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wish me luck

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    wish me luck

    It is 7:22 - I just went to the kitchen to find my roomate and friends stoking the grill out on the car port and finding the fridge filled with Bud Light. The smell of the grill is making me want to be out there but I know if I join the grilling adventure I would end up drinking tonight damn! no one ever said this was going to be easy
    I think I will light some incense so I don't smell the grilled steak and chicken cooking and turn on some music - oh well wish me luck with this one - tomorrow will be day 5 - a new personal record (if I don't f**k up tonight) tom

    wish me luck

    Best of luck to you, Frogger.

    Changing drinking (and grilling...and Lord knows what all else) habits isn't easy at first, I reckon. But it'll get easier.

    Just keep plugging away.

    And good on you for 5 days, that's great!

    Taking it all in


      wish me luck

      Light those incense pal... Day 5 is a tough one and then it Does get easier...Honest !!!! You will be soooo proud of your sober ass when you wake up in the morning... Good Luck

      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


        wish me luck

        hi there..frogger.yea i love grilling and al as taken so much of my life away from me . if al takes my grilling. that would be hell to pay .so sometime we need to face our fears head on.ask yourself what al has taken from you what i mean is. we all need a life .so if i was you and you were me i would go out there grab a steak . do some talking with some good friend and not lets al take anymore then it already has ..and not care if they are drinking beer. and you will feel great and sober...... but hell thats just me.. good luck
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          wish me luck

          Hang in there Tom. I say stuff your face with yummy steak and fuck the beer. The steak might make you fat, but it won't make you hungover or blackout.
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            wish me luck

            Good luck and save me a bone, Frogger


              wish me luck

              Hi Frogger! don't know if we have chatted yet. you know there is already a well-known frog on these boards by the name of Tawny Frog .. she is an Australian frog Welcome to you, sounds like you are doing great. and yes, grilling, aughhh, a tough one. good for having a plan !!
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                wish me luck

                Sooooo ???

                ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                  wish me luck

                  Hi Frogger ............

                  How did you do??????


                    wish me luck

                    I made a short visit then went to my room and got some work done. I wanted to be out there so bad but knew if i was i'd be joining in and drinking. I hate that I have to be so damn weak. Will I have to hide for the rest of my sober life just so I don't die with a glass in my hand? I feel like I am being punished. I guess I am being punished for letting this drinking get out of controll - and for hurting people along the way. I guess I do have my carmic debt to pay. OH SHIT! tom


                      wish me luck

                      Tom you just jumped a H U G E Hurdle !!! Frog or no frog that is no small feet !!! LOL !!!
                      Seriously though, pal, it will get easier, Honest.... the first week is the toughest and then it gets easier.. I wouldn't lie to you... you are doing so amazing.. I'm proud of you !! xxxx

                      ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                        wish me luck

                        Noooooooooooo, Frogger -- you did great!

                        And I disagree. I don't think you're being punished for any "debt," karmic or otherwise.

                        I don't think any of us really chooses to be battling this demon. I know I don't, anyway.

                        CONGRATULATIONS on a successful evening in the face of what I'm sure must have been great temptations -- you owe yourself a pat on the back (and some kindness)!

                        Taking it all in


                          wish me luck

                          Hey Frogger!

                          I was like that myself for about a month in the beginning. I had to isolate myself away from almost everything. It was like world war 3 was upon us and I was in me little bunker with a computer as my only link to the outside world through forums like this. It does get easier believe me! Nice to have another bloke on board!!lol

                          Love and Happiness
                          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                            wish me luck

                            me too

                            I am glad you made it too, it gives me hope as I am in the midst of day 4 right now, not tempted but then again, I am at work...........

                            GOOD JOB FROGGER!!!

                            Love :h and hugs!!!:l

                            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                              wish me luck

                              Frogger, please don't think of these trials as punishment. If anything, you rewarded yourself by making the right choice. Good for you.

                              You will not always feel like this. You are early into sobriety and we all go through this in the beginning. When you are stronger, you will have no problem being around people who drink. It takes time, but it will happen. Everyone in my house drinks (very heavily and daily). I have no choice but to be around it, so I know it's possible to abstain. Sometimes watching people get shitfaced and then seeing them wake up bitchy and hungover keeps me on the straight and narrow. You never know where you'll find your inspiration.

                              You did great. Be proud of that. Remember, you rewarded yourself (not punished).

                              Love, Me
                              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.

