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tough decision

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    tough decision

    know in my heart

    I know in my heart, even though I am having the day from HE*L tonight, nor today I will NOT is good knowing that, thanks for the votes of confidence.............everyone!!!:thanks:

    I will NEVER take this site for granted, you guys basically saved my life this week!!:lilangel:

    MA:h :l
    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      tough decision

      Cowgal, I'm here in PA rooting for you! Once a Pennsylvanian, always a Pennsylvanian!
      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


        tough decision


        You keep up the good work too Noelle, we WILL get through these rough spots, here w/ any time, hopefully I am here, still crying over anything and just now learned that a laptop computer supplied for one of my pulmonary function machines (which I didn't lock up last time I put it back........DUH!!)uch: :damn: has disappeared!!

        Now I am BAWLING...............:upset:

        BUT I WILL NOT DRINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          tough decision

          MA, I was bawling almost all day. I think, no, I know it let out a lot of held in emotions. So maybe you'll feel better afterwards like I do? I sure hope so! :***
          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


            tough decision


            I feel a little better today............very sore, but lifted weights at the gym and slept fitfully.........after only 3 days I cannot expect to feel great, right!?

            I hope today is a better day for both of us!!!

            Not crying yet anyway!!!!

            love you, fellow PA person!!


            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              tough decision

              MA, I feel a LOT better today and I'm glad you are feeling better too. Let's remind ourselves to cry and know that it's for the best. Stuffing feelings is obviously not a good thing!

              :h: from PA
              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                tough decision


                I guess it is good I can come on here and touch base w/ someone at just about any time of the day ................THANKS RJ!!!!:thanks: An everyone, you too Noelle!! Love to PA!

                MA:h :h
                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  tough decision

                  You are doing so GREAT cowgal!!!!! Way to go on your 3 days! You will start to feel better soon!


                    tough decision

                    feel good about it

                    This time I feel good about staying AF, never tried REALLY w/ MWO AND AA, it was either one (MWO trying to mod) or the other, AA trying to not drink, hanging onto dear life the entire time!!

                    I hope (and vaguely remember what it feels like)to feel good again soon..........the knee doesn't help, but I think Al made it worse, it causes inflammation (I read somewhere), so it should start feeling better soon too...........

                    Thanks for all the support, keep it coming, I love it, it REALLY helps!!:welcome:

                    MA:h :l
                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      tough decision

                      Cheering you on MA! It does get better, and yes excercise helps (even if it does hurt the morning after...but it hurts less than a hangover!)
                      Have a GREAT Thursday! and an AF night!
                      Stay Strong!
                      War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                        tough decision

                        CG, crying is part of the recovery, wash away the toxins within. its okay, let it flow out. i don't cry anymore. don't miss the swollen eyes. i would break over little things, now i only cry over funny shit.



                          tough decision

                          thanks again

                          I haven't cried too much today, and feel a little better...........thanks BHOG and ripple!! It is good to hear, I faintly remember how good it feels to be af for a while, looking forward to it though!!

                          I actually just did the eliptical here at work for 20 min. then pigged out on some pizza w/ my nice friendly co-workers (who were jerks,and made me cry yesterday!!?? Must have been the moon or eclipse!?)

                          lots of love,:h :h

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            tough decision

                            Great to hear you`re still going strong cowgal. Proud of you.

                            Starlight Impress xxx


                              tough decision

                              I'm so proud of you MA! :h
                              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                                tough decision

                                day 5

                                But "who's counting"!!?? :H I feel GREAT this morning, dragged a little getting out of bed, but once out and having my green tea and breakfast, BOY am I thrilled to have 4 days under my belt, KNOWING that today will be a successful day 5!! YAY!!:yay:

                                I appreciate you all's support (a little southern there for ya!!) HUH, and I am a yankee!

                                I really appreciate the help and will keep in touch!! Love and Hugs.......:h :l

                                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

