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what would you do for yourself

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    what would you do for yourself

    Hello everyone - I was just sitting here thinking about what exactly is it going to take to stay sober? I HAD 8 days AF but alas last night I slipped yet again, and again, and again. Sooooooo I had this thought if I stay sober for x amount of days I will do something really, really cool for myself. So then I think to myself, self what is something that you have really been wanting but don't really have the money to do it??? I want another tattoo - I have one of poohbear (of course) on my shoulder, I have always wanted to add to that one and get piglet on the other shoulder. Where is this money going to come from???? From not buying alcohol of course - right? I can take all the money I would spend on that poison and put it into my tat fund.

    Heck I don't know if it will work but I am getting desperate to TRY anything at all to take a good strong hold on sobriety - I am still fighting, haven't given up yet and really trying not to beat myself up too bad. The real thing that I feel guilty about is calling out sick to work - damn I hate doing that.

    Anyway I just wondered what others would do and or buy for themselves and how many days of sobriety would you have before you did this something special for yourself? I am not sure how many days of sobriety I should reach for for this special gift to myself. Or maybe until I have my fund built up enough? I don't know - I know that ultimately I have to take it ODAT - but thought if I had something special to work towards, besides of course my health and happiness of myself and my family it might help me.
    when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most

    what would you do for yourself

    Hi Pooh!! I am also struggling , but have also thought of the same thing. A reward, could that help me??? One small thing I 've wanted is a KitKat clock (one of those old-fashioned clocks where the tail goes back and forth) .. hee... And I desperately need to lose weight, so if I could make ANY progress, I will buy some clothes. aughg !!!! thinking of you , PoohBear!!
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      what would you do for yourself

      thanks dex - a kitkat clock sounds very cute - I prefer the candy bars myself :H

      maybe I am grasping at straws but heck if it actually works right then why not give it a try huh?
      when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


        what would you do for yourself

        Dex, I used to have one of those clocks. Black. It got knocked off the wall by accident and I haven't replaced it yet.

        I'm struggling too, but so far have managed to stay AF. I have 18 days AF and maybe at 30 days, I would like to be able to buy a new pair of jeans. I gained about 20 lbs in 5 months and hope the weight will be gone by then. I've already lost around 10.

        Although another tat sounds kinda good too. Husband hates them though.
        Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


          what would you do for yourself

          Hey poohbear,
          I would like to treat myself to something relaxing like a day spa, massage, facial something that will be physically rewarding. Congrats on your 8 days, keep going you will get there.
          Noelle sounds like your losing weigh fast you're going to look great in you new jeans.

          Thinking of you poohbear!
          I am the author of my life.


            what would you do for yourself

            hi there..poohbear.. sound like a good ideal.
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              what would you do for yourself

              noelle you lost 10 lbs already????? now thats pretty cool. I seem not to loose weight when I am not drinking because I am too busy making a pig out of myself and eating EVERY damn thing in site - i actually loose wt when drinking cause I don't eat. Hmmmmmm maybe this time I will try and stuff myself healthily (is that a word?) - a new pair of jeans a size or two smaller would be pretty cool too

              oh and looking you gave me another idea - I haven't had a pedicure since my birthday 6 months ago - now that would be nice and relaxing
              when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                what would you do for yourself

                keep at it pooh, how about getting, half of your tattoo done the next time you do well and it will help you go to the next level

                take care max
                "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                  what would you do for yourself

                  Poohbear, I have a very high metabolism, I'm usually a stick. Drinking slows my metabolism down. I'm 6' tall and I don't even want to tell you what I usually weigh.
                  Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                    what would you do for yourself

                    I just want to buy/use the gorgeous *much smaller sized* clothes I have sitting sadly in my wardrobe. Sobriety has everything to do with why my weight is the way it is...if it isnt the extra calories from the actual alcohol its the preference to sit around and drink all day instead of working out.

                    Why I dont have the motivation to do so is beyond me. It's a fact that my weight is stopping me be who I am

                    Of course, I'm drinking right now....boooooo.
                    Wake me up low with a fever~Walking in a straight line~ Set me on fire in the evening~Everything will be fine~Waking up strong in the morning~Walking in a straight line~Lately I?m a desperate believer~But walking in a straight line


                      what would you do for yourself

                      30 days!

                      I am looking forward to the 30 day point, then I will treat myself to some new clothes, I still fit into my clothes, just going on a trip in about 40 days, so will come in handy! I lose weight when I don't drink too, basically cuz I work out more(feel better, huh?) and eat better...........I tend to pig out when drinking, french fries, junk etc.........

                      Thanks for the great idea poohbear:thanks: , I have enough tattoos, so will stop at my 3!! But another reward is something I never thought of!! Good luck on some AF days!

                      Hugs:l and love:h ,

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

