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Lost My Self - for a bit...

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    Lost My Self - for a bit...

    Just to update amongst the other sad goings on here...

    My Mum died last night at 7.15pm....5 minutes after I walked back in the door of home, 7 hours away, to recharge my batteries for 48 hours and try and Find My Self again after 10 days of just me and my Dad in the house I grew up in and was so, so, so unhappy in....

    It's been a long, long 10 days and today I am going back for another 10.... I am so going to try and find some sort of Internet connection but so hope that if I am able to, I find MWO in a happier 'state' than I came back to - not well chosen words at all and sorry if they offend at all, but I just feel sad about this 'energy blip'; this place so to special. Let's hope all is resolved soon?

    My Mum deteriorated steadily after her 'sort of stroke' (not a 'bleed' but a lack of oxygen from a near total heart block...pulse went down to 12...) and although nobody really knows (or says), it seems to have been ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) where her body couldn't utilize oxygen despite it being pumped in at max and everything just closed down.

    This meant she just slipped into sleep, loss of consciousness and death very peacefully - a blessing for a woman always phobic about cancer! Why it happened, who knows - she was nearly 82, nothing linked to alcohol or anything... I think 'The Big Guy' wants her for something else...

    My Dad is going to be more than bereft...she was his oxygen and blood, his food and water - literally. No one else got a look in....

    I am on my way back there today but trying to wangle a hotel to be near, but not in, that house, at least at night - the nightmares (as of childhood, were waking me up sweating - horrible)...wish me luck with explaining why the hotel without saying anything!

    I know you'll be sending good vibes and I am really (presumptiously!) grateful...I'll get here when I can but think of everyone here too....and trusting that healing and kindness ease any current MWO cuts and grazes...and that courage and strength fill anyone really struggling with the beastly fire-water....etc etc etc

    Hugs all round.
    FMS-TLS (Finding My Self - Temporarily Lost Somewhere...)
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

    Lost My Self - for a bit...

    Oh FMS, I'm so sorry, my heart goes out to you. I wish you strength and love to get through this very hard time.



      Lost My Self - for a bit...

      FMS, I am so so sorry for you and sending you all my love and prayers. Try and take some comfort that you're mam passed peacefully, thats what kept me going last year when I lost Dad.

      If you need to pm, chat, talk, scream, shout, I am here for you, not just now, but later when everything and everyone has gone back to "normal".

      Take care

      love Janicexxx
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Lost My Self - for a bit...

        FMS.......I know this will be hard for you...Take care of you and find some time to "Be still".... We are here and praying for you.
        :h Nancy
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          Lost My Self - for a bit...

          I'm so sorry. Praying for you and your dad.
          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


            Lost My Self - for a bit...

            I am so very sorry FMS ... much strength and love, j
            Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


              Lost My Self - for a bit...

              FMS..... I am so sorry for your loss
              sobriety date 11-04-07


                Lost My Self - for a bit...

                FMS, thanks for checking in with us. Sorry sorry about your mom. Please know we are thinking of you.


                  Lost My Self - for a bit...

                  Sorry about the loss of your mother.


                    Lost My Self - for a bit...

                    I'm very sorry for your loss.


                      Lost My Self - for a bit...

                      My condolances, finding. I lost my mom a few years ago. I think you are a very strong person to recognise that you need a hotel room. You don't need to explain. It's just what you feel is best for you. Thoughts and prayers for you.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        Lost My Self - for a bit...

                        sorry about your mum
                        send all my love hugs
                        there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                          Lost My Self - for a bit...

                          Oh, Finding.. I am so sorry for your loss. What an ordeal for you. These are the times in our lives that are sent to us to really make us go deeper and look at the past and present with more clarity. It is so hard but also so important. Please take good care of yourself.

                          Don't look too hard for yourself right now.. you are there, in all yoru beautiful splendid glory, Finding. You are a lovely person. You are in there. Just be at peace and quiet for now.

                          I wish you all the strength and all my love.

                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                            Lost My Self - for a bit...

                            I am so sorry! May the angels be with you....
                            Attached files [img]/converted_files/443399=3087-attachment.gif[/img]
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Lost My Self - for a bit...

                              FMS -

                              Mu condolences on your Mom and do hope later, you will find this upcoming coming time soothing in its own way.

                              As for the hotel, you need your private grieving and adjustment time too.
                              Please know we are all here for you and do care....

                              My best, Erin


