Be sure also to let us know if you are affected by any of the problems below. Codemonkey is doing a fabulous job of getting them fixed as quickly as possible once they are reported.
Here's what we've resolved and what remains outstanding:
1) Can't read past first page of any thread. Status: RESOLVED
2) Can't read past first page of threads in photo gallery. Status: RESOLVED
3) User cannot change mood (unfortunately from "crappy"). Status: RESOLVED
4) Some members continually auto-logged out of forum. Status: please see message below
5) Hotel California Syndrome: User cannot log out of forum. Status: please see message below
6) Private message notification *flashing envelope* not working. Status: RESOLVED
7) Private message *pop up* notification not working. Status: RESOLVED
8) Search feature not working. Status: RESOLVED
9) Some members timing out before completing posts: unresolved
10) Member cannot access earlier threads: unresolved
Here's what Codemonkey suggested to another member who was being logged out automatically. BTW, I was having the same problem and cleared both cache and cookies as he recommended, which seemed to work. I am running Firefox. Also note that many members have resolved the issue by clearing their cookies. Here are the instructions for clearing cookies in Firefox and Internet Explorer.
" sensors detect you are using IE 6.0. If you are on XP you might want to ugrade to IE 7.0 not only for easier browser but for more security and compatibility as the web moves forward. Having said that, please check a setting in IE. Click the Tools menu item and choose Internet Options. I forget how IE 6 has the settings arranged but I believe it is the General tab. In there you should find a setting called History or something similar. Click the Settings button. Make sure in there that Check for newer versions of stored pages is set to Automatically. That is the only good setting and God only knows why they have any other choices there as they all cause problems. Then it would be a good idea to hit the delete button next to the settings one to clear old data. With this setting your browser will always check to see if a page is updated and then refresh the cache if it is.
Again I am going by IE 7 so the setting names may be a bit different but it is easy to find. Enjoy.
Oh, this setting applies to you IE 7 users as well."
Thanks, all, for your patience as we work out the bugs.