My husband has been really helpful with this. He knows I have a problem but he also sees change that I don't recognize because I'm so caught up in the tunnel vision approach to alcohol...must stop, can't stop. But I am changing. I might drink mostly every day but I don't drink as much and I am slowly incorporating other things in life into mine. Yes I have this problem but as it is there I can let go of the grip it has. Worrying about how to change myself isn't going to change me. Letting go will. The rest of all that life has to offer is slowly creeping in because I'm letting it. So I'm not going to worry that I'm an alcoholic. I'm going to focus on the loving wife that I am, that voracious reader that I am, the kind and generous person that I am, the organized and capable person that I am. I love cookbooks and old movies and making people happy. Alcohol is just one piece of who I am. And I believe I can make it unimportant. I'll have bumps in the road where I wake up sick and tired of this one piece of my life. But I'll also wake up happy to be alive and ready to be a part of all that life has to offer. I want peace. That doesn't happen by wrestling with alcohol. It happens by letting the rest of life show me what wonderful things it has to offer. And what I have to give to it. We all have so much to give to life. None of us are only alcoholics.
I wish peace to all.