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I got drunk last night

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    I got drunk last night

    Ouch, Boops! What hurts worse your head from bonking it or from the Tequilla?? Oh, I know what it would be for me.. Oh, Tequilla - bad, bad, bad, for MM... 18 months is something to be very proud of.. You are doing really well, BB. You just hop back on your beautiful path and keep on going. A bad parent - I am sure that is no where close to the truth.. I am sure of that. You are too fine a person, lovely.

    Take a hot bath and get some rest... tomorrow is a new day.


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      I got drunk last night

      You're awesome Betty.
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        I got drunk last night

        Ms. Boop,

        I'll echo everyone: 1 slip in 18 months is indeed something to be proud of, and something you can obviously pick up again, and overcome. GET BACK UP ON THAT HORSE, YOUNG LADY.

        Also, I know very, VERY few "normal" drinkers who haven't had one...or more..."incidents" with being overserved at one time or another. Be it puking, or bruising, or stitches from stumbles that come with occasional unfortunate overimbibing.

        Jeeze, unless you're a nun whose drinking is confined to communion wine, odds are pretty good you're gonna misjudge you're intake abilities from time to time, no matter what your background or intent.

        All this to say, chalk it up to a bad experience like any other: something you'd prefer not to repeat. And also one you know too well: something you'll endeavor to be on the lookout to prevent with the willpower you've built up all these months.

        Then tell your mom to bugger off.

        Taking it all in


          I got drunk last night

          Hi, BB.

          Thank for being human and sharing and all those 18 months.

          For me on Day 22, you are an inspiration.......


            I got drunk last night

            Hello Betty! i only just saw your post now. Crikey...I must admit I did think you had mods sussed! Obviously not! Well...I trust you feel better today? What I will say to you is......At least you didn't get into any trouble.....You drank too much.....maybe had a fall...thats not great went to bed. This is a blip. just be careful next time. I sometimes have found that when I've gone on a bender, it is sooo much easier to do it again. Watch out my friend.....maybe you just let your hair down for a minute!...or maybe your guard! As for your mum saying youre a bad mother....I am astounded to hear this, as you say your parents both drink!!! Pot and kettle? Pay absolutely no attention to this flippant comment....I'm sure you are a very GOOD mother......XXXXXX

