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which is right?

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    which is right?

    ok I will try to be brief but this question has been weighing on my mind for the past few days and I thought I would get others opinions. I have been through rehab and been to many AA meetings and they all pretty much say the same. This is a disease, there is no cure, just keep coming back and don't pick up that first drink. Sounds like common sense to me. So then I find this site (which is awesome by the way) and learn that there may just be another way to go about this. Never in reh or AA did I learn about supplements or topo or campral or any type of meds that can help control the cravings. Ok then I am sitting at work yesterday on break and there just happens to be this infomercial type thing on t.v that catches my attention. They are talking about AL addiction and this guys goes on about just buy my book and you learn how to CURE your addiction. This is NOT a disease but a brain chemical thing and you just have to re-train your brain.

    So I guess what I am saying is how is one to know what is what? How is one to know which is the way to go about it?? Do you do the AA way and just use the support of other alcoholics - do you do the MYO and go with supps or do you buy this damndable book that promises a cure???

    I guess I am just saying that it is all a wee bit confusing and yea I guess I do have to find my own way - but what exactly is that?? I don't know, guess you can call me still searching.

    Blesses everyone,

    when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most

    which is right?

    oops meant to say blessings everyone - damn cold anyway
    when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


      which is right?

      I firmly believe alcoholism is a miswiring of the brain. When we continue to drink we continue to deplete our brain of those "feel good chemicals." AA does not address nutritional support and it damn well should. Addiction is more than just a habit, it is our brain screaming out for the drug to calm it down. That is where the supplements from here and the hypnotherapy CDs come in. This is not to say you cannot do this in combination with AA. AA for some can be a great support group. But there is more to beating this thing than just talking about it in group meetings IMHO.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        which is right?

        whatever helps you live right is the right way........whatever makes YOU, that is up to you


          which is right?

          Hey Pooh,

          I think we still have to find our own way. MWO offers us options, and maybe this new program does too. I know a fair amount about AA, although I don't agree with the "disease model". I agree with many of the principles and think it is a good spiritual program, but I find that for me, some of the members are just too dogmatic. So I was thrilled when I learned about MWO and thought I might be able to moderate. Unfortunately for me, I am such an addictive type, I learned to drink over topa after periods of abs, or I would quickly revert to heavy drinking when I tried to moderate. Still, MWO has been a Godsend to me to be abstinent, and topa is great for me if I don't drink at all. But that is just ME.

          It may be quite different for you. You are right; you ARE still searching, and the only way you are going to learn what you need to learn is by trying different things and giving them a chance and then evaluating them honestly to yourself.

          This new program may be good too (or maybe not ). It's another thing to look into.

          I'm curious though, how much do you know about the full MWO program. What are your goals? Abstinence? Moderation? If you know what you want, that can help you decide on a course of action. After all, MWO is also about re-training your brain if you follow the program.

          Let us know what you find out.

          :l :l
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            which is right?

            Well, I cannot give you an exact answer but I know I have done a ton of research just because I did not think that AA was the only way to go.
            Anyways, I am a health professional and tend to believe the science portion of things and any person saying they have a cure is just dead wrong. I have read some science stuff about MWO and it makes sense to me. We in the science world have never really looked at new ways to deal with addiciton. It was shoved away like the mental patients. Now, there is new info and proof that this is a disease that most likely is gentic but can be brought on by upbringing and lifestyle/associations.
            I truley believe that it is a disease that does have a cure but it is not in the sense of a pill will just take everything away. I think it will be like everything else in life and take hard work along with some thearpy and maybe some drugs. Why not drugs? We treat HBP and CHF with a ton of meds. Why is their disease any different then ours. We just need some more studies out there trying some of these drugs that might help us. People still think you can just will yourself into stop drinking. Come one, if that was the case then I would be perfectly find with 1 or 2 drinks. It does not work that way.
            Well, sorry for the long post but I think it will be a combination of meds/thearpy and hard work that will win this battle. And yes AA is a proven thearpy.
            Keep the faith and do your own research and find one that works for you.


              which is right?

              thank you lushy and I do feel that you are right - they just address that we are alcoholics and there is not much that we can do about it but just keep going to meetings. I actually called around to try and find a therapist and the conversation I had with this office gal was hilarious to say the least. She kept saying that I needed to go to rehab and I kept telling her over and over, been there done that - then she tried to refer me to somewhere I had already been. Then I told her I want someone that not only I could talk to but could prescribe me meds - she then said well nobody can prescribe you anything unless you go to rehab first. I had to tell her that there are anti-craving meds out there and that is what I need. Dang sorry didnt mean to go on - i just get so frustrated.

              and luv you are so very right also - nobody knows ME more than ME and I guess its up to me to find out just who that person is and what exactly works best for me
              when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                which is right?

                hi there..poohbear..i just use everything i read and learn as much as i can .there are too many ways out there.and i have learn the best way for me. is i realise what i am and i work on that . just keep on it. you can say iam my own for have a great night
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  which is right?

                  Pooh, the only time I was Af was for 9 days last spring and I took supps. and ate well and drank a ton of water. And exercised. End of story. No AA ( which for some reason I went to recently - well that would be hubby goading, but it was OK) Just big giirl pants. I seem to be weaker now. But know in my heart if I can get back to that program I will rise up and beat the beast.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    which is right?

                    oh greeneyes i search for my big girl pants every day and it seems like some days i can find them and others they are hiding. The days that they are hiding seems like the days I gained wt and they just got too dang small for me. Hang in there babe I am right there with ya - as long as we are on this site we are never alone - just remember that
                    when you fail at something is when you learn and grow the most


                      which is right?

                      Poohbear, one thing MWO does extremely well is operate as a clearing-house for information regardless of your goals. so post some info on this book and we'll scrutinize it together ok?

                      Have you downloaded the MWO book from this website? I'd start there.

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        which is right?

                        OH DETS...WHY???? Now it is gonna be posted and my God you KNOW we will tear it to shreds......


                          which is right?

                          Poohbear, you need to ask for a therapist that specializes in alcohol addition. If they don't, they rarely know squat and aren't up on the recent meds. Good luck!
                          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                            which is right?

                            Hi poohbear!!

                            There is right or wrong way and there is definitely no easy way either. What I am reminded of here is Satori's signature which says "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon".

                            Me personally, I believe I have a 'thinking problem' and I need to concentrate on that area and how it effects my life right now. What you have done that is positive is you are starting to question what is right for YOU. I personally don't follow the MWO program, I don't go to AA and I don't try and moderate my drinking as I know I can't. What I can say though is that I have learned a lot from engaging people who do have alternative methods than my own. It is a BIG learning process becoming sober and not to be taken lightly.

                            Love and Happiness
                            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                            Clean and sober 25th January 2009

