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dont get it

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    dont get it

    I am so glad for each and everyone of you.
    I am tired of trying to string some days together so I can work my two jobs and get ahead.
    I come her at times and find words of wisdom from each and everyone.

    This is a battle. I have fought harder. I have not done my art for a time, nor have I picked up my musical instruments.

    I am comsumed with guzzleling. It is vile .

    What works?
    This is miserable.

    I tried Lglut/kudzu/vitamins.


    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

    dont get it

    Hi melsdaughter
    sorry to hear that you are having a tough time...i know that life does get tough sometimes and by the sounds of it you are really feeling it at the moment. I am no expert nor can i give you any miracle advice but try and love yourself a little, plan a stop day and make a committement to yourself...think of the misery that AL brings to your life and dont let the demon take your soul and dignity from.

    Go to the doctor ask for help - medication, supplements and communicating.
    You can do this it is actually within you - you are full of strength and courage.

    sending you lot of love and support
    I am the author of my life.


      dont get it

      Hi Melsdaughter, sorry no great inspiring magic cure here, for me it was just so sick and disgusted at myself, no quality of life, just going through the motions etc. Fed up apologising for myself was a biggy too. I just woke up on boxing day and something pinged in my head, it said 'you are worth so much more than this'. I have tried so many times before,this is the longest I have gone without alcohol and it is not easy, not easy at all, the cravings, the longings. Try to read some self help books etc, take the supplements, keep on posting here (lifesaver every weekend). It IS possible, honestly, if I can go this long then anyone can. Wishing you well.

      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        dont get it

        Hi mels...I know you've tried l-glut, kudzu, vitamins. Have you experimented with dosages? Or perhaps it's time to consider adding something different to the mix, such as gaba? Or topomax? Whatever you do, don't give up! It's so worth fighting for an AL-free life. :h


          dont get it

          Mels-d, so sorry you are having such a rough time trying to be AF.

          To answer your question of what works...the only answer I have is commitment, commitment and commitment. I recommend you not give up on the supps, because you need them even if you think they are not working. There is no magic pill for becoming alcohol free. I'm sorry if that's not the answer you wanted, but it's true.

          Make the commitment to yourself and stick to it. It's not easy, we know. Believe me, WE KNOW. But you deserve to be healthy and happy and no one can do the work for you. You have to want this. I mean really want this. Keep trying and hopefully someday soon it will just "click" for you.

          Best of luck. Keep reading the posts, especially from the seniors. You will find a lot of inspiration out there.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            dont get it


            I agree with Thankful, you have to want it - Bad! Try writing down the three things in your life that were the hardest to do or get through. Tough stuff I'm sure but somehow you got through it.

            Going AF is going to be harder and at times seem damn near impossible, crazy, even insane, but you can get through it too. Just don't give up, not for one second. We are ALL here because we share the same demon, and trust us, trust yourself you can do it! Quitting AL on it's own is hard but really not all that tough, it's the changes you may need to make in your life that will be, but it is so worth the effort.

            Hang tough!
            Is Addiction Really a Disease?
            Watch this and find out....

