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Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

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    Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

    Being overwhelmed is not good. Not acknowledging you are overwhelmed is dangerous to an alcoholic. That is what I decided today. I am overwhelmed and I am hiding it.. that is what almost cost me my sobriety last night.

    I am trying to act really strong right now, well I AM being strong right now - it really isn't an act. BUT, that doesn't mean I am not vulnerable. My insides are in knots and I am sad, a bit depressed, grieving, scared, uncertain, anxious and overwhelmed.

    I have to acknowledge these things, so I will.... I am going through a divorce and all the mixed up feelings that go along with it, getting ready to move my house, am now a single parent with a single parent schedule, a full work load, new employees and training, year end bookkeeping and taxes, lost my housekeeper that I have had for 8 years and HATE an unorganized house, don't have close to enough hours in the day, no time to exercise and feel guilty, AND TRYING TO STAY SOBER!


    OK, I needed to get that out.. thank you.. So, what to do.. I need to get a bit more organized and give myself some breaks. I need to prioritize and FIND SOME HELP WHERE I CAN! I will take tomorrow to do that. I will not do this alone where I don't have to. That used to me my "MO", "I can do it all", but I am not going to do that. I am going to get a new housekeeper, see if I can get a hold of some of the other mothers to help, cut back on my schedule (cuz I can), and let my spa manager take over the books.. And I will take time to work through my feelings in regards to this divorce - no more hiding them.


    Sobriety has to be number one... If I try to keep this up I will drink.. I almost did. If I drink all of this gets worse. I WILL NOT let that happen. Time to bring it down...

    Thank you for letting me get this out.. I think I was going to implode if I didn't...

    I love you all!!


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

    Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

    MM - Good for you recognizing this! You are growing. Great idea looking for some help.

    You will succeed and you will remain sober!



      Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

      Great job MM. It is important to recognize our feelings, and even embrace them. If we refuse to let them come tot he surface, we only make matters worse.

      Big hugs,
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

        Stay strong MM .........

        You are an amazing lady ..... big hugs :l :l :l


          Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

          NM-last yr after 7mo AF I became extremely overwhelmed and tried to suppress it since I was "Wonder Woman"-doing so good with everything, handling situations AF etc. Unfortunatley it got the better of me. Being AF takes #1 priority with me now. In this journey I have found you need to be selfish-I need time for me, to ask for help.

          Hang in there...there is a lesson in everything we do. Good job recognizing your feelings.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

            You're doing great, MM....just stay the course...

            I tell myself, " there is nothing that can happen that would cause me to take a drink..."

            drinking is not an option..



              Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

              It is NOT an option! Back "on course".

              I took my vitamins and L-Tryp this morning and will take my Topa tonight.... already feeling better.

              I realized I am not ready to take off my "TRAINING WHEELS" yet....


              DAY 49
              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

                What an amazingly strong woman you are.
                You should be proud of yourself.
                Thank you so much for sharing this part of yourself.

                You are doing great.

                much love and hugs,
                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                  Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

                  Never be afraid to ask for help - disperse some of that negative energy by embracing help so others can share in the burden at the moment.

                  Not asking for help will just be like a bomb waiting to explode as you will get more anxious and using that word a lot procrastinate in my posts as i too feel like thats what im doing unorganised, waiting for tomorrow etc.

                  Also drink lots of water to keep your energy up...and flush out some of those blocked energy in your body so you will start to feel better.
                  Whenever you feel stressed have a glass of water and start noticing the changes.
                  Also please breathe more as in take deeper longer breaths to let the air flow in your body and when you breathe out breathe out hard with gusto to let out all stresses
                  ~ I am better than this devil AL ~:new:


                    Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

                    MM -

                    We watched a Fight Quest episode of Krav Maga where one man had to continue to hit a bag no matter what. That was his goal - keep hitting the bag. In the mean time, 10 other fighters would hit strike kick at him. He was not to hit them back; his goal was to continue to hit the bag.

                    To continue to focus at your goal while the world is throwing crap at you from all sides is definitely challenging.

                    Staying sober is your base. If you have that conquered, everything else will fall into place.
                    You will have a clear mind to think and deal with what comes your way, and make good decisions about it.

                    * * I love Determinator * *


                      Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

                      Hey Meditation Mama you're doing a grand job positioning your feet firmly in the ground whilst your world's whirling around you. It'll settle and you'll realize you did not fall or lose your footing and that you are facing the right direction.

                      All the best:l
                      A BushBaby with Attitude


                        Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

                        hi great job. strong post .you can and will get through this little hump in the road. and stop and smell roses now . take it easy. take sometime to yourself. and go buy some flowers .it will all get better soon. well big hugs.good luck
                        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                          Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

                          Lots of great advice so far.

                          MedMama, you are facing a lot of adversity so it's normal and human to feel overwhelmed. Congrads for having the presence of mind to "know yourself" and let that out.
                          when we are down and weak the "booze beast" as our dear Chief would say, is ready to pounce. Give no quarter!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

                            Determinatrix;277786 wrote: MM -

                            We watched a Fight Quest episode of Krav Maga where one man had to continue to hit a bag no matter what. That was his goal - keep hitting the bag. In the mean time, 10 other fighters would hit strike kick at him. He was not to hit them back; his goal was to continue to hit the bag.

                            To continue to focus at your goal while the world is throwing crap at you from all sides is definitely challenging.

                            Staying sober is your base. If you have that conquered, everything else will fall into place.
                            You will have a clear mind to think and deal with what comes your way, and make good decisions about it.


                            brilliant....thank you!
                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              Overwhelmed... no more... long.. sorry..

                              this post has helped me, thankyou mm. thinking of you. you are doing a great job, you should be proud of yourself

                              your mate
                              "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson

