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    You are a very much valued member of this community. You offer humour, wonderful insight, words of wisdom and the occasional soft boot to someones butt when needed.

    Please don't stay away too long, we need you here.
    Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
    April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
    wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
    wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
    wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
    wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
    wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
    wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

    I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.



      I dont know whats going on, and not going to research. Satori, can understand your fatigue, its like being a burned out social worker/counselor. Just wanted you to know, even though you may not read this, when I have seen your posts "when Satori speaks, I listen".

      Take care hon...hope your not gone long. But do what you have to do for yourself.
      This is no longer a drinking's a matter of Life or Death!!!



        SATORI -I Just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for replying to just about EvERY SINGLE POST where I asked for help.I am honestly trying not to cry right now,my nostrils are burning trying to hold back tears.I know that this is not one of those "I am leaving,please beg me to stay posts"...I am just heartbroken.But now that I understand that you hae really just been here to guide us for so long,I realize that it really isn't fair,not if someone is going to make you feel like a snob for it!!I don't even want to read whatever the heck that is about because it will make my blood boil.I feel so selfish right now,because i wish that I could call you and at least know that i could still somehow have some sort of interaction w/ you,as it has done my soul such good.But heyyou know what?You should be getting PAID for all of the heart and soul you put into us people here when you really could and maybe should be doing other things.i AM SO DAMN SORRY for whatever the heck was said by someone that implicated that you would ever rub anyones nose in your sobriety...freaking ridiculous.Well,maybe I am just still very weak (NOT a guilt trip,honey i PROMISE !!!)But I for one am going to be keeping an eye out and praying that you come back soon.even just your AVATAR makes me feel safe,I don't know why!!!!You have a wonderful gift with people and I hope you know how much you are cherished by a person like me,who's never even met you but came here scared shitless and w/ no hope-you literally were like my night in shining armour!and I'll bet you have a full life of people (outside of us kooky CYBER-FRIENDSwho will be very gratefull to have more of you.But I am still SAD AS H-LL :huggy .....I really hope I will see you again,Satori-please take care,put yourself first and know that you have made a difference in many people's lives:l
        I don't know what is going on around here?the energy feels really strange all of a sudden,I hope it passes soon I have always felt soooo much love here between everybody since day one.that is why I have b ecome so comfortable here...I am sad

        love ande hugs,Rebecca



          sat i am so thankful that you are taking a break and recharging your batteries. a walk of silence is well deserved and well reserved. you have earned it my friend you have earned it well. and you will do whatever you need as you have been a light for so very many. and yes buddhists don't do "offended" that is why i was cracking up. you are such a true deep and beloved soul. and you have a heart of an angel. i am so so so happy that you are practicing true self care as that is what we all need to practice. so please please take care of you and your beloved family. all of us here will take care of ourselves. my dear angel reach deep in to the stars, in your heart and into your soles and soul as you walk and know that whatever you do and where ever you go you make a difference. if even you are to say nothing at all you make a difference. your very light of love and forgiveness and charish makes it all. that simple smile and that presence is all that is needed. if you never reached out a hand again you continue to make a difference simply because you are on the planet and living a life of integrity. and that example of integrity each in every way in your own life is the example that ripples through the ethers and is felt on some level by all. so please take your walk with care and take each breathe of integrity knowing that it is indeed the right thing to do. self care is "self" with a capital S in all ways..... love you buddha buddy. boots



            lillyatter and bootcampbarbie
            What wonderful words!
            I just hope Satori gets to read them soon as you guys said it all
            I will miss you too Satori
            very much
            OMG I suddenly feel quite emotional. Such sad goings on around here lately.

            :upset: Anna
            Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter



              Satori I wish you the very best and hope to see you again soon. We will miss you while you are gone however understand where you are coming from. All the best to you!
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                c'mon guys Satori will remain here in spirit, 'cause we love him.

                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                  satori.........I just want you to know that I think the world of you. You GIVE, GIVE, GIVE and then GIVE SOME MORE. Nothing and noone is ever too much trouble for you.

                  You are a very special, gentle, true gentleman. :l

                  Starlight Impress xxx




                    I haven't been on MWO lately with on going issues at work, so not really sure what although I did have a browse and have a vague insight.

                    I hope to see you back again really soon.....I can never thank you enough for the times you have given me advice when I "just couldn't do it" your words of wisdom have made that AF switch go on.

                    Love Mandy x



                      Satori..... dont like to see u have a very special gift in helping mwo people. you will be missed very much.

                      How about if we throw you a reunion party at the inn...i know you dont like to miss out on a good party...are u in.

                      I do hope that you do reconsider and come back soon!:fingers:
                      wishing u all the best.:l


                      family is everything to me



                        This is just a note to Satori, because I hardly get enough time to read the boards these days and I 've only just realised what has happened.

                        I just want to register the fact Satori that you are so hugely appreciated and loved here.

                        I know ignorant mean spirited people can wear a person out and so I understand why you need to take a break. However, I hope that somehow you can allow all this outpouring of appreciation to balance the scale a little and remember that there are many of us who have benefited by your presence here and are sending loving thoughts your way. I am glad you are happy in yourself and hope you have a good rest and/or good rest of your life!

                        Thank you Satori, from the bottom of my heart. :l



                          I feel a little confused with deep respect to all.
                          I have missed the post that is in reference.

                          What delicate treasures you are, each and everyone.
                          I may be alive, still, because of one word in one of your particular , sacred, posts.

                          Alcohol caught me off guard and I still am counting the moment when the sun rises and then the moon sets and I am assured that this is "the" day that I will awake without pissing the bed and "pulling off " another shift without notice at how puffed up my face is.

                          I have untangled the many DUI's and grieve still at long time friends vaporizing.

                          You are all I have.

                          I am promising to do better as best I can from email to email.
                          But I frequent often and my eyes search for any word that will bring comfort from this.

                          With Love,


                          " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales



                            Wow... I really don't even know what to say here. I have been gone for a few days and didn't know this was going on, I am really saddened. I have read throught all the posts leading up to this and I am truly heartbroken.

                            Satori is one of the most amazing people I have ever met, cyber, or other wise. I will dearly miss him.. I have to say, I truly hope everyone learns from this. I know I have brought something away from this.

                            Satori, my friend, words cannot describe the emptiness that you will leave here and in my heart. I am truly sorry that it has come to this. You know what is right for you. Love and peace. I respect your silence. Until we meet up again....


                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.



                              i have no clue what happened either, but I have to say that I read ONE post from you, Satori, and it changed my attitude toward AL - forever. So, know that you changed one person's life. Sorry to see you go.
                              Thank you.



                                I read your posts with joy. You have so much wisdom and always to the point.
                                Your wise advise has helped me further my journey to totally AF. i may not be a consistant drinker, but I can do a good nights have helped me understand myself more, made me think about things in a new light that I had not thought of before.

                                Where I live we were lucky enough to the some Tibetian monks stay with us for the summer. They helped me and many of our community with their meditation and words,, that got me though a tuff spot in my life.
                                You have done the same.........
                                I wish you well in your life, you have achieved what all of us are looking for here, and not without effort..........A shame we have to lose your pot of knowledge.

