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I ain't no superman

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    I ain't no superman

    I was cruising along enjoying my newfound freedom from al. I wasn't feeling cocky, but I did feel empowered, like I was going to crush any obstacle that got in my way. I guess life had other plans though. SOmething came up a couple days first I was able to play it off like nothing was wrong. But now its caught up with me. I can't play it off anymore. To be honest I'm literally to the point where I can't really function properly. I was caught totally off gaurd (thats just WTF I get for ever letting my gaurd down). Anyway, its pretty bad. I don't know how I made it through work last night, I'm certainly not going to get any sleep today, and again don't know how I'll make it through work tonight. I don't want to see or talk to anyone, I just need a minute here to get my shit together and get going again. I probably won't be getting back on here for a little bit so its not like I expect any responses. The whole point of my post is the fact that through all this, as bad as it hurts, I STILL don't like the idea of alcohol (and so I'm still af). Drinking still seems so pointless. But then again everything seems pretty fucking pointless right about now.

    Anyway just thought I would share. We don't need alcohol no matter how bad things get, its one battle we can always win I think..

    I ain't no superman

    Hey Believe - I'm here for you. Can you say a little more about what's happening? Are you physically okay? I'm glad you have not taken a drink, which is amazing considering how you feel. What can we do for you?

    You know, you did not know me when I first got here. The shit has hit the fan several times. There are no supermen (or superwomen here). We just take turns looking after each other as needed.

    We can always PM or meet in chat. Hang in there friend. Check in when you can. I'll be thinking about you- :l



      I ain't no superman


      Believe, just what wonder said, there "ain't no supermen or women" here:no: , I think you will be fine, just get it out and don't will get to the other side of all these problems and be stronger in the long run..........I feel confident for you, as staying AF makes it easier to do that.:happyheart:

      Good luck, :goodluck: let us know how it goes!

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        I ain't no superman

        I am sorry you are having a rough time right now.
        You are correct that drinking won't help matters. Is there some way we can help. This place is full of caring people who have experienced just about everything. Maybe we/they can help in some way.?
        Please take care of yourself, and check in if you can. I will be thinking of you,

        love and hugs,
        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


          I ain't no superman


          Well done on staying sober.

          Life sometimes throws us curve balls and they can be a bi*ch - but no matter how bad it gets, drinking will be able to make it worse.

          You know how it is here .......if there is anything we can do, we will be here.

          Take care mate

          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            I ain't no superman

            Believe, what happened?!!!? Whatever it is, I'm glad your determination is to stay AF.
            Let us be there for you. It might help to get it all out. May be we can help, you know?

            Please check in and let us know you are ok.

            :h to you buddy! Hang in there. I'm here (we are here) when you need us. Stay close, ok?

            Love, Me
            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


              I ain't no superman

              Believe......well done on deciding to stay AF. We are ALL here for you hon....hang n there!:l


                I ain't no superman

                Believe, don't leave. Keep coming here posting and reading. You are valued!!!! And WELL DONE!!!!! AF, wish I could say the same lately.


                  I ain't no superman

                  Dude? You there?


                    I ain't no superman

                    Hi all. Just wanted to check in real quick to thank everyone for your support and concern. I was just reminded via PM that I might have had some people worried..but everythings ok. Thanks again though, and oh yeah, still AF although its bit a little rough latley. Y'all really are something else :thanks:

