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Report site glitches here please

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    Report site glitches here please

    Regarding my Drink Tracker problems, the plot thickens:

    I thought perhaps that there might have been a technical problem with my account, so I just tried creating a new messageboard account and I logged into drink tracker with it. No dice. I still have the errors with the new account. I'm having the errors on different computers and operating systems so it cant just be my computer.

    Odd... It must have something to do with my IP address. I just cleared all my cookies in Internet Explorer. Logged into DT with my new account. Entered some drinks for the past few days. logged out. Cleared all my cookies, history, cache, etc.. again. Opened up Firefox. Cleared cookies etc... and logged into drink tracker with this account, which was not the account I entered the drinks in. Guess what? The drinks entered with the other account were listed in this account's DT history.


      Report site glitches here please

      Hi All!!

      I'm not getting alerted by the flashing envelope anymore when I receive new PM's. Is anyone else experiencing thisl? I've PM'd codemonkey personally but think he/she must be away cascading down some style sheets somewhere and munching on banana code. Could people possibly let me know so I don't feel so isolated!!!!lol.

      I'm not sure whether i may of missed something and this feature has been stopped altogether!!


      Love and Happiness
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        Report site glitches here please

        Me too! I also PMd codemonkey and it's been a while. No response. Maybe codemonkey's flasher is broken too! LOL
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Report site glitches here please

          Ha Ha Never thought of that Greenie!!lol

          How ironic that would be!!!

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            Report site glitches here please

            What flashing envelope? Where is it?
            AF April 9, 2016


              Report site glitches here please

              Yup - no flashing envelope here either .... so sad.


                Report site glitches here please

                yes, I noticed my flashing envelope has disappeared as well
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  Report site glitches here please

                  Where is that damn monkey??!!! riding them silly mini bikes again in Calcutta probably!!
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                    Report site glitches here please

                    same flashing envelope...



                      Report site glitches here please

                      ... and also ... I can access all Subscriber features but I can't access the forum part of Subscriber Games i.e. i can't read the current thread "Saving High Scores".


                        Report site glitches here please

                        Me too, Tawn.
                        I pm'd the gorilla last week with no response thus far.

                        * * I love Determinator * *


                          Report site glitches here please

                          I think the monkey must be slacking. I also cannot get into Subscriber Games Forum. Never ever have been there but I tried and was blocked. Don't they know who I am?


                            Report site glitches here please

                            Yes they do and they don't care who you are.
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              Report site glitches here please

                              The code monkey's mood does say 'asleep'.

                              Lushy - please pay a visit to the code monkey.
                              Do you think he takes cream and sugar in his coffee?

                              * * I love Determinator * *


                                Report site glitches here please

                                Hi gang

                                Thanks for the feedback. Codemonkey has started work on some of the new issues that have cropped up and I'll follow up with him regarding the rest. Hang tight, we'll get it fixed.

                                Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!

