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Can you judge?
Can you judge?
Well folks
I am guilty as charged.
I am AF for 200 days plus, and apparently my halo and that of others like me is shining in the eyes of some and is so blindingly shiny it is stopping them clearly seeing their MWO goals.
That makes me very very sad.
What has happened to this place?
So - I have decided it is time that I am outa here.....:upset:
To all the amazing friends I have laughed (and cried) with over the last 14 month here, I truly truly wish you all the very best.
You guys literally saved my life.
Take care
Love :h
xxx"Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"
Can you judge?
Somebody needs a great big hug Come here Kim...:l
You have expressed some heavy duty emotions, frustration, anger, hope and disappointment to name a few. Kim, I know you are a real person somewhere in that real world out there. Here at MWO, you are that real person with the Keeta avatar. It is impossible for us here to see who the real Kim is as we all suffer here together in this electronic blender of emotions and like Living said we are all struggling as well.
I come here to chronicle my own roller coaster ride not so much to read the replies of others but to have a place to express these emotions and if a reply comes my way...bonus. But at the same time I will have to honor those replies for there is some truth and wisdom of their words that may hurt or not be what I wanted to hear. In the end they are just words but they can help me find a better way to heal the hurt and pain we all hold inside. If there was a better, easier way to do this I can tell you I would have found it and I would not be here.
Stick around, hang tough and you just may change your life for the better.
Love and hugs
Can you judge?
Satori, stop, see my post to you and Dolly. I wish, as Janice said, we could let this lie. I am sorry about the halo thing. You are certainly one of the most inspirational people on this site. I am already feeling at rock bottom, and to think that one stupid comment of mine would drive away one of "rocks" of this site would send me over the edge.:boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!
Can you judge?
Keeta, I'm sorry you feel so offended. I have only tried posting to this situation on these "threads of question", because my heart aches for hurting people. I'm just trying to help put out the fire and hopefully end the situation. So, if I too offend it's not my intention.
You took Green's issue and put it in first person. I think some people replying here think all this happened to you and are confused by what happened. What was stated yesterday was to Green and "her" particular situation. It was never stated that those replies were to be addressed to all who still drink. Everyone's struggle is different, just the goal is the same.
All I can suggest is that you (and others interested) please go back and read ALL the posts in the two threads:
Greens: Help
Dex: Perhaps MWO is not the place for me (or something like that).
There is a fantasic post in one of these threads by Livingfree! The one you have to substitute the word Alcohol for Nicotine. I think that post alone could clear up this whole ugly mess.
Please open your hearts and minds people. Everyone is trying to help. If you don't like the advise, then simply don't take it.
Love, Me
:lAlcohol is simply the device between success and failure.
Can you judge?
Please.....everyone stay! I don't cry but I have tears in my eyes now and sure it might be because I've been AF for awhile, but whoa, now I'm feeling anxious and I HATE feeling anxious becuas that makes me want to drink and OMG....I have to go pick up my daughter ad btw, please don't stay just for me, but, I don't knonw....I'm upset, sorry....Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."
Can you judge?
me too!!!
I posted, probably on the wrong thread cuz it was asking for all this to stop.............Satori, you have been such an ispiration to me, and I think to alot of us this site is some stability and familiarity in our somewhat CRAZY lives.............Please let's just get over it and keep on w/ this recovery/moderating thing................PLEASE!!??
:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
Can you judge?
Satori- I agree with tawny.
I have left this site every once in awhile for a week or two. Newbies have to understand that is sometimes draining for Seniors who themselves are barely hanging on even after months of abstaining or moderating. We have been there & done that & sometimes a kick to the butt is needed for some. I have been here since Nov 2006 and i have seen people come & go, successes and failures, drama & love for each other. The more you are here the more you get to know everyone's personalities.
As for the "too sober" comment ~I think what was meant was that-I'll use me as an example: when I first started out I needed people-I needed MWO. I participated in threads, gathered info, asked for help, etc. After a few months of being AF-I started helping all the newbies I could. I was happy to give back what I received. I shared my stories and advice. I did that for another few months. Now that I've finally gotten the "big picture" I have passed the torch. I'm kind of in MWO retirement. I'll help when I can, give input when needed but I no longer make it my #1 priority. I'm enjoying my sobriety now. I'm laughing & smiling again.
We are all constantly growing and changing. Everyone knows what needs to be done in their journey. No one can make decisions for us because only we know what we need in order to achieve what we want.
Satori-I will miss you and I hope to see you back soon.:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
Can you judge?
Ripple, you have REALLY disheartened me. So much so I think this is definately not the place for me.
You constantly talk in riddle, what's with that? I'm just so over how you cannot even be big enough to answer my question to that "strange" post you put in my thread - THIS if you have forgotten (because it seems you have forgotten to respond to myself and many others when we have asked you what it is about!)
heard this before.
follow your sponsor bessie, she will guide you around the meadow muffins. the roll playing is a smack in the face to those coming here to discuss real issues about alcohol. i am not amused and don't think a few are concerned about alcohol addiction in the least. BOoooooooooooo.
I'm really disgusted in your immaturity. Dont ignore me thanks! dont ignore anyone, you are no better than anyone else. You make a comment that makes NO SENSE AT ALL yet then not respond. This is my last time in asking you.
Why am I bringing it up again? because people like you put people like me off support places. How the hell are you contributing to supporting by being weirdly cryptic and then seemingly too high and mighty to respond to a request asking what is it about?!?
As far as the other stuff that is causing conflict here, I give up. Doesnt make sense to me. A few weeks ago I joined here and saw none of this - the one thing that drew me to here was the diversity of people and their problems, the stages they were at. NO JUDGEMENT.
I can see so many people's feelings are hurt when they are in their time of need. I dont think anyone joins a forum like this unless they really need to. Having someone act rude is doing no one any favours - most of all themselves.
Over it. Over here. Sorry to those who felt I could be a true support to them, I'm not really upset I'm just rolling my eyes. Good luck to everyone, and particularly good luck to those who are smart arse and rude - heaven knows YOU need the most help.Wake me up low with a fever~Walking in a straight line~ Set me on fire in the evening~Everything will be fine~Waking up strong in the morning~Walking in a straight line~Lately I?m a desperate believer~But walking in a straight line
Can you judge?
Satori, this would be such a huge loss to all of us if you leave. Very draining indeed and as someone who has been here awhile I would just like to let you all know that this happens from time to time. We are strangers to one another and come from different cultures, it's hard to figure out tone and meaning sometimes in cyberspace.
The forum has it's ups and downs however I will tell you that even with all of that I have found such support from so many. This too shall pass."Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."