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    You are one of the most helpful, insightful people here. You have nothing to do with anything I personally posted. (I can't speak for any one else)

    I would truely hate to think anything I have said or done would actually make you consider leaving a place you need, and are needed in.

    Please don't leave.

    I have many posts to respond to, but I wanted you to know at least, that my specific post was not directed towards you, or any help or advice or support you have ever given.

    Oh see, now as I sit here typing this, I realise my own words may have affected some one else negatively (here's the epiphany) WITHOUT meaning to.

    So in turn...maybe something that was said, I perhaps misinterpreted.

    To any I have hurt, or offended while venting my disappointment, I truely, from the heart apologise.

    Satori, you are an awesome person, and I would gratefully accept your advice any day.

    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


    ditto that sentiment, Keeta , although apparently it was my comment that did the damage.
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



      FUCK ME can you imagine if we all met up in a bar and got pissed together now that would be trouble. Let's get this thing in perspective people!!!

      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009



        I agree! Let's do the math ............

        Website where people go for support to get their alcohol problem under control
        No senior members because they are 'TOO SOBER'

        = WTF ?

        If you decide it's in your best interest to stay, I really hope you will.

        Love you Dude :l -
        Wonder xx



          Is there such a thing as "too sober" ????
          I think that might be right up there with too rich, and too thin. Not possible.

          We new people NEED people who know what it is to experience fuck up our lives (to varying degrees) to get back on track...tricks to deal with physical AND emotional withdrawl...tricks to keep AL at on suppliment dosage...the list can go on.

          There is no way I can quit trying to quit alcohol. I will life will be destroyed. I can't let my hurt feelings sway me from that.
          I hope you will stay Satori, because I need your help...and so do many many others. You have so much to share.

          love, Kim
          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL



            ditto ditto ditto and ditto. I think that was beautifully said keeta.




              On what everyone else has said, DITTO!!!

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



                what the hell??????? someone offended the sage buddhist master? aaaaahahahah. okay sorry but that cracks me up..... okay we are all human and we need to do whatever is right for us. so if sat needs a break maybe he needs a break. he'll be back. even buddhists need to take a walk of silence every now and then. love you buddhy buddy. boots



                  Bootsie, I don't know if it was just one comment or not that offended him. I have seen repeated comments over the past few months since I've been here. Always wanted to say something about this, but of course I didn't want to be attacked. Comments like: newbies are ignored - newbies are treated mean - seniors think they are better than us - it's easy for them because they don't drink anymore. These aren't exact quotes because I don't want to point fingers and add to the drama. I do my best to be a peace maker whenever possible. I think just one too many comments finally got to Satori, you know?

                  These sort of comments are slaps in the face of every senior out there. If I were a senior, I'd be so pissed I wouldn't want to come back either. Why the hell should they help us newbies, if they have to endure insults and nasty comments. If anyone is treated like crap on this site, it is the seniors. I for one would be lost without them as would many others.

                  I commend all who admit when they are wrong and apologize. But when the comments repeat, the apologies become less sincere. I just think it finally got to him today.

                  I'm embarassed to be a newbie.

                  Anyone want to chew me a new one, go right ahead. But everyone says we have a right to post what we feel. So I did.

                  Love, Me
                  Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.



                    Thankful. I agree whole heartedly with you.

                    I am so saddened by this, I can't express it properly.

                    I didn't want this to become any drama. I was trying to vent my hurt. In no way would I ever want to hurt anyone, let alone not someone that did nothing to me, but be helpful, supporting and kind.

                    I am embarassed to have been any part of this. I hate what has happened, and myself.

                    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL



                      Come many time have we seen this some AND GO.......and it shall again. Stay home!!!!!



                        Keeta, don't hate yourself. That's certainly not going to help you. My post was not directed to any one person, so please don't take it personally.

                        I'm just tired of seeing people get trashed because they are trying to help someone. Not just Satori.

                        You know what the sad thing is about all of this? Some people thought Green needed some tough love yesterday. But because people lashed out at those who tried to help, she isn't going to get the underlying message of what they were trying to say. This friggin bull steamrolled into one of our most beloved members wanting to leave. And where's Green today? Not here getting help.

                        It's just so sad.

                        Love, Me
                        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.



                          Don't hate yourself...we do enough of that. This got out of control. Satori has helped me more than I can say but this was a wake up call. It seems if we don't coddle the needy we are bad. It's very difficult to try your best and be put down for it.



                            Thankful, and Dolly....thank you for your posts.

                            I am just terribly sad right now. I only hope Satori returns. He is a valuable asset to this site.

                            Everyone is.
                            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL



                              Thankful-that was a nice post.
                              Keeta-no need to hate yourself. I've been here for awhile & have seen drama FAR WORSE than this. It'll blow over. Misunderstandings that just needed to be explained. Sometimes Seniors need a little time away.
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

