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Please don't do what I did

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    Please don't do what I did

    Hi Guys,

    I've been a member of MWO since last September. I'm almost 6 months AF (I've had two slips during that time). I spend more time in the chat room than actually posting on the boards where I generally bore the crap out of people talking about food, the bad winter and occasionally Boston Sports teams. I have also done my fair share of gut spilling though and that's why I thought I should post today.

    I read the posts a lot but I'm not great with the words of support that others use so well so I don't often reply unless I think it I can say something useful. Hope that doesn't sound selfish but there are a lot of people here who truly have great words of wisdom and can write very eloquently.

    I want to share a part of my story that has been hanging over my head since last year. I'm not sure how many of you have or might drive when drunk but I did this last Labor Day weekend. It was a circumstance that I should never have allowed myself to get into but I did in one of those "invincible" moments we tend to get when drinking. The thing is I seriously thought I was ok to drive. Yes, I had a little buzz going but how many people here have taken that chance once or maybe more than once?

    I was pulled over for doing 73 in a 65 mph zone. Not much but they pull you over for anything late at night. I was asked to perform basic sobrierty tests one of them was walk heel to toe, looking straight ahead at the cops flashlight. Well, me and my big mouth. I told the cop I was unable to do this due to an old soccer injury I had to my knee. I walk with a slight limp because of it. He wasn't buying it. Ok, just give me the breathylizer I told him. Well, he did and I blew twice the legal limit and was busted for DUI.
    Ok, I thought I'd deal with it, guilty as charged is what I pleaded in the court room. It was my own doing, no excuses, no-one to blame but myself.

    I wasn't ready for the final kick to the crotch yet though. I got caught in a state that has very little tolerance for this offense. As well as a big fine, losing my license I was sentenced to 10 days in the County Jail even though it was a first offense.

    I've had this hanging over my head for the past five months or so and not many people know about this. I'm not looking for any sympathy for this whatsoever but wanted to write hoping people will read this and think about what the consequences are if caught Drinking and Driving. The consequences for are a lot worse than Jail time or losing my license. My job is now hanging by a thread, I've had to put my house on the market in case I do lose my job if that happens I would lose my house and will have a hard time finding another job due to a criminal record.

    Please think about this if you are still drinking and think you are OK to drive.

    I report to the County Jail tomorrow (Tuesday) at 9:00 am.


    Please don't do what I did

    Thanks for posting Mike. A very important reminder.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Please don't do what I did

      Thanks Mike. I am so sorry. This too shall pass.


        Please don't do what I did

        Mike, I have to admit that I've been behind the wheel too many times when I shouldn't have. I really feeling like crying after reading your post because there were some nights I don't even remember driving home!! What a scary feeling. I know how lucky I am that I was never caught, but my past actions still scare me. It was years ago, but it haunts me like it was last week. I guess I got smarter as I got older and just did my "heavy" drinking at home.

        Please take care of your self. I hope your 10 days goes as fast and as easy as possible.
        You are in my prayers.

        Thank you for sharing that. I hope that your post is a lesson people will learn from.

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          Please don't do what I did

          Mike thanks for sharing...I will be thinking of you... I hope ten days goes by quickly...think of us while you are away...and know we are all thinking and praying for you.


            Please don't do what I did

            Hey Mike! Yes! we are all accountable for our own actions sober or otherwise. At least you haven't shied away from this notion which I think is commendable!

            Best of luck to you mate!

            Love and Happiness
            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


              Please don't do what I did

              Mike, unfortunately many if not most of us have taken that same risk in the past. You are to be commended for admitting it. Sorry you have to do jail time but hope it passes quickly. Touch base with us when you get back.


                Please don't do what I did

                Mike :l


                  Please don't do what I did

                  Hi Mike,
                  Thank you for having the courage to share this with all of us. I am sure that there are very few of us here who could honestly say that we have never driven a car after drinking. Clearly, the consequences for getting stopped are high!

                  Best of luck to you in going through this,

                  XXX KateH
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    Please don't do what I did

                    Mike, thanks for sharing!!! :l


                      Please don't do what I did

                      Mike, thanks for sharing.


                        Please don't do what I did

                        Mike, for the record you write very well so don't be a stranger ok?

                        you post might just save somebody's life.
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Please don't do what I did

                          thank you for sharing that, Mike. I am so sorry. yes, most of us have done that. by any chance, can you do a work release thing with your jail time? I understand they want to punish drunk drivers, but putting someone in jail on a first offense, thereby endangering the person's job, thereby making that person's life more precarious than before, seems kind of counterproductive. I don't know ... anyway, we will be thinking of you here.
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                            Please don't do what I did

                            Is right Det! Eloquence is over-rated anyway!!!
                            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                              Please don't do what I did

                              Hi Dex,

                              Even though it was my first offense it counts as an aggravated DUI because I was twice the limit. If I was under I wouldn't have this big a sentence. Unfortunately there is no work release or even time off for good behaviour.

                              Thank you for the thought though,

