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    Thankful;280077 wrote: Keeta, don't hate yourself. That's certainly not going to help you. My post was not directed to any one person, so please don't take it personally.

    I'm just tired of seeing people get trashed because they are trying to help someone. Not just Satori.

    You know what the sad thing is about all of this? Some people thought Green needed some tough love yesterday. But because people lashed out at those who tried to help, she isn't going to get the underlying message of what they were trying to say. This friggin bull steamrolled into one of our most beloved members wanting to leave. And where's Green today? Not here getting help.

    It's just so sad.

    Love, Me
    BINGO!!! That is all I was trying to say.



      EXACTLY THANKFUL....if tough loved helped, we wouldn't be here!!!!! I have kids, family, friends......many have more than that, HUSBANDS, many times did they beat you, beg you not to drink? Tough love doesn't help, if it did, we would not be here!!!!! We would all be sobber happy folks....the SHIT don't work!!!!! Beat yourself up if you need to, but DO NOT JUDGE others unless you are coming here sobber for a REAL long time....I have not seen anyone not counting months...maybe 1-3 years tops....



        Thankful and all: I wish most of all I hadn't made that comment about "seniors." that was uncalled for. but i was in a wretched place. That wasn't even really my point, that was just an added, and thoroughly uncalled for, bit of venting. and other than in the last 24 hours, i hope i haven't lashed out at seniors or anyone. If I have, I am sorry. I wish I could undo the whole post. think i will.
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



          I have spoken out of turn. I am sorry. But the person you all are protecting is MIA.



            The Best.

            Satori, is the best....he told me I was a genius! and ya know what, i took that as a compliment. now as far as these threats of leaving, its typical, without crisis these forums would be so boring. .....




              Satori, you are a cherished member here who has helped inspire so many people with this addiction. I hope you will not stay away forever.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                OK guys - the last thing I want to do is make anyone feel bad about anything.
                I am humbled by the many PMs and posts asking me to reconsider leaving, and I thank you all for that.
                Please forgive me if I post this here instead of answering you all individually.

                To set the record straight - and get this into perspective - I have not left here because of anyone in particular or any
                particular comment. So, Keeta, Dexterhead and others involved in earlier posts today, who feel they are in some way to "blame" - please do not feel bad - it was not anything specific you guys said.

                As BCB sort of pointed out - Buddhists don't "do" offended.

                I simply felt I needed to leave because my being here did not seem to be helpful any more.
                if by posting or publicising my many days AF, I only "rub people's noses in it" and make them feel bad, what is the point?

                Satori is, I fear, suffering from "Battle fatigue".

                I come here day after day not because I really "need" to for my own sobriety so much these days, but because I honestly feel deeply for the
                anguished souls who turn up here, scared and confused and looking for a way out of what many see as a hopeless situation.

                If I can help just ONE escape and achieve some kind of control over this addiction - it will be all worthwhile - because I remember
                what it was like then - and I know the "joy" I find in the simple thing in life now - free of alcohol.

                If some of my posts are "eloquent" as someone said earlier - believe me - it is not because I am a natural, it is because I usually
                think long and hard about what I am trying to say in order to try to make myself understood.
                I guess the effort is starting to take its toll.

                So - I again thank you all for your messages of support today - they mean a lot - but there are others
                much more in need right now - Jacqui and Finding my Feet for example.

                Please, please look after them - they are hurting.

                Chief - congratulations on 200 days!

                I will drop out of sight now to recharge my batteries - I will certainly reconsider leaving for good, but for now at least - I need to do the silent retreat thing.

                Take care

                Much love to all :l

                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



                  I need you Satori, and your help.

                  Thank you for posting,

                  Much love,
                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL



                    thank you Satori for posting . thank you so much !!!! I am starting to understand how exhausting it can be for you and others who put time into reaching into struggling souls, who don't always like what they hear, are wrapped up in their own problems, and who often fade away after you've put effort into reaching out.

                    your posts have inspired me a LOT. and I admire you greatly. so thank you again for alleviating a corner of my huge guilt complex and go recharge your batteries.:l :l
                    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!




                      Your a wonderful addition to MWO. Don't stay away to long!

                      Love & Peace
                      ~ttfme (this time for me)



                        Much love to you too Satori

                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                          Satori,...thank you for posting...

                          You help someone everytime you post, my friend.....we will miss you, but we understand because you are the real deal, we know you are not leaving because you are doubting your commitment to sobriety.

                          I do want to add something, though....anyone on this site who would accuse you of "rubbing people's noses in it" concerning your success is not yet in tune with the dedication and hard work required to achieve what you have. Every site needs it's heros, and you are one of ours. You didn't plan it, you didn't ask for it....I think it's the evolution of sobriety here.

                          If you must leave....fine, but don't leave because you think your words no longer help couldn't be more off base..




                            thank you. I wish you peace. Be well our friend.
                            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein




                              Thank you for giving so much to the site. I totally understand the need to take a break and re-charge. All the best to you. You deserve it.



                                AMEN CHIEF....

