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need advice

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    need advice

    I work at a hospital but me and all my staff are contract employees. We have been there 8 years now. Recently, they have decided at the hospital to perform a audit of our contract and are requesting all sorts of documents from me. Some of the request is unfair. I have never been asked to track what they are requesting so I haven't. I think they are just trying to find any reason to get rid of us. This will effect ALOT of people. There are 28 of us. I am not willing to just give them data to cancel our contract. I am wondering if legally I have to assist with this audit? This is what triggered my binge last week. I have ran this contract for 8 years!!!! I was literally thrown in to the position, had no guidance, but have successfully maintained a rediculous goal they set for us. Now, they want to come in after 8 years and audit us and replace us? Never have they made any of these requests before. This is causing me great pain. I am worried for myself, but mainly about the other folks there. We have worked damn hard for 8 years.

    need advice

    LUV -

    First, is this a process audit, procedural/product audit or systems audit? Ask the question.

    Second, a professional auditor will properly scope the audit with both intent and coverage. Get it in writing.

    Third, insist on an agreed-upon timeframe for conducting the audit. The auditee's needs must always be properly addressed in achieving a mutually-constructive audit.

    Most importantly, answer only what is asked. Do not offer information outside the scoped boundaries of the audit. If this is a properly conducted assessment, you should receive a written audit summary allowing sufficient time for corrective action response to findings or opportunities for improvement.

    Do NOT agree to any findings unless the audit proves a lack of compliance to an established, published procedure/standard.

    Good luck, Girlie. PM me if you need any help.

    - Masq
    Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
    :wings: :huggy


      need advice

      Thanks Masq,
      I think they just want to bring the positions back in house so they are trying to dig up something to justify giving us notice.


        need advice

        LUV -

        Keep ALL documentation of the audit in preparation and performance of the assessment. Most importantly, insist they establish intent with a written notice prescribing the audit purpose, scope and timeframe. The scope should elaborate on the standards/specifications to which compliance is verified.

        A true audit is for validation of adherence to standards ... not a witchhunt in search of "reasons or excuses" for predetermined decisions.

        - Masq
        Courage is fear that has said its prayers. - Karl Barth
        :wings: :huggy


          need advice

          Thanks Masq, again. One main issue is some of the things that are in the contract have not been met, they have been in the contract for years, but we have never been requested to do them and vice/versa. There are a ton of things we do that are not in the contract either. We have been there so long, I have had 5 different directors. All have treated me differently and I have tried to keep them appeased. We do a good job!!!! We meet the goal they have set for us even though it is rediculously low and we have to struggle to meet it every week.

