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I love you all so much!
I love you all so much!
Today has been a horrid day, but as were here!!!! Thank-you all so much. I will be going to AA tonight. I am nervous and excited about it. I HAVE to stay sobber. It takes days to get over a 4 day binge. Bruises every where, said and did things I normally would never do. I so apologize to anyone I was rude to this week. I know I wasn't myself. My goal here is not to drive people away or make them feel bad. Please forgive my drunken posts this week.Tags: None
I love you all so much!
I have tried it. Topa actually works very well for me. I need to get back on it. I am ordering some. I just wish it didn't take so long to come. But, I am hoping AA will be a good move for me. I am so tired of feeling poorly and screwing up. I had 7 strong months, I gotta get them back.
I love you all so much!
This is the MOST scared I have ever been for you. I am so glad you went to ER.
Did you get some Librium or something to help you in the next few days?
Go to AA tonight, Luv, I think you will be surprised. I believe your area is all non-smoking, can't remember, been to AA in your area, believe it or not. LOL
If you are a non-smoker, you can find meetings that are non-smoking. I know I have tried to get my hubby to go with me but can't ask him to come to meetings where there is smoke everywhere, he simply cannot handle it.
AA is not the "cult" everyone here makes it out to be. I have ALWAYS been welcomed with love, caring and heartfelt compassion, even when I said "I am drunk but here."
No, AA is not the do all end all to the problem, much is left to us but between MWO and AA we can do it.
I love you LUV, you are one of my "special" people. Truly.
Go to AA and listen. I pray to God it is a special message for you.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
I love you all so much!
Hi, sweetie.. I am glad you are going to AA tonight. You sound better. I was away today, but I have been thinking of you all day. Please stay close.
Can you get Topa from your doctor? i finally went to mine and got it. I feel better about getting it from them than the internet. I know I get it sooner and it is always readily available.
Please stay close and in touch.
You can do this, girl. We are all with you!
All my love, Luv.
MMFace your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.
I love you all so much!
Dear LuvUAll,
In my opinion you are a very beautiful, loving person.
You need more than AA at this point. Do not kid yourself. You need to get into an intense rehab program. Do not wait. I know it is difficult with children & reaponsibilities...but this is life or your eventual not put this off..please