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A Work in Progress

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    A Work in Progress

    I'm starting to feel a certain transgression with my sobriety at present which I'd like to share.

    In the past I have always been stuck in negative thinking patterns and something, I think, is characteristic to those who have a 'drinking' problem. My negative thought process would always blow things all out of proportion and have me believing the world was about to end simply 'cause I couldn't achieve or do something to the standard I expected of myself. I have learned to actually start thinking about how I would of reacted in the past and how to avoid letting that completely take over the situation. I'm in no way perfect and there are still situations where I still have doubt and worry, I wouldn't be human if I didn't. But! there is definitely more 'structure' if you like to my thought process these days which allows me to see things clearer than I have ever done so for 10 years or more!!.

    It's allowed me to have more confidence in myself which will hopefully (fingers crossed) have me studying on a course in Social Sciences with the Open University this May. I obviously want this to count towards a degree in the end but for now I am setting myself goals that are achievable. To study for a degree with the OU doing 1 x 60point course a year would take 6 years for me to complete. It sounds daunting if I look at it that way but If I choose to look at it differently and set myself realistic goals then YES I will eventually end up achieving my ultimate goal namely a degree.

    I have also had some results back from my doctor over my latest liver/kidney function test which may or may not warrant further treatment. The results in certain areas have been high for a while now but have been monitored closely and so have not gone unnoticed. My previous way of thinking would have had me grasping for a spade, digging my own grave and promptly chucking myself in head first!. Anyway I'll wait to deal with things on Thursday when i see my GP.

    I've always said from early on when I decided to give up drinking that my problem was not a drinking problem but a thinking problem. Situations life throws at us can not all be 'sorted' by the power of positive thinking and I do understand I still have a lot of learning to do. I missed out on a big life-learning curve during my impressionable years due to my drinking which kept me from this transgression I am now FINALLY making!!!

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    A Work in Progress

    Hippie, you hit the nail on the head! Drinking is just a symptom - my real problem is my thinking. I can choose to throw a self-centered pity party for myself when things don't go my way, or I can accept them for what they are at that moment in time. Most likely, I can't do a damn thing about them anyway, so why waste my time worrying about it?

    I wish you well on your journey through this thing called life!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      A Work in Progress

      good for you!

      Great Hippie, glad to hear about your awareness! That is great, hope you do well in your class, good to make your goals "attainable"...........:goodjob:

      love ya!:h

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        A Work in Progress

        Hey Hip,

        For a work in progress, it sounds as though you've come a long way and made some real progress in your life. The degree goal is a great one and worth pursuing. You have a great and positive attitude - keep it up!
        Is Addiction Really a Disease?
        Watch this and find out....


          A Work in Progress


          Your post today hit me very hard. Yes, so many years of drinking has stopped our growth!! It is time to take it back.

          Thank you very much.

          Let us know what the GP says, if you feel like sharing. Have my fingers crossed for you that the numbers are all better.

          AF April 9, 2016


            A Work in Progress


            Thanks for sharing that with us - it was inspiring to me.

            I wish you all the best at the GP and your journey.

            Love and Hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              A Work in Progress

              yeh, just remember-- GPs don't know shit.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                A Work in Progress

                are you starting with dd100? an intro to social science? I did it last year and loved it .Im on year 2 with open uni working towards a degree in social science with psychological studies and LOVE IT!!! I cant recommend it highly enough ,its food for the head and working towards something positive. Good luck to you and id be interested to see how you get on .I could foreword you some of last years stuff to give you some insight of whats involved if you like. Let me know.


                  A Work in Progress

                  open uni also have a great forum for each module ,where fellow students can discuss course related issues, so there will be another forum for you to get addicted to! lol!


                    A Work in Progress

                    Hey Limers thanks for the advise and posts you made. I'm starting with An intro to the social sciences: understanding social change part 1 DD121 which is a 30 point module then continuing with part 2 instead of doing the full 60 point course. It's pretty much the same course but it was recommended I start with a 30 point course as I'm new to education if you like. The fingers crossed bit depends on whether I can get subsidized for the course or not. Finding ?300 before registration opens is not something I can afford right now!!. I was so glad to hear they have a forum as well as I think that is going to be extremely helpful for me. I think my ultimate goal will probably incorporate psychology some where, like yourself. but I don't want to think too far ahead at this moment. It would be great to bounce some ideas of you and get some help and advise regarding modules etc. IF I get a place!!! I'm trying to sway more away from the 'IF' idea and more to the 'WHEN' as I really want this; and it is going to help in a complete change of career for me. Also as you say it is food for the brain and I do feel I need a more global approach to things and NOT ideas and concepts according to life and times of Hippie

                    I'll let you know how I progress Limers. I'll PM you my e-mail address if you haven't already got it if things work out for the best. ( I think I sent it to you a while back before Xmas but can't quite remember!!). If you do already have it feel free to send me any of last years material etc.

                    Love and Happiness
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      A Work in Progress

                      you will get a place and you can pay over installments and you will find it a breeze! Your way intelligent and you should enjoy it .Send me your email and i will send you over all las years stuff( I will have to get my son to do this as I havent a clue!!) I had it before but deleted all messages by accident. Im now on dse 212 , exploring psychology which I find challenging and enjoyable in equal amounts! From reading your threads I think you will have no difficulty with any of it.

