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The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?

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    The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?

    Obviously we are all different and have to do what 'works' best for us, but I'd be interested to know from those people who have been AF for some time how you approached quitting. What worked best - ODAT or making a strong decision to quit for good?

    I'm re-reading Sober for Good (Anne Fletcher) which covers this question.

    I can really understand the ODAT approach afterall the toughest part of packing in is accepting the fact that our drinking days are over. But then we are left with the question "How long will I quit for?" and do the cravings stay alive as long as that unconscious question has not been answered??? Interesting eh? At the end of my 30 day goal last year, once I achieved it thats when drinking thoughts started coming back.

    Personally, and this IS personally, I feel I need a commitment in front of me, I need discipline and I'm not so sure ODAT gives me that, to me I feel as if I'm saying "I'm not drinking today but I might drink tomorrow" and then I still have drinking thoughts going round my head. Does that make sense?

    Would be good to hear your views and what works best for you as I say, especially the longtermers??


    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?

    Hi Janice,

    I read a thread this morning by Mags in the "Long time Abstainers" forum. It was painfully truthful and yet very helpful. You might check it out.



      The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?

      Hi Janice, the only way I can manage to keep sober is odat, I try not to think about tomorrow. I have also been attending AA, which I did 10 years ago, it is good to go
      to the meetings, especially now smoking is banned. I have started to work the AA
      programme to suit me so I combine AA with MWO. I have not had a drink for some
      time, I have stopped counting days as I'm more likely to slip when I do. I also read
      Mags thread, and agree with Miso.
      Love Paula.


        The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?

        me too

        I am also combining AA w/ MWO and hopefully it works better that way.......I have tried both programs by themselves w/ failures each time..........I don't know if I will ever drink again, being only 10 days AF, the thought of a drink still makes me feel sickuch: ...........very bad "last time"..............hopefully it is just that!!!

        Anyway, the odat approach helps me alot, If I thought I had to do this "The rest of my life", I'd be drunk right now!!! That is what AA taught me (ODAT) and it does help me, now that is just 2cents worth anyway!:cents


        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


          The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?

          ODAT does not work for me....I had to make a committment that I was going to quit drinking.....period. I don't want to battle it everyday. I don't want to feel that drinking IS an option....



            The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?

            I'm a bit like you Chief.

            ODAT is good, but not good enough for me. I have to look at it as that I dont drink, period. Gotta be real about this and I prefer not to take each day as a momentous thing. I also think, what's the biggie with alcohol anyway? I dont eat chocolate either (albeit no addiction), so I wont drink alcohol. I dont have to, it doesnt make the world go round, just another 'thing' and there are other 'things' to choose out there.
            Wake me up low with a fever~Walking in a straight line~ Set me on fire in the evening~Everything will be fine~Waking up strong in the morning~Walking in a straight line~Lately I?m a desperate believer~But walking in a straight line


              The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?

              I think of drinking is not an option for me at all. But I'm having days where I have to ODAT or one minute at a time. I guess I swing both ways? LOL
              Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?


                Not funny. We are all tryinhg so hard, you, me, everyone else.

                What matters is being DRUNK FREE!!

                Whatever that takes...


                Noelle, I did not mean it the way it sounded. I was not doing well yesterday. I am so sorry.
                AF April 9, 2016


                  The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?

                  This is an interesting thread which I will take more time to consider and reply.

                  Cindi I think what Noelle was laughing about was the double meaning of "I guess I swing both ways?" i.e. sexuality. hence the LOL.

                  But you are definitely right.........WHATEVER IT TAKES!!

                  Love and Happiness
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                    The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?

                    Thanks Cindi...not what I needed tonight. Not anywhere close. I'm sorry you're in a bad mood and felt the need to attack me. I'm sure glad I'm old enough to understand.....other's might not have been as nice as I'm being. And trust me....I am being very nice!!!!!!

                    And I come here why?????????????

                    Hippie, thanks, you're right about what I meant.
                    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                      The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?


                      For me it took an honest understanding of who I think I am. Through spending this time thinking I came to understand that I had to committ to quiting. I gave myself two goals last July. Goal 1: 30 days AF w/ MWO. Goal 2: life long AF. I accomplished goal one and am living goal two.

                      Thanks for asking this question Janice.



                        The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?



                        You are just toooooo awesome!! Truly.

                        God love you and help you wth goal #2.

                        I know how hard it is. God's help will make it possible.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          The Abstinence Pledge or ODAT?

                          Is anyone else having trouble opening page 2????
                          AF since 9 May 2012
                          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

