Oh, HANNAH!!!! Thank you.. That brightented my morning. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed and it is only 5am! OK.. bringing it back down, girl. YES, yes, yes.. ready when you are....
Cindi.. thanks. My back has been holding up. You know.. I have recently lost 13 pounds, and I tell ya.. it hasn't bothered me much since then. Very ineresting, eh? I am wathching very carefully, though. Thank you for thinking of me..

Thank you everyone else for your kind words.
Today is the BIG move day - the movers are coming, my DD is coming home to the new place - BIG SUPRISE for her in her bedroom (new paint, and fun stuff), and we are staying there tonight. I have two more weeks until I have to be out of this place, so I will finish slowly on the little things from here out. The main things will be there....