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Unexpected stress

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    Unexpected stress

    Just had an unexpected car bill for ?812. Normally that kind of stress would have me reaching for a calming drink. Day 1 today so can't do that. Does any one have any tips on what to do / how to cope / distract yourself when faced with an unexpected stressful situation??


    Unexpected stress

    yes! and it's darn good that we learn skills to cope with this kind of thing because they WILL keep happening....especially when bloody cars are involved

    number 1 is exercise. I know that sounds simplistic but from a physiological and psychological perspective exercise is brilliant and dynamic in so many ways.

    from there it depends on personal preference but I like to perhaps go to a really good bookstore, have an espresso and browse new books/magazines.

    from the supplement department there is GABA (natures valium).

    the ritual of making a 'really good' pot of tea can be nice

    watching a movie is a great way to change your consciousness in a healthy fashion.

    well there's a couple.

    hope you and your car are ok dear
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Unexpected stress

      this is not a healthy thing to do but I have a cigarette. Now I don't want you to start smoking if you don't smoke!!!!!

      make a strong cup of coffee

      Phone a friend and tell them how you feel....if you feel able.

      Eat something healthy or eat something un-healthy...its up to you.

      If its evening, fill the bath up really full, pour in some gorgeous smelling bubble bath and ENJOY

      hope this helps....anything is better than pouring alcohol down your neck

      Bella xxxxx


        Unexpected stress


        Hi and thanks.

        I think one of the things I'll have to learn from early on is to either anticipate stressful situations before they arise or have effective coping mechanisims in place to deal with them as and when.

        Your ideas are really helpful and I think I might write out a list of similar ideas so I can have something to hand when needed. There is a book store in Glasgow City Centre which has a coffee shop and it's a great way to lose yourself for an hour or so.

        Going to the pictures with my sister after her work tomorrow night. She's not a drinker so normally I'd be looking at ways to fit in a couple of sneaky drinks beforehand. Day 2 tomorrow so I'm actually quite looking forward to not having that 'must get a drink in' stress and I can just enjoy a coffee and cake beforehand.


          Unexpected stress


          Hi Bella. Your ideas are great too - apart from the smoking - don't think I want to start now!!

          Unfortunately one of my evening rituals is a big long bubble bath - with a book and a big glass of wine. Looking at other posts though I think that's a habit, something I've always done and wouldn't even consider my bath without a glass in my hand. Perhaps it could be a glass of anything and it's just the habit of sipping something while I'm relaxing. Going to try it with a glass of juice tonight and see how that goes.


            Unexpected stress

            Hi whiterose and :welcome:

            Yes, it`s very much a case of us having to learn to cope with whatever life may throw at us, without seeking solace in booze. For what it`s does get easier as time goes by.

            Borders in Buchanan St., sure?? lol

            Good to have you join us. Love and strength to you.

            Starlight Impress x


              Unexpected stress

              Welcome Whiterose! I think your idea of the bookstore is a great idea! I go into bookstores to get one book and stay for at least an hour. :welcome:

              Wait, GABA is nature's valium?? Huh?
              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                Unexpected stress

                Hi Whiterose

                love white roses!

                meditation maybe?

                aromatherapy massage?

                sell the d*** car?

                welcome from Anna :h
                Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                  Unexpected stress

                  It seems that something like this often comes along when we decide not to drink.

                  This isn't immediate help, but I thought about the money you'll be saving by not drinking. You can definitely treat yourself better, but you can also lay a little by for emergencies such as this too. Then they won't be so stressful.

                  Good luck and keep up the good work.

                  :l :l
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Unexpected stress

                    Hi Whiterose,

                    Right from the start, place it firm in your mind that drinking is not an matter what. Take it off the table....that way you won't be sucked into a battle with The Beast about whether you will drink or's not an option.

                    Exercise really distracts you, gets your blood flowing, helps clear the toxins from drinking...

                    You can do this...just put your mind to it...



                      Unexpected stress


                      I have to agree with Chief. Just take the drinking off the table. Period.

                      It is not an option.

                      It took me FORFREAKINGEVER to figure that out. Years and years of conditioning taught me that drinking was the way to deal with stress/happiness/sadness/lonliness/boredom/umm (anything) that happens.

                      It is simply NOT an option.

                      Stress is a fact of life.

                      I hate car bills, too. I have late Travel Expenses that I have sent in the receipts for TWICE and now the Card Co is dunning ME and I have to deal with it. About the same amount of $$ as your car and it is NOT my problem but I MUST TAKE CARE OF IT.

                      I will not drink, though, because how will that "fix it?" It won't. It will insure I don't figure out how to fix it.

                      Take deep breaths, face this stuff head on and SMILE. That is what I do, now. I know it sounds really dumb, but I SMILE. Big SMILE when I am stressed and freaked out.

                      Somehow the act of forcing the smile makes some of the stress go away. Then I sit down and start thinking about what I need to do.

                      Believe it or not, this strategy helped me get my girl to the hospital and get her on the road to recovery for her health issues. Otherewise, I would've just gotten drunk and she'd be getting worse and worse herself.


                      Wow, I reread this and it sounds really stupid, but hey, it works for me... and I am through with day 14 and will be on day 15 tomorrow. For me that is HUGE!!
                      AF April 9, 2016

