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Looking in the Mirror

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    Looking in the Mirror

    This was the subject of some debate on another forum I joined back in June when I first came online looking for help. Below is an exercise which is Step 4 in AA's 12 step recovery program: a table of resentments and getting to their source. This takes the form of a table in four columns.

    One: the person we resent.

    Two: Exactly what we resent ? in detail.

    Three: How it affects self-esteem, relations with others, etc.

    Four: OUR PART

    I posted this myself this morning, after a few days thought, and how my resentments towards my ex partner played heavily on my demise over Xmas and New Year. (I know the time of year bared heavily on my thoughts as well i.e. feelings of loneliness but this was about getting to the root of it.)

    So here is my brutally honest Step 4 if you like! (which I posted on another forum earlier)

    One: Sally
    Two: The fact that she had moved on with her life and I was still twiddling my thumbs. She had a new partner who was now living in the house I once shared with her and my daughter.
    Three: I felt jealous, bitter, angry at times, self-pitty, very depressed (suicidal at times when I was drinking).
    Four: I drank and took drugs to mask my true feelings and it only made things worse. I found myself in a viscous loop cycle and at times if I'm honest I thrived on the negativity and depressive ways of thinking. I'm reminded of Bill Hick's here "It's just a ride". I can get off if I choose to but I didn't and I stayed on to the end and it almost destroyed me.

    And Yes! I've learned a lot from this experience and how I tend to wallow in my own negativity and I'll never move forward if I keep allowing myself to do this in almost every area in my life. I'm starting a CBT coure today for which I have to leave for in 20 mins, but I think this is a really good exercise to do and one I found helpful.

    AA or not, this idea of looking at ourselves in the mirror and being honest with ourselves is something I still find difficult and I don't mean literally and I think a good exercise for anyone to do. So, anyone else up for it???

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    Looking in the Mirror

    It would help me if I'd sit down and figure out, why some days are bad and I let my self- esteem shoot down because of some imagined or real slight from somebody during the day, why did I give them that power and maybe this 4 column exercise is a way to work to find the real feelings before I mask them with alcohol. It's very intriguing, think I will work on a format in word using your column headings. :h Suz
    The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


      Looking in the Mirror

      Wow thats got me thinking...and i dont think much
      Jacqui xxx
      Mwo,s worst speller....


        Looking in the Mirror


        Very familiar w/ that 4th step!! What a useful tool..........Thanks Hippie forthe reminder,maybe I will work out one today!

        Have a GREAT day!!:lilangel:


        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          Looking in the Mirror

          wow got me thinking too! i would have to go right back from childhood. but i will work on this one. just started 1 to 1 session.. finding that hard too!
          Thanks for the post

          family is everything to me


            Looking in the Mirror

            Thanks so much for sharing this, Hippie. It's a great exercise. I like it. I think I will do it someday too. Not today though; I really have to clean the house. That is rare for me, so I have to strike while the iron is hot.

            :l :l
            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Looking in the Mirror

              Hippie, I truly admire your honesty in this .........

              You have come a long way ........

              Love & Hugs, BB xx


                Looking in the Mirror

                It's a great exercise Hippie. You are so amazingly brave to post your own response to it. This is something that I realize I have been working on in one way or another in therapy for a few years now. I love my therapist and she has done so much to make my life better. I am not prepared to share all of this with you guys here - sorry - still a bit too painful and personal even after lots of work.

                I will say that we are deceiving ourselves to think that all we have to do is put down the bottle and things will be all rosy and wonderful. We all have things that either drove us to drink or that drink caused in us that need to be dealt with. Self reflection and psychological healing is an important part of recovery also.

                Thanks for reminding us Hippie.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  Looking in the Mirror

                  "I will say that we are deceiving ourselves to think that all we have to do is put down the bottle and things will be all rosy and wonderful. We all have things that either drove us to drink or that drink caused in us that need to be dealt with. Self reflection and psychological healing is an important part of recovery also."

                  Very well said, Mags...


