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Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart.. :)

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    Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart.. :)

    I apologize for being AWOL as of late.. I really love to be here to give my support to those just starting out and all of my close friends here. I hate it when I can't be here everyday...

    I have been slammed at work, and now on top of everything I have to move in a few weeks, so I am packing my house and getting the new one ready. That and getting used to my new singular life - having to be everywhere at the same time for my beautiful DD.. A lot of changes, but all possitive.

    I have to check in here, though! If I don't I seem to get squirly. I am sure this won't be forever, but I still have my training wheels on...

    I am still AF, on day 47! Just keep adding those days... yeah!

    I just wanted to say hello to EVERYONE! Love to you all...

    Take care, my friends!


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

    Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..

    Hi MM,
    Glad to hear you sounding so good and doing so well.........47 days is fabulous.

    I guess this means you got the condo?? happy for you.

    Wishing you and your wee girl loadsa happiness in your new home.

    Pop in when you can. We love you. :l

    Starlight Impress xxx


      Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..

      MM, you sound like you are doing wonderful. Stay positive! Nothing can beat tht kind of attitude.

      Thanks for checking in. You know us little worry worts! lol

      Good luck in your new home. May you fill it with amazing memories for both of you.

      Love, Me
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


        Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..

        Every happiness to you and your daughter in your new home-I always find moving quite exciting, sounds like you do too!

        New Beginnings!
        And lots of AFs to help you on your way!

        :h Anna:h
        Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


          Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..

          Glad in all, MM. :goodjob: You are doing fantastic!


            Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..

            MM... traing wheels made me laugh. I'll be sending those positive vibes your way. hugs.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..


              Good for you MM, you sound positive,:goodjob: staying busy is sometimes a blessing though it can be stressful, good luck on the move and congrats on , is it47 days?? GREAT JOB!!

              MA:h :l
              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..

                hi good to hear you are doing great. 47 days keep it up .you go girl
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..

                  Wooo Hooo !!!!! So Happy for you MM !!! xxx

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..

                    47 days! Way to go!
                    YOU ROCK!
                    oh, and good news on the move also!
                    War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                      Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..

                      WTG on the 47 days! I hate moving...I'd be drinking if I had to do that right now. So I'm glad you like it.
                      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                        Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..

                        Thank you everyone!!!!!!

                        I just can't stay away right now..

                        MAN, I have no idea where it came from today, but I had some serious cravings.. It may have been becasue I had some friends in the spa today and we talked about STBX and drinking. I had to really DRIVE myself home quick tonight.

                        Just goes to show you.. you can never take it for granted... I am so glad I have this place. I came straight home and logged on.. whew!

                        I will not drink today!!!!


                        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                          Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..

                          MM- Hang in there girl!! Another move so soon!! You really are our MWO gypsy!!

                          Hope the move goes well.

                          Love and Peace


                            Busy, Crazy... but you are all in my heart..


                            This is all new to me and I already value this place greatly to turn to when I need to turn down the noise of the urges. I am resigned I will always have to expect the unexpected temptations and nice job fighting them off.
                            Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                            Watch this and find out....

