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Ever come out of an AL fog and look around and see exactly what you have neglected, besides yourself? Holy shit Batman! My house is a wreck. My dining room table is full of unopened mail. My desk is a mess. Laundry piled up. But I am am on a roll. I can't have TWO black holes! Well three if you count hubby's stuff :H I might just have to leave his kitchen mess for him. No, can't do that because then I won't bother to eat. I feel good and I will feel better when I get my stuff in order. What a fright! I had become another person. AL's wife. That arsehole!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUTTags: None
You will be amazed how quickly you will catch up, though. I am always astonished how much I can get done in a day without alcohol. Absolutely amazing...Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.
Oh, that is too funny Greeneyes. When I drank, I was even more meticulous with my house. I was in my glory running the vac, dusting, mopping, etc... half bombed. The one area that I would mess up was my kitchen. I would get a serious case of the munchies and eat everything in site. When I would wake up the next morning, my kitchen would be destroyed with salsa, chips, you name it, splattered all over my counters. Ugh... what a nightmare..... Not to forget the awful bloated stomach. I was also a good one with spilling red wine on my couch. Thank goodness for my Green Bissel Steamer. Speaking of my couch, it's had its day. I'm going out today to purchase a new couch and love seat. They are looking worn and grungey. Besides, they bring back bad memories. I've woken up with many hungovers on these things and I want them gone!September 23, 2011
A new couch! Great! Hubby eats, snacks etc. on the couch and drops stuff everywhere. The kitty likes to eat off his shirt. :H Sister comes to visit and while we're chatting, New doggie starts digging in couch crevases and eating the residue. I mean working out on them like she never had a meal. I said well, that eliminates a cleaning chore. :Hsigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Green, My house looks like the worst white trash house ever!!! Even after I was AF for 30 days, I still had zero motivation to start. I began taking SAMe a couple of days ago; what a change.
Yesterday I was determined to clean my house. I cleaned for a couple of hours when I decided to rip up the carpet in my family room because a couple of weeks ago I had a plumbing problem and some of the carpet got soaked. Well, underneath there was 2 layers of cheap tile that had to also get ripped up.
So now my house is still not clean, and I have an empty room with bare, nasty concrete. What the hell did I get myself into? LOLGoal 1: Today
Goal 2: Tomorrow
We got a warning from the police department because our yard was so trashed. That's hubby's job that has been neglected. We didn't know what the word (didn't get the dictionary out) was on the ticket thing but I told him I was pretty sure we won the ugly award and wondered if we would get a prize. He didn't think that was to funny. :Hsigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
LOL! I think it is funny, just because I am in the same boat!!
This will definitely keep me busy. Last summer I ripped up the carpet in a large area and acid stained the concrete. It was my first time, but it turned out nice. So yesterday I thought to myself, "This room is 1/6th of the size; I have most of the material left over from before; it'll only cost me $30 or so; I have a week off coming up; why not?" It will be a decent piece of concrete once I put in a zillion hours or so!!! Decades of layers has turned it completely black.Goal 1: Today
Goal 2: Tomorrow
Wait , I wanna know the word, I really do. I like words, especially if they mean messiness. Hey, my place is also a black hole on its own. Friday I had to meet with my tax preparer, and had to tear the place apart at the last minute trying to find all the documents I needed. You'd think MAYBE I would have had to sense to simply keep them all in one file. but NO... lol.
:boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!
Got you beat kittyhead. I haven't even opened my year end stuff. I didn't show up for my meeting. I just called and said I'll bring you a memory stick and just file an extension. And then neglected to do that. I have to change my name to Scarlette O'Harah.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
Things can get pretty jungle like here in the yard if you are not on top of it. Fun now that I am not drinking anywhere near what I used to, that I have been working toward catching up (not gonna say it will ever happen!). Lukalee do you have directions for acid painting concrete? I have concrete by the master bath since 2004 hurricanes. And Renee I envy you your new couch set, that is on the list here as well, that will make a huge difference!The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.