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    I have tried and stayed sober for up to 9 months in AA, sometimes I get this "be saved, join our way of life"kinda feeling from some of the groups I have been to........Stopped going for a while due to that feeling I got. (too pushy sort of!?)

    Anyway, just started back w/ an open mind instead of that attitude, got up the nerve(thanks to my 16 year old son of all things!) to go back to what was once my "home group", it was THE BEST FEELING I have had in a really LONG time...............a high way better than al ever gave me..................the LOVE in that room is overwhelming I was crying and teary eyed the entire hour................then got a hug and a "welcome back" from just about everyone there!!! We go out to eat and "fellowship" (they call it that, just hanging out basically) on Friday nights after the meeting..........

    My son (probably why he really talked me into going on Tues when I was so nervous) LOVES to go out and socialize w/ all these really FUN husband has even come w/ us a few times................

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to Friday night.......tomorrow!!! I KNOW I won't drink, and will have fun....

    I feel like I have been reborn by going back there...........

    BUT I only am going to go to meetings for now, haven't gotten a sponsor again (don't feel like letting someone down a "chronic relapser") and I am just keeping that open mind that it may work, I hope it does!

    Just my take on it, glad it is good right now!

    Love and hugs,

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



      CG, i am understanding to you better, i had no idea you went 9 mos. that is great. and now you are starting again, that even greater. this to me is a whole new life, my first time at all of this. i appreciate honest input...and for that i thank you.

      Luv Ripple~



        Hi Ripple-

        Great post. I went to AA twice and didn't care for it. Then about 4 yrs ago I did outpatient and we had AA members lead discussion. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I wish I had taken up the invite to go with other "newbies" to meetings but I declined. I think one day maybe I'll give it another stab. I'm doing very well in being AF but you're right-sometimes there is a void where I think being with other people who understand helps fill it.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic




          Ripple, everyone, the feeling of being free from drinking is overwhelming and GREAT!! I love this site too, so will definitely be around ALOT, need it as a lifeline right now! Along w/ the AA meetings for now.................

          Not going to drink today!! YAY!!:wd:

          MA (my new mantra????):h :h
          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



            Good Girl CG, happy for ya. :goodjob:
            Breeze....your sig. says it all. Hey guys i gotta get something done today. see ya tonite on the boards and in chat...:l




              Breez;276609 wrote: Hi Ripple-

              Great post. I went to AA twice and didn't care for it. Then about 4 yrs ago I did outpatient and we had AA members lead discussion. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I wish I had taken up the invite to go with other "newbies" to meetings but I declined. I think one day maybe I'll give it another stab. I'm doing very well in being AF but you're right-sometimes there is a void where I think being with other people who understand helps fill it.
              sorry i left in a hurry Breeze, not everyone needs the constant meeting thing. presently i am doing it until i get part time employ. many like you can do well without. we are having meeting right here via net, so this works for us also. glad to hear we can all do it together. :l again, your sig. says it well dear. :thanks:


