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Why I am here!

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    Why I am here!

    When I joined the MWO forums I have to confess I was not one who was following the MWO 'program'; although, I incorporate a lot of the same methods in my own program (and the same could be said of AA and the 12 step recovery program). I found MWO through a link a member posted on a forum affectionately known as Molly's or officially....The Unofficial AA UK Recovery forum of which I am still a member. I still post there occasionally and on another forum known as the Rock which is more orientated around people who are not AA and have their own chosen methods of recovery. I use the term 'recovery' loosely as it is my own personal belief that we can actually RECOVER from our drinking and move forward without always being under the (AA) illusion that we are ALWAYS in recovery. Anyway what I did find when I came here was a totally diverse and multi-cultured group of 'drinkers' from all kinds of backgrounds and some like myself had their own methods of doing things. I warmed to the people on here instantly and found myself right at home and thrived on the fact that this forum was so 'worldwide'. I've always considered myself to be somebody who embraces other peoples ideas, or at least respects them. For example, I do not believe in organised religion; my reasons, my ideologies and something I don't force on others. Yet i have the utmost respect for those who do have faith and share that here with others (Southernbelle being the member I am relating to in this example). I, at least, consider myself to have good Christian values in my upbringing anyway!!!!. The point I am trying to make with this is that YES there some days I feel down and blue and yet I can come on here and find a post that simply inspires me in some way and makes me feel happy and maybe restores a liitle faith in myself. There are days when I do feel totally inspired and wish to share my experiences with others and just maybe I might 'touch' someone else. Then there are days when I just feel plain goofy and having a good laugh with my mates on here keeps my spirits lifted. There are many reasons why I choose to log on and come here but the main reason is that I can truly be myself here without fear of judgment by others.

    My utmost respect and love to you all

    For those who missed it first time round when southernbelle posted the link this movie says more than I ever could, so simply watch, enjoy, learn, be inspired.............

    May You Be Blessed Movie
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    Why I am here!

    Hippie, You have said it elequently... We are all a diverse bunch for sure.. I will say too that I've never felt so understood by such compassionate people.
    Isn't it a nice soft place to come to on a downer day?
    I echo your words..
    I have utmost respect for you too Hippie and everybody else.... xxx

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      Why I am here!

      Hippie, I agree about recovery. I think it's quite possible to manage one's drinking life; the reason AA thinks otherwise is probably because people who suffer through those horrible meetings probably relapse regularly! Maybe I'm just not a follower or a "groupie;" for me it's "MY Way or the highway", as we say down South! Thanks for a great post.
      Jane Jane


        Why I am here!

        Rock on Hippie!

        Refreshing open and honest post! Loved every word. Have an awesome day today!
        Is Addiction Really a Disease?
        Watch this and find out....


          Why I am here!

          Thank You
          Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


            Why I am here!

            thank you for sharing.
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              Why I am here!

              YOU ROCK!
              Could not have said it better saved me a lot of keyboarding! Thanks!
              War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                Why I am here!

                Hippie, what a beautiful post.

                We love you too. :h

                Love, Me
                Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                  Why I am here!

                  THANK-YOU love, wonderful post!!!!


                    Why I am here!


                    You have helped me out soooooooo much on this site in so many ways!! Thanks for sharing and helping even more!! You are awesome, thanks for the truthfullness and honesty and just plain "being here":thanks:

                    Love,:h :h

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Why I am here!

                      :applaud: :thumbsup
                      :h :h
                      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                        Why I am here!

                        Ah...hippee...that was a lovely, lovely post! You sound up-beat and I am pleased. You are right about this place....|There are some great people here and all so very different....but obviously one thing that links us all together. I log on opening the newspaper to get the can help me when I'm down, make me laugh when I'm fine....and I respect each and every member here, no matter what.....

                        Thanks for writing that..... Bella xxxx


                          Why I am here!

                          Hippie, thanks son LOL that was lovely, the movie clip made me cry!!!!!

                          Thanks again, you give so much around here .......

                          Love & Hugs, BB xx

