong. You've just been through another stage of recovery. You are doing great, hun. Pat yourself on the back!

                        You know the routine and you know what you need to do. Good luck!

                        Love, Me
                        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                          i'm such a loser...

                          Let me see if I got this correct. You used to drink a lot, then you went almost two months AF; then you ahd a couple of glasses of wine? Loser? HELL NO! Look at what you accomplished! And you will accomplish more! Because now you know how it feels to be AF!
                          YOU are NOT a LOSER! No Way!
                          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                            i'm such a loser...

                            Firstly, if you, after an amazing stretch of TWO MONTHS, and then a few glasses of wine are a loser, then I, after trying to get AF since Jan 1, 08 and not accomplishing more than two day stretches at a time, am the queen of ALL losers! (yes, you may bow to me gifts only, please )

                            Seriously though, you should be so proud of yourself for what you accomplished. DON'T focus on the negative....get right back on track. you CAN do this.
                            Keep posting...reading...and never give up.

                            much love and hugs,
                            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

