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Report site glitches here please

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    Report site glitches here please

    Lucky, well I know for a fact that I am happier interracting with you guys and it definitely makes me feel a lot happier. So that must count for something in the length of life? I know that I was a very lonely drunk not to long ago. Now for some reason I am not so lonely and this place has defintely gave me some confidence in my real life. So I think so.

    Too funny about them bringing their own food :-) Just tells ya that these oldies know Rotten Ronnies is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD for you!


      Report site glitches here please

      I..... still.... cannot.... log in... from ......... home.....

      RJ, and/or codemonkey, if you are reading this: would you post something when you think everything is fixed, so we can let you know if it is NOT fixed, when you think it IS fixed??? I have this fear that you and codemonkey and whoever else have briskly decided "good! that's that!" and gone on home, believing all is well...

      thank you,



        Report site glitches here please

        doing a great job miss jewel, havent had a problem yet, gyco


          Report site glitches here please

          Same was an issue for me tonight. I did eventually get in but that was an error msg I have never received before.


            Report site glitches here please

            Site problems

            Sincere apologies for the recent tech issues. Problems accessing the forum should be unrelated to chat, but we'll take a look at that. I thought we had corrected the IP blocking problem as of Friday/US. WIP: are you or anyone else still prevented from logging on? Please email to let us know. If you can provide your IP address and the error message, that would be helpful. You can find your IP address by Googling "what is my ip?" Then copy and paste to us.

            We've been working with our web host all week to get this fixed. We don't understand why some addresses were inadvertently blocked, but they're lifting them as quickly as they can.

            Those I've been PM'ing directly seem to be back online. I do remember that one member was required to clear his/her cache to regain access...could get on from one link but not another. Not sure why.

            I am getting a kick out of your field reports, but I promise our goal is to have you logging on back at home!

            Thanks for your patience, all.

            Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


              Report site glitches here please

              I'm back on, RJ, thanks for all the hard work in making/keeping this site available... There are so many people benefiting from it!



                Report site glitches here please

                Still can't log into drink tracker for whatever reason.


                  Report site glitches here please

                  Oh, yeah, I forgot about that... I have NEVER been able to log onto drink tracker!



                    Report site glitches here please

                    My ip address is I was captnjack I have created a few other user names to login as every time I attempt to login I get direct to the old My way out site or are sucessful except recieve a message the server is busy try again later. If possible I dlike to be Captnjack and the other names sloop lucyb and dannybouy deleted. If not have I been banned I am so confused because I recieve emial but ever time I respond I get a my way out message saying thank you for your message we pride ourselves on customer service and will be back soon. Sorry its sounds confusing but its is lol

                    Thanks for any help

