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MWO and AA

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    MWO and AA

    Just so you all know, RJ and I have been talking closely over the past couple of days.....she along with many of you...helped me survive. I am not promoting AA, may be for you, may not. But, as RJ said to me..."DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO GET AND STAY AF". I can not moderate so AF is my only option. AA isn't right for many that can moderate. I applaud any of you that moderate..YEAH for you. Wish I could too, but have to accept after this slip that it will never happen for me and I can not afford another binge week. So, just so you all know I am not saying we all need to run to AA, what I am saying is we all have to stop killing ourselves and I think AA will help me. I think we all just want what is best for each of us to succeed. I KNOW that as you ALL rallied behind me. For those that know me well, I appreciate the tough love too. I wouldn't have stopped drinking this week without a little kick in the butt. So with MWO and AA, I will succeed!! (God willing)

    MWO and AA

    I think you'll do great Luv. Keep an open mind and you'll do well!
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


      MWO and AA

      Whatever it takes Luv! I'm proud of you for taking the next step.



        MWO and AA

        Luv, I totally get what you are saying. I haven't tried AA, but might. I think we all need to do whatever works for us and I applaud anyone who goes to AA. It has saved a hell of a lot of lives! I think the old adage "take what you need, and leave the rest" is wise. I am so happy you are feeling better, sweetie We were so, so worried, and I am in awe of RJ, running such a huge site, for stepping in personally to help someone. Yay RJ!!
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


          MWO and AA

          Exactly, LUV. Do anything it is that you need to do honey.
          We are all here rooting for you!

          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            MWO and AA


            I am so happy for you. You have been to hell and back. You have been on so many of our minds. All one has to do is look at the number of replies/views that have been on any thread/post you have been involved in during the last two days to see how many of us have been following your ordeal. I am so glad that you found your strength.

            I am approaching my 30 days AF (that RJ recommends before trying to moderate, if that is your plan). If I do try moderation, I can tell you that I will be more aware if signs indicate that it is not for me, because you had to strength and courage to share your experience. I am sure that I am not the only one that your experience has had an impact on.

            I wish you all the strength you need in your upcoming path. Your children are lucky to have a mama that loves them as much as you do.



              MWO and AA

              You have brought tears to my eyes. I thought about not sharing my experience, I was embarrased and after 7 months AF, I don't want people to think they will fail too. I wanted everyone to know just how easy it is to slip back in to that life. It is so easy! Hard as hell to rise above, but easy to get in to. If I just helped 1 person THINK before they try moderating I am glad I posted. I PROMISED myself no more lies and hiding. Just be aware of what you are drinking if you decide to moderate. I have tried a couple of times now. Start off, 1-2 glasses and soon was back to my old self.....drunk for 4 days, didn't eat, didnt sleep much. I know you read the other posts so you know how I ended up. I don't want to be there again or see anyone here there. It is not a happy place...


                MWO and AA

                I think you will do great Luv! You already sound so positive.
                Many people have been successful with AA.
                Stay strong.


                  MWO and AA

                  Yay! Go LuvUAll...You will succeed... I know it...You are are Roar....that is what strong women do..Whatever it is they need to do...nothing wrong with AA...whatever works...go for it..

                  So you now you know for go on now will be fine...don't look back!!...the past does not matter!! is all about the present & the future...stay strong for your children...have a great life!!! I know you will

                  Much Love, Chrysa


                    MWO and AA

                    Hey Honey I have been following things quite closely, you have us for sure always. RJ is right go and do what you need to do. AA is good and so is MWO its just what will help you survive right now.

                    We love you,


                      MWO and AA

                      Hey Luv,
                      Never for one second did I think that you were "promoting" AA. You know, one of the amazing things about RJ is, that she supports sobriety and fullfiled lives for everyone.......any way that it works for each one of us! She provided a road map......what we do with that map is up to each and everyone of us. What we personally decide to add or subtract from this program is also a personal decision. I respect and admire RJ so much for this, and many other things.

                      Each one of us is a unique individual, the common thread is that we all have issues concerning the use and abuse of alcohol. I often think, and have even shared this with RJ.......who else could open their doors on the internet and invite a bunch of drunks and allow them to govern themselves, for the most part, and have a place as wonderful as this?

                      Have a Nice evening All,
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007


                        MWO and AA


                        You have helped me, that is for sure. I don't want to go back to where I was before. I feel certain that your experience has prompted more soul searching than you can imagine. Thank you again for being so honest.



                          MWO and AA

                          Thank-you all.........I have seen so many of us beat ourselves up time after time. It is heartbreaking. This past week and the weekend were eye-openers for me. I don't have all the anwers, if I did we'd all be sobber forever and have no more worries about alcohol. It is a relief to have somewhere to come and share with and not be judged. You all have been where I am at one time or another. I am making this attempt as a last attempt. If I should fail, I will go to rehab. I will not kill myself with alcohol.


                            MWO and AA

                            You can do this LUV, you know it!

                            Stay strong,
                            Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                            April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                            wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                            wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                            wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                            wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                            wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                            wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                            I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


                              MWO and AA

                              Actually Luv,
                              you have been one of the posters that I have read the most. Maybe it's the southern 'thang' we share, you SC, me Ga, I don't know but I was drawn in enough to look and see and what I see is ME! Good luck to you and know that my prayers will be with you (and all others)
                              It's all good!!

