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Perhaps MWO is the wrong place for me.
Perhaps MWO is the wrong place for me.
Post away!!! I am here with you, and I seriously hope you do not go away. I love your sense of humor and being able to talk about my big fat ass, and of course when I slip and fall on it!!!!
I really do not think it has anything to do with being a senior member or a newbie. Yes, we are new and don't know a lot of people yet, and the senior members here have "cliques", but that is just because they have spent a lot of time here together, have cried together, and have really gotten to know each other's deepest, darkest secrets. Plus, I am sure they have seen many people come and go from this site, not truly committed to the program.
With that said, many veteran's have given their love and support to us wise ass newbies, and I love them for it. I think it just has to do with personalities. Everybody is different, and we need to accept that. If we were all the same, how boring would that be?
Please stay. I won't be able to come to a boring site.Goal 1: Today
Goal 2: Tomorrow
Perhaps MWO is the wrong place for me.
What has happened to prompt this post from you?
I'd personally hate to see you leave, for two very important reasons:
1. You seem to have a legitimate reason for being here (you seem sincere in wanting to beat the hold AL has over you)
2. Your posts that I've read have shown you to have an endearing and engaging balance of both support and wit, which I find wonderful and fitting
Just my 2 cents.
-HopefulNowTaking it all in
Perhaps MWO is the wrong place for me.
Dex, You put a thousand women in the same room and there is going to be a cat fight or two. Or three. Unprovoked. Things said that are in print and can't be taken back. Pretend you are a duck and let roll off your back like water. Dolly, If you read this I extend my hand in friendship. Please don't slap it again. I need hand holding.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Perhaps MWO is the wrong place for me.
You will learn as WE ALL HAVE, there are tons of opinions on here. You take some and LEAVE SOME......you will bond with some and not with others...it is OK, we can't ALL like each other all the time. Take from this site what HELPS YOU GET AND STAY SOBBER and delete from your mind those things that don't help you get and stay where YOU need to be. I am not you, nor is anyone else, how we each get to our goal...is our own achievement. I for one....Love YA!!!!!
Perhaps MWO is the wrong place for me.
I am actually not really sure what makes someone a senior - is there some secret initiation I am not aware of? I thought it just meant that you had over 1000 posts.. I would be hard pressed to believe that this alone made one person smarter than someone who just logged on today.
If I did not have humor in this battle I would surely die.. this I know for sure. I come to this place to laugh, cry, swear, give support and receive suport. I was able to finally get sober because of MYO. I hope I will stay sober forever, but if for some reason I was to slip, I know I can come here and you will pick me up, dust me off, give me a good spankin' (tough love), and get me going again. That is why this place is unique.
Dex.. take it with a grain of salt... You are a bright spot in my day, and I am sure in many others... Please don't go anywhere.
Go to the fuck thread and get it all out..
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.
Perhaps MWO is the wrong place for me.
Just wanted to say that although I am a newbie also and I may not post much (I lurk alot) but personally you have helped me through a couple of bad times and have held your hand out to me and for that I am very grateful. I for one also don't want to see you leave because you are a great support to everyone on here that reaches out for help and in return we should be there for you and anyone else that needs a hand also. We all come here with the same awful disease that we are trying so desperatly to beat. We all have our own reasons that we drink and our own set up problems that causes us to drink, but the drink is what we all have in common and just the fact that we can come together from all parts of the world and reach out to each other to laugh to cry to fart or burp - well its just amazing as far as I am concerned.
thats just my 2 cents - and I really, really hope you and your dancing cat don't leave :h
pbearwhen you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most
Perhaps MWO is the wrong place for me.
Dex, you don't really want to leave. You can't. And neither can Green. I read the other thread in which you refer and I can easily see both sides of the coin. Sorry, Green but I can. But you are dwelling only on what you perceive as the negative. If you will indulge me, please let me explain what I think the positve is.
If someone calls out for help, EVERYONE rallies around. Newbies, Seniors, and everyone in between.
If someone says, please help me I need advise...well they have to take the good with the bad. Help was solicitated not just pushed upon anyone.
We all need humor and no one has ever posted a problem with it. It's just that this particular situation called for someone to stand up and say enough is enough. Humor is obviouly not working. So today they tried tough love. Obviously that isn't going to work either. But you know what? They still tried to help. If people didn't care, they wouldn't post at all. They care and they said what they thought was appropriate for "that situation".
It's ok to tell someone when they slip "we understand". It's counter productive to tell a person the same thing everyday if it's not working! We are all alcoholics. We know all the tricks. We know how easy it is to try to justify drinking even for really minute reasons. So, new things have to be said. We are all trying to help each other.
Bottomline is if you were insulted, I'm sure that wasn't the intention. Bottomline is that people are trying to help.
Love, Me
:lAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Perhaps MWO is the wrong place for me.
:h :h Dex!! Look how long I have been here, I don't know fuckall!! (new jersey term, credit goes to a good friend of mine). Do not leave, we need you here, and really, you do help all of us, oldies and newbies alike... this is a forum, a place to share ideas, not an idealology. I really enjoy reading your posts. :h SuzThe more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.
Perhaps MWO is the wrong place for me.
Thank you so much, Thankful. you are very wise. and Luk and MM. and although few who know me in my real life would know it, I am this (surfacely) even-tempered person who sometimes get scarily triggered. Thank you, you are right. and I am sad about my own struggles. thank you.:boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!