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Please don't do what I did

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    Please don't do what I did`re a great guy. You may think you don`t contribute much to the boards because you don`t post very often, but you contribute just by being here and you are always willing to lend an ear in chat to anyone who needs a friend.

    I really feel for you........despite it being for something entirely different, I know only too well from my own court experience last year, what it feels like to have that big black cloud hanging over you for months. Am so very sorry that you are having to go to jail, but at least it will shortly all be over and you can put this ordeal behind you, and begin to really enjoy the sobriety for which you have strived so hard.

    Please know that we are all with you in spirit. :l

    Starlight Impress xxx


      Please don't do what I did


      sorry to hear about this Mike, we have probably ALL done this, but to get caught, well, that hasn't happened "YET" to me, should have thousands of times though.............

      Like others have said, may it go quickly and be over with, you will be in my prayers.........

      Let us know how you are when you get out........

      MA:h :h
      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Please don't do what I did

        I have a HORRID story myself. I have shared here before. I feel great remorse for ever driving drunk and thank God everyday that the only person hurt by my actions was ME. Had I hurt another person, I would be devastated. I have had a lot of the same worries. Just know that this will pass and lesson learned!!!! Don't ever do it again. You will survivie this, losing a house, yes it is awful, but you are still alive and you can recover from this. It could have been so much worse!!!!!! My fiance' drove drunk April 23rd, 2006. He ran off the road and lost control of his vehicle going 123 miles per hour....he literally crsuhed himself inside the car. We will forever be, his Mom, his siblings, my children. I in turn went NUTS for a year, drove drunk, nearly killed myself!!! What would my children have done without me???? It is horrible to drive drunk, but it is done and you can not undo it now. You WILL get through this, trust could be so much much worse!!!!!!!


          Please don't do what I did

          10 days of prayer for you

          Mike I wept when I read your post. I should have been picked up a thousand times for drinking and driving. I think probably most of us on this post should have been or maybe still could be?????????????? for all of those out there still drinking - please please read this and be safe - for yourself and for those on the road with you. I can only pray I never put myself or anyone else in this situation again.

          Mike - you will be a better person for facing this and going through this. Take along all the books you have (hopefully you have the MWO book) re read that - read other books about alcohol - go to the library and check some out and take with you. Refresh your mind with lots of information. Work out and take a journal along and write your thoughts in it over the next 10 days. They don't have to be eloquent. This could be 10 days that really cements in your program. Will they let you take your supplements and other things?

          Anyway - I will be praying for you Mike. I don't mean that in a casual way either. Your name is now on a sticky note taped to my computer! We'll be looking for you to check back after March 6th.
          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")


            Please don't do what I did

            Mike - sorry you have to go through this. I've had a DUI too, but I was able to get the pre-trial thing and DUI classes - no prosecution. Going through "the system" feels like CRAP. Until it's all over, it's gonna be a huge bummer. Duh. But it wil be over eventually. After this 10 days, you're gonna feel a million times better I bet. And I want to hear about your experience if you feel like sharing it. If nothing else, it could be, um, interesting?

            Please don't let blabber mouths (like me) keep you away from these boards. You have much to offer. You just did.

            We'll be here keeping the torch lit Mike. Be well :l

            WW xx


              Please don't do what I did

              good luck to you tomorrow mate.


                Please don't do what I did

                Mike, there for but the Grace of God go I. Thinking of you ...

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  Please don't do what I did

                  Good post, Mike...

                  The thing I'm proud of you for is you did not allow this to be a reason to continue drinking. Even though this is happening, you have maintained your sobriety. I applaud you.

                  Report tomorrow with a good attitude and be a "model inmate" for your 10 days. We look forward to hearing from you when you get sprung from the "big house".....



                    Please don't do what I did

                    Hey Mike.....can you receive mail while you incarcerated?

                    We could bake you a cake....:thumbs:



                      Please don't do what I did

                      Mike -

                      Thank you for your post and your honesty. I, too,got a DUI on January 21 and go to court April 2. I expect to also spend ten days in jail mandated by the legal system for a first offense. And here these is also no work release so may or may not have a job after all is said and done but hoping to work something out there.

                      I am working extremely closely with my Dr, started a new threapist in earnest and now admit....not I can not do this alone. PTSD or no, depression or no..... could have really hurt someone.

                      So thank you and my best on your recovery.


                        Please don't do what I did

                        Thanks for your honesty in your post.
                        Thinking of you over the next 10 days.


                          Please don't do what I did

                          ((hugs)) I have a DUI. Well, a DWI (driving while impaired, a lesser offense. My BAL was .091, and the legal limit was .1--I made it by a HAIR. They've since changed it to 0.08 in Connecticut).

                          There is a stupid story behind it but it isn't worth explain unless you guys really want to hear it. This was 9 years ago. I was 21. My husband doesn't even know about it.

                          Good luck to you. I was very VERY lucky in my turnout.
                          Windsor, CT


                            Please don't do what I did

                            Mike-that took a lot of guts to admit a wrong. Like Don mentioned-the good thing is that it didn't make you fall. Instead you're facing this with responsibility and probably helped many here who will think twice.

                            Hope the days fly by and will be looking forward to your return. Oh-congrats on all those AF months. Take care and sending happy vibes your way.
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Please don't do what I did

                              RIGHT!! He's gone, we can all talk about him now!!!!!LOL
                              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                                Please don't do what I did

                                Wow... that's ROUGH!

                                I still don't know what's going to happen with me.

                                It sounds they pretty much set out to destroy drunk drivers.

                                It's not enough to fine you; maybe put you on house arrest so you can continue working, but they know when they throw you in jail, they are throwing your life away.

                                No second chances, huh? Guess not.

