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kill me please

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    kill me please

    Ohhh Luv, Sweetheart, I went to chat looking for you... I want to do anything I can... I love you so much my friend... xxx Please hang in there... You have so many people that love you and need you... Feel the love xxx

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      kill me please

      :hug: :hug: Life really can suck ... but I am sending hugs your way, Luv, you sweetheart.
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        kill me please

        LUV honey are you OK? please check in,

        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


          kill me please

          Luv, my mom passed at the age of 54. She was my best friend. I can relate more than you'll ever know. I would like to be there for you, if you'll let me. PM me if you like.

          Or just vent here. There are so many of us here for you, hun. We love you. Let us help.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            kill me please

            Luv, I hope you are ok. Chief is right, drinking will only make things worse. I can tell you are in pain and I wish I could help. :l


              kill me please

              LUVUALL;276082 wrote: how much can one person take? I lost the man of my life, his family TORTURED me for month, I have been TOLD TO GET A FUCKING GRP....then my mama is dying at 56 yrs old. FUCK IT

              Luv, GET A GRIP!!!! (that just doesn't sound helpful)

              Just who in hell told you that you should get a grip? You have legitamite feelings and it is only normal to be sad and hurt considering what you have/are going through. I totally understand your feelings of loss, abandomnment, hurt, lonliness, and fear. No one can negate the way you feel. It is real, and I am so so sorry you are having to endure this. We all love you.

              I sent you this PM May 20,2006. I was barely sober at this time for one month. You Really made a difference in my life. I left off the first paragraph but here it is.

              I appreciate you. YOU have made a difference in my life.

              Maybe I am your purpose. Think about that for a minute. Maybe everything you have gone through to get to this point was Gods plan for you to influence my life. In that case, even though you have suffered and had to live through an alcoholic hell, you were doing the work of the Lord, and giving up part of your life for him (and me). It might be true, who knows. I do feel like he has an objective for me and it has taken this experience for me to finally submit and say ?I give up and I give it all to you Lord? (crying again, and I am not depressed, they are good tears). Sometimes man can be so selfish. At times I have been close to god, even absorbed; but even then I refused to give it all up. I knew I should but I wouldn?t. I feel like the wicked witch of he east; and this house is a big one. I precipitated my downfall with pride. I am ashamed of that, but also I am thankful. I realized I shouldn?t ask God for wisdom unless I am willing to suffer through the learning process. Really. I am not losing my mind, but ?what if?? I am very thankful that you and the others on the thread have been there for me. You are doing so well; you have gotten your live back. What a wonderful thing. People say this is too expensive and can't afford to follow the program, but what is your life worth? Now that things are getting more normal for you, it is possible to appreciate living the life we thought was so bad. Turns out "It?s a Wonderful Life". We should live each day like we were dying; and enjoy all the little things that make life so special.
              Luv, I know you are having a hard time with this. Your life sober is a miracle. I think it is a miracle any of us are sober for any time. You have so much in your life to be thankful for. Think about those things when you start to beat yourself up because your life is hard. You have to think about your kids, and all the people who love and count on you.

              The alcohol is a disease we all fight against. Any of us are vunerable at any time unless we focus on the prize. My prize is living to spend time with my wife, to see my grandchildren grow, to have the family together for a meal, to watch nature as it happens, ? All the things I was missing when I was drinking. Life is not really as bad as I thought it was and I am so thankful I am learning how to live again. I hope you are taking care of yourself because you are SPECIAL too.

              Love you,
              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                kill me please

                Hope you are okay Luv. Please let us know.

                Bear you are such a great soul.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  kill me please

                  Hey, I am here for you OK, I know you and I know that this is an absolute overload and geezes this just plain sucks.

                  Love you,


                    kill me please

                    Little one, I know you are hurting big time.
                    Please take very good care of yourself.

                    Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                    April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                    wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                    wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                    wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                    wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                    wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                    wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                    I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                      kill me please


                      I wish there was something I could do to take your pain away. Right now, we have to take each day as it comes, and I believe that there is just the right dose of grace for each day, but when we try to take on facing the tomorrows that it becomes too much. One day at a time....

                      I too have faced a lot that it just out of my control, but I know your faith is in God, and that we do not understand all of the mysteries of life. I too ask a lot of questions as to "why me", but just because we do not know the answers, it doesnt mean there are no answers. We just dont understand it all. I know one thing for sure; I would be a much less compassionate human if I had not suffered and struggled through the things that I have. Wonderful things are in store for you. I know it.

                      Please hang in there... the turbulence will subside.

                      Lots of love coming your way! :l

                      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                        kill me please


                        i am so sorry you are in pain. please know you have all of us to support you and we love you bunches.



                          kill me please


                          I have had such a hard time posting to this.

                          You have no idea.

                          I can't.

                          I just want you to know that whatever has happened has happened and you should not let it affect you this way. Just like when you called me the other day. We need you here.

                          We want you here.

                          We love you this MUCH!!

                          No, We love you MORE THAN THIS MUCH!!

                          Please, do not let what is going on with your mama let you down. You know life throws us these "curve balls," it really does. I am so sorry this is happening but ti does.

                          My baby is sick, too. It hurts. Big time. BIG TIME.

                          Let's walk this walk together.


                          Love you, THIS MUCH!!!!
                          AF April 9, 2016


                            kill me please

                            Luv, you know that drinking as a coping mechanism, just doesn't work out for any of us, for any "good, bad, silly, awful" reasons....when you wake up regretting the slip, and the hangover, it only serves one purpose, to make you feel even more miserable, pissed, ashamed, scared, shaky, and all the things that causes you to slip, are still right there, now it feel even worse....I know this from having repeated the process so many times in the past, that I finally figured out, wherever you go, well, there you are...taking a bottle of wine into the pit with you to grieve, be mad, feel abandoned, just makes you feel worst tomorrow, the same triggers are Dad dropped dead at 54, sudden heart attack, we worked as pharm. sales reps in the same territory, saw him nearly everyday, did golf tourneys with him.....then, gone, jerked my life, and my lil kids life, right into a hole, my Mom had been married to him since 18, dated him since 14, she went into denial, and wouldn't even come out of the house for a year....all kinds of bad things happened, my brother left, my kids lost their precious Grandy, and cried all the time, he used to pick them up from work at their play periods, take them home with him, he was our Dad, Grandy and was awful....lots of other bad things went down then too....I know even more for you too....kinda in reverse order from mine, but Luv, that's when I did just like you did, not to the law problems exactly, but the life mess, craziness....and it didn't work, and led me here, I didn't handle it all with grace, or good sense, tried to medicate it with wine, ignore it, wish it wasn't so, get mad, and everyday, I woke up, and had to realize it was still no different, except, I was trashing what was left of my life with any "normal" in it, for me, and my kids....I know you know what that's like just doesnn't ease the pain, or make it fair....and it traumatizes the kids even more, they feel like they are for sure loosing everyone they can depend on, so hard as it is, that person has to be you....get down by the bed, and pray for help, peace, guidance, lessening of whatever you have to, to not drink....go take the kids to a soup kitchen this weekend, and feed and talk to some other hurting folks, sometimes it helps, it did me....its kinda nutty, but get out of your box a little bit, and try to breathe....that's all I have really, from experience....its not easy, at all.....There's a good book, called The Pursuit of Happiness, by the Monks of New Skete, the monks that wrote the famous dog training book, its really good, calming, and insightful....check it out.....just try not to keep revisiting the bad stuff as much as possible, when you feel yourself falling into the mash of madness/sadness, just sit down and pray a prayer for inner peace, for coping and for calm, and help....stop the turmoil that starts to spin in your mind before it becomes a hurricane with a hangover attached tomorrow....I love you so much, and hate you are hurting so much, please hang in've helped me so much too, just like Bear said, I always thought if you were on here, I'd see and read what you wrote, and I'd be ok, we all, all of us, fall off now and then, thats just going to happen, but we gotta try to keep each other on the right path when we you......
                            "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                              kill me please

                              Sorry that you are having to go through this, Luv. :l

                              Thanks to Bear and Tough whose words are helping me deal with what life is throwing.

                              Love to you LUV:l
                              Enough is enough

