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Another UK meet anyone???

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    Another UK meet anyone???

    Just a 3 week visit ? time for girls to bond with grandparents & cousins etc, and for mum to set a guilt trip on me!!! Ahhh, don?t you just love family.

    Sounds cool to me! I?d love to meet up with anyone whose available ? put faces to names, well avatars at least!

    Good God Hippie!!! No caffeine. No booze. Where are your vices man!!!!

    Take care
    The mind is in its own place, and in itself
    Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

    John Milton


      Another UK meet anyone???

      I'm still a smoker jinja!!. Although, I have tried to quit in the past and failed miserably; but I have cut back a hell of a lot and reduced the amount I smoke to 'craving' fags rather than habitual ones. If you wanna put a face to my name simply click on my avatar to take you to my profile and you will see a pic of me on the right hand side. I have a lot more hair now though both on me 'ead and face as I've decided to just let everything grow natural!!. That goes for the pheromones as well!! aftershaves and deodorants have been abolished!! I've also taken the 2 nose rings out as well!!

      God help this lot when they meet me then hey?!!!!lol

      I hadn't seen my cousins for about 15 years until my Gran died last October and the family was brought together for the first time in ages. I was still recovering from a week long bender so was pretty shaky and paranoid amongst the rest of the family at the wake. We very rarely have contact to be honest and once my Mum goes I will probably have little or no contact with immediate family apart from my 2 brothers who both still live close. Family has always been important to me, even when I was doing my best to screw it up!!lol

      Love and Happiness
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        Another UK meet anyone???

        Yeah, I'm still smoking too. Got to have one crutch at least! Looking forward to being in a position to stop that too - hopefully before the end of the year. Here, everywhere is non-smoking, with a smoking room every now & then, so I'm used to that. But I went thro' Heathrow last year and didn't realize before I went in that it was a smoke free zone!!! AAAaaaahhhh!!! An extra 3 hours, on top of the 11, that I hadn't prepared myself for!!! Not a happy camper. So, not to have those sort of hangups will be good.

        Wow - what a difference the hair will make!! No-one will recognise you. You pretty much match the mental picture I had, well probably not quite as bald. lol . Isn't there some sort of chrystal that can be used as deoderant? It neutralises bacteria, I think, without interfering with your body?s natural chemistry. I have to say I am too much of a girl to live without my gook and gunk for long!! Love it!

        We have a really tiny family (I've no cousins etc) & I don't know many of the extended family very well. Never in the country long enough! I wouldn't say we are very close, but compared to some I think we probably are!?! When the s**t hits the fan..... we all come a-running!

        Take care
        The mind is in its own place, and in itself
        Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

        John Milton


          Another UK meet anyone???

          I've missed out on all of this - what with being in rehab, getting back into my work/new life etc.

          Just wondering would anyone be interested in a Northern meet? Perhaps Manchester. I am near the Lakes, in Cumbria and so not far from Scotland either.



            Another UK meet anyone???

            Hey Ukblonde!!

            I'm actually travelling down to London from Liverpool next month for the meeting but I think it would be great too to organise something up this way maybe when jinja is here in August. I'm sure we could organise something, and I really like the Scotland, Lakes idea as well. I was hoping to get up to the highlands this spring to see a friend from another forum who lives in Ullapool but I have been concentrating on other things that have kept me from doing so. I've always wanted to visit Scotland and in particular the highland areas around Loch Lomond. Funnily enough there is a group from the very same forum who are hiking up Ben Lomond this Sunday. I would love to do something like that instead of meeting in a restaurant!!

            Hope the rehab went OK blonde

            Love and Happiness
            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


              Another UK meet anyone???

              I'll be based between Southampton and Winchester - just a nod north of the isle of wight. Quite happy to travel and see abit more of "dear ol' blighty".

              Ha - I can just imagine my Dad's face when I ask him to look after the girls so that I can galavant up North to meet a load of strangers I met on the internet. Oh, bless.

              Take care
              The mind is in its own place, and in itself
              Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

              John Milton


                Another UK meet anyone???

                Bloody Typical!!! We try and arrange something up North and you are 'docked' in Southampton!!lol

                That being the case would Liverpool or Manchester be better then, your Royal Jinjaness???!!!lol

                Joking aside, we have a few months yet before making anything definite but it is something to think about over the coming weeks. I think if we look at this in a months time after the London meet has taken place we can start looking more seriously into a place and venue. I really only suggested Manchester or Liverpool as I thought these are easily accessible via the Motorways if you were driving up Jinja!!.

                ukblonde would you still be up for a meet in August? I'll get the ball rolling on this one next month if you are and start promoting it on the forum making more people aware of it!! Hopefully we can get a few more people interested as well.

                Love and Happiness
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  Another UK meet anyone???

                  I could certainly do Manchester and I've never been to liverpool so I would be up for that ..........

                  BB xx


                    Another UK meet anyone???

                    Ummmm, exactly how far away is this from South Carolina?


                      Another UK meet anyone???

                      I know, Hippie!! Can?t win for trying hey!! lol

                      Yep, I?ll be driving up. I don?t really mind where ? as long as I have a map!! Liverpool would be cool. Manchester too ? I?ve never been there. Don?t mind ? I?m easy.

                      Looking forward to meeting you too BB & Uk!!

                      Take care
                      The mind is in its own place, and in itself
                      Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

                      John Milton


                        Another UK meet anyone???


                        I certainly am. I am on the south side of the Lake district and not too far from the motorway.

                        Let me know any venue ideas you may have.



                          Another UK meet anyone???

                          Hi Blondie!

                          I used to live and work very close to the Lake District not long back. I used to work at a place called The Pine Lake Resort in Carnforth that was always advertised by the company I worked for (Interval International) as the "Gateway to the Lakes". I was actually living in Lancaster at the time which is such a beautiful place. Before I actually got the job I was living in Arnside at the Youth Hostel where my girlfriend at the time was working. Arnside, of course, is only one stop on the train south of Barrow-in-Furness which I visited many times. Ambleside though was my first introduction to that part of the country when I was still a young schoolboy and I really did fall in love with the place and scenery. We had the option in those days of going on holidays with the school to either France or the Lake District and due to my parents financial situation at the time I could only afford to go to the Lakes. I loved it that much that I also went the following year even though I did have the option of going to France.

                          I will definitely start to organize something after the London meeting has taken place as unfortunately it looks like I am not going to be able to make it myself now. I am extremely disappointed and I was going to book my rail tickets on Monday as well. I received further news about my OU course today and I have to attend Manchester University on Saturday 10th May. I know it is the week before the meeting but I usually see my 3 year old daughter on Saturday's and I cannot really keep swapping Saturday's around as my ex is kicking up rather a fuss over it. I've not exactly had the best conversation on the phone with her today!!! My daughter will always come first anyway, that's just the way it is with me. So although I cannot make the London meet it has only further convinced me to push for a meet up this way!!!

                          Betty and everyone else sorry I won't be able to make it but hope some of you can make another meet sometime in August up North that I will start to arrange sometime towards the end of May.

                          Love and Happiness
                          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                            Another UK meet anyone???


                            Your priorities are in the right place. Your little girl should always come first. :l

                            Sorry you will miss this UK meet, too, but starting school is very important for you. I think your life will be transformed from it. I know mine was.

                            I sure wish I was there to meet up with everyone. Too bad the "pond" is so large.

                            Have fun BB and UK and everyone else.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              Another UK meet anyone???

                              Yes, good for you Hippie...much love and support headed your way!
                              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                                Another UK meet anyone???


                                Lancaster is very good for me. Nice cafe in the centre - Whaletale I remember or Crows the Mexican on King Street near the Railway station. There is also an Indian that sticks to it's Muslim principles and doesn't serve AL - Sultan.


