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Looking for Hope

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    Looking for Hope

    Guys, I need your help. Today will be my first AF day. I had one day on Monday, Tuesday after work I bought a bottle of gin, had a few drinks and fell asleep. Wednesday I crashed the car after drinking. I needed to drink after that and again yesterday to cope with the guilt. This can't go on I feel so desperate.

    My 14 year old daughter saw me hiding my bottle, my husband is at his wits end and I just cant seem to stop, how bad does it need to get!!!! Is this rock bottom!!! Please give me hope.

    Looking for Hope

    Hiya lost,

    Welcome :l

    Only YOU can tell if it is YOUR rock bottom.

    Sounds to me like you are close - or you wouldn't be here.

    The good news is - you have found an awesome place - the people here are amazing.
    Come here often, get involved and READ READ READ.
    There are countless stories just like yours - and countless more where there is a happy ending.
    Many people here have turned their lives totally around by being here (Me included )

    Download and read the book - and then take what you feel will work for you from the programme.
    If it doesn't work at first - try something different - but KEEP trying.
    It is SO worth the effort.

    Don't worry about anything you feel you want to share - we have heard it all!
    No judgement here - we have all been there!

    Look forward to hearing more from you.
    Good luck



    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


      Looking for Hope


      I hope I don't sound harsh but you don't need to wait till you hit rock bottom to make a change.

      For me what helped was writing the reason why I drink and the reasons I do not want to drink. I would start by downloading the book as a good starting point. Try to take each day as it comes. Find what triggers you to have a drink ie certain time of day, stress and find alternative ways of dealing with them.

      Keep reading and posting.


        Looking for Hope

        livinlost, you've already taken an important step -- you're here. You'll find lots of great information and uncondtional support. Take it a minute or an hour at a time, if you need to. This can indeed be a lifeline. It certainly helped me get on steady footing. Wishing you success on your journey! :h


          Looking for Hope

          Thank you guys for your support. Believe me I wasn't planning on getting to rock bottom, certainly not in front of my daughter, nor behind the wheel of a car. I really don't know who that person is, I don't know who I think I am cheating. It's like I am getting one over on someone because I sneak about, drinking thinking that people don't notice. They notice, they know because I am not the same person.

          So, I am buying a calendar today and I will show my daughter every day that I mark AF. I will be completely honest. I am going to AA on Monday, my husband is coming with me. I will download the book and I will get all the meds, except the topa, cause I dont think you can get it in Canada. I will come here often and I will do this thing with your help.
          I don't want to be sad anymore.

