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what have you lost?

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    what have you lost?

    after hearing some heart wrenching stories today, i wonder how many of us have lost things due to many have lost a job, their house, their kids? i was surprised today at how many truly hit rock bottom before seeking help. i have lost my fiance' to drinking and driving. i have lost numerous friends too. i have gotten behind on bills...have the money, just not paying, and now i feel my job is in jeopardy. i was SHOCKED today to think i could lose my kids if i dont straighten up. AL robs of us so much. i dont want to lose any thing else.......

    what have you lost?

    yes sobering thoughts indeed. I have been extremely lucky to not have been seriously injured or even dead considering the stupid things I've done while "under the liquid courage". So I'm outta that game while the gettin's good! I've mostly lost brain cells and a lot of productive years of my life.
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      what have you lost?

      yeah we all have lost so much to al and i am finally getting some of my life back. thank god. and you will too. just do your best thats all you can do to stay af. best of luck to you.luv
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        what have you lost?

        When I'm drinking...I lose MYSELF! I used to be this confident girl. But somewhere along the way, I learned to walk with my head down and hate who I am. I used to be kind, and when I drink I am mean. I used to be creative, I could make anything, when I drink all I do is sit in front of the TV and get wasted. I miss the girl I used to be.


          what have you lost?

          The most important thing is what we gain when we live as non-drinkers is our dignity and a clear mind. Living in the past only keeps the past alive. I honestly believe that fear of drinking does not stop us from drinking, at least not me. Constantly reminding myself of how horrible and sad I am when I drink, does not lift me up.

          What works for me is knowing that I am a non-drinker, not an alcoholic who has given up alcohol. I choose dwell on today and possibly tomorrow with hope for a wonderful day. I have no illusions that every day will be perfect as a non-drinker, but what I do know is that I will have the courage to face whatever it is head on, as a non-drinker and be able to more forward, dignity intact.

          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            what have you lost?

            Gosh, this is a sad post - I've been lucky as well and haven't lost loved ones or finances ....I guess I lost a confident, daring girl (me).

            However, I choose to believe that I have grown and learned and will become a confident, daring woman - sober to boot.


              what have you lost?

              Hey Luv

              Am I wrong??? maybe I cant keep track of the threads here..but wasnt it yesterday that you were really in a bad place? It may be me...but I was so worried about you yesterday...and If I am right on the time table...what is going on???

              I say this with love

              formerly known as bak310


                what have you lost?

                I am still in a bad place...sobber 2 days now. I went to an AA meeting, just got me to thinking. It is sad, but sharing helps me. I didnt mean to offend anyone. Just thinking out loud!


                  what have you lost?

                  I have lost the best part of myself...definately. and honestly I miss her.
                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                    what have you lost?

                    feels like i lost ME! Being here has help get the old ME back...just like to say Thank You.x


                    family is everything to me


                      what have you lost?

                      I suppose I have been lucky I haven't lost a lot of material things, but there have been times when I
                      have lost my self respect. Hope you are feeling better Luv, I know you have had a lot tragedy in your
                      life, but you still reached out to me when I was at my lowest, so now I hope I can repay the compliment.
                      Love Paula.


                        what have you lost?

                        In reading this thread this morning, I think I shouldn't have posted this. We need to focus on what we have not what we don't have. I was not thinking clearly....


                          what have you lost?

                          I think it's a fine thread. We need to be aware of what we have or could lose. I have lost my kids trust almost lost my job and had a DWI so lost my driving privlidges for awhile. Yet I kept drinking. Al is a poweful enemy.


                            what have you lost?

                            You didn't offend anyone and I understand what you are talking about with losing things due to AL.
                            AL can rob us of some very precious things.
                            I feel like I have lost valuable time.
                            AL is no longer my best friend and therefore I don't want to waste any more time with this enemy.


                              what have you lost?

                              I HATE AL! He's definately bad! It reminds me of those cartoons where you would see the little Devil on one side saying, "Do it, do it, do it!" and the Angel on the other side saying, "No, no, no!" Al is the devil, not the little devil, a BIG DEVIL, and Al takes everything he can take!

                              Whoa, grusome!

                              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

